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Chanie Jun 2018
I feel like I been floating
Floating in life
Floating with every step I take
Floating into nothing
Just wasting space

My mind is floating
While my body functions

My thoughts are floating
Yet I can have a conversation

My body is present
Yet my soul is floating

How can I be one whole person?
Without pieces of me floating
I feel everything
Yet I feel nothing

I am emotionless
Yet my insides feel it all

I can breath
Yet I don't feel like I am

I can function
While I float away
Away from you
Away from everyone
Away from everything

Pull me back
Stop me
Stop me
I will float away
All of me
No notes.
Beverly McKenna Jun 2018
I've been wanting to write a song since I was 17 years old.
Put my own things to the side, to help another man grow.
Now I'm here at 25 tryna find what I stand for.
With my little girls eyes watching every move close.
I lost all my sense of pride, had me laying on the floor.
Felt so much pain inside, still couldn't make it out that door.
Felt like I failed my daughter inside, let her see her mother choke.
Saw the pain all in her eyes and knew that it was time to go.
Follow me on Instagram @bevvybud for live poetry
Autumn Noire May 2018
I’m scared to speak out.
Scared to be weak.
That’s not me.
I’m put together.
Born to be super.
But I’m not.
I get tired. I break. I’m not invincible.
And most of all.
I’m not perfect.
Writing is my escape.
It’s where i speak loudest.
I just wish I was heard.
Haylin May 2018
Just once,

                                   I want someone to be afraid of losing me.
Haylin May 2018

Just one
slash on the skin
and enough
blood will gush out
then it’s finished
you’re free
and dead


Easy, not
one sweat would
drip from your skin.
Just drink
don’t pause to
catch a breath
because you wouldn’t be
needing it.


A lot effort,
but will definitely do.
You will need some
time with yourself
and only you.
Tie the most beautiful
knot you could do,
then hang yourself
like one of your
favorite clothes.

Pills to sleep;

doesn’t matter how many.
Drink it all,
and you will fall
deep asleep
and wouldn’t feel it hurt.
It’s just like
overcoming a nightmare.

Intentional Accident;

Wander around
the dark, quiet highway.
Sit for a while and
maybe write a little.
Look around, say,
"I’ll miss you."
And then by now
maybe a car in a hurry
would hit you.


Oh, how calm the
sea looks like.
Would I bother its
sleeping time
if I jumped in it
and hugged it

Trigger, pistol, gunpowder;

Daddy had a pistol
hidden in his drawer.
He said he would use it
if some bad person
tries to burgle.
He only knows of
one kind of bad person.
He never suspected
he was living with one.
Kristina Weeks May 2018
I wretch
My chest in my hands
So precious with its soft blue glow
The helpless weakened flickering

I reach out to the blur
Desperation overtaking
Each spinning around and onward
A cacophony of faces each more terrifying than the last
Laughing with their empty eyes
Each smile a twisted tear on the opaque visage
The cracked and blooded lips spit

Crawling, I offer my light

Fix it

Fix it

Please fix it

A swirling white cloak overtakes me
It’s gaping eyes and contorted smile
Staring through me apathetically like a worn mirror
It’s head snaps as it comes closer

I reach

The tangled tendrils twitch as they envelop my light
Empty holes looking at nothing
Growing darker
The tear twitches, bleeding
Turning downward

The hold loosens
My light discarded like the rest
The cloak dissipates back into the mass
Laughing again

The light flickers

I wretch

No notes here
Lizzy K May 2018
I am growing more and more numb towards consequence
maybe if I get in trouble id feel something
Are the people around me just getting sick or bored of me
Or am I just becoming more and more anti social
To be up front I think both
I want to fall in love
because in the movies that is the cure
to all of this personal disaster
the big kiss saves the girl from death
she becomes happy forever
that is why its called hapily ever after huh
but this numb feeling makes me feel like the princess that just died before the prince could even come.
AiShiJikanMirai Apr 2018
I'm lost
Lost on the road so called "Life"
I've been so lost,
I don't know what road to take.
I'm getting tired on these
These rough road
They say  "there are a path that are destined to everyone"
But why can't I see mine
Are their one for me?  
Are there really a path to take?
Or is it just the end of the road for me?
Elizabeth Been Apr 2018
Do you ever feel like your drowning?
Like no matter what you do your not resurfacing?
Your trying to scream for help but your suffocating?
Your heart is weak but its beating and all you can do is wish it starts quiting.
Your not even living anymore you're just sinking.
Nobody can even see this happening because they arent caring.
You thought you were striving but inside you are just dying.
Your mind is trapped from the constant lying.
Im okay.
I am okay.
No i am not okay!
I am alone!
I am scared!
Its okay i understand your busy...
if been going through a funk and this is how i feel. im screaming in my mind but the words wont form. im trapped so instead i write.
Victoria Mar 2018
My head is full of static, or maybe im made of static, all i know is I’ve lost myself in it and im not sure how to find my way out. Ive lost all feeling, its almost like im not even really here at all.
I feel myself fading, i wish i could save her but i know that she must be long gone now, i feel myself becoming someone else, someone i ******* hate. But i cant stop it the static, the constant feeling of.....

“Forget it, I don’t know. Never mind. Its okay im okay, no its really fine i don’t know its just a bad day, don’t worry about it.”

Static fills my chest as my vision blurs and im gone lost in my head the world around me just gone, everything sounds far away,  sometimes i wish i could stay here forever. Where the world is quiet and i don’t have to feel, or really think, its the closest thing ill get to peace. But i always snap back, and the sounds rush in and I’ve lost another piece of myself.
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