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Viseract Sep 2016
Being the bigger person
Is just a morally high ground
Based revenge
And one that does not seem at all..

But I prefer my revenge to be as low
As the person that acted wrong to me
So that they know my pain
It's called an equal footing
I would apologise for my inactivity, but most of you are probably cursing that I am back. That's humour by the way. If I was right, I reserve the right to say I knew it all along
maxime Aug 2016
“Drown in acid rain,” you told the monster.
Do you think of me that way,
Now that I've hurt her as well?
Because we all know that she can do no wrong,
At least not in your eyes.
So, of course, I must be the one at fault.
Me and my twisted gray world
That blurred all your carefully drawn black and white lines.
She learned that from you didn't she?
She took her worldview from you:
A man that never smiled,
A man that only ever saw black and white,
A man that I completely baffled because I had joy.
That was completely foreign to you.
Does that mean that, in turn, you stole her naivety?
Her happiness?
Her joy?
You forced her into a boring world.
If that's so, I'll meet you outside,
Drowning in rain beside me.
nobody Sep 2016
Hide your heart, with open arms,
impaled on a thorn, piercing your core.
It's just a rose,
a beautiful rose.
Take heart, my dear, take heart.
How the petals do fall, and gently fade.
It's just a rose, a beautiful rose.
Mozalios Aug 2016
Begging and pleading spare my soul and vanquish all who oppose
God of war my life is yours
For the world will feel my wrath as I go down this cursed path
The anger and pain stained on my skin holding my body by the chains of my sins
Mozalios Aug 2016
Alas the crusade sparked vendettas reach
Pools of blood shed boiled with fury
As the shiny spear made its final mark
In the name of vengeance, one solemnly swore
Andrei Marin Aug 2016
There was once a warrior, long long ago, who didn't know what to do, didn't know where to go, to run from his enemy, to hide from his foe.

The duel was fierce, the tides were his, but, when his nemesis he was about to pierce, a silent arrow was released to fly, cutting flesh, it entered his thigh, and so, he was left there to die.

Close to his end, he had a dream, and there before him, stood the forest queen, and said onto him: I give now life onto thee, but if you waste it on revenge, don't turn back to me, try to lead a good life, live it to the full, forget your old life, and don't be a fool!

As she came, the good fairy vanished, and the man went on his way, from his hometown now banished.

He built a new life, far far away, where no one could find him, and hands on him lay. 

But his enemy was smart, he was no fool, he was searching for our man, with rage as his fuel. 

The good man got word of the nearing danger, from the town people, who saw the menacing stranger.

He got tired of hiding, so he strung his bow, took his sword, and faced his foe.

Once again he had to fight, but this time, there was peace in his mind.

He searched not for revenge, so his head was cool, his enemy however, acted like a fool: for he was swinging his sword from side to side, so the archer from behind could not shoot an arrow he could not guide.

Once more the hero was winning the fight, so the archer pulled the poisonous arrow back with all his might, and let it go on it's deadly flight.

A gust of wind then blew from among the trees, changing it's course, riding the breeze, the arrow slid past the innocent fighter, and pierced the heart of the treacherous hearted rider.

When the dust cleared, only the good was left standing, after a long fight, over his dead enemies panting. 

Plain justice was better than any revenge, now his life, for the better would change, he could go back to his old home, or he could start a journey alone, for now he was free, he didn't have to hide, and so, no fear was left in his mind.
I wrote this little story one windy afternoon in the park, but it's a rather simple and childish tale...
TheStartOfMyEnds Aug 2016
Peeking over my shoulders to see the dusty roads in your eyes.
Lowkey, stabbed me hollow with your sausage fingers, Holding a bucket full of holes
Saying it's a reflection of my soul
But Little you know
That I'm the type of girl
Who will crack your perfectly white teeth, smiling
And your queer's behind I ain't lying
Just to patch my bucket soul
And crown myself queen in my sandy bridge to hell's door
b e mccomb Aug 2016
We've been
Through a lot
You and me
Best friends for
How long?
Over ten years
And that's at

Last week
You told me
That if you had
All the money
In the world
And could give me
You would buy me two corgis
Because that's what
I deserved.

But if I
Could give you

I would give you back
Every tear
You ever
Considered crying
Whether or not
It actually fell
All sealed up in a
Case of fancy glass
For you to toast with
At your pleasure.

And I would find every
Who ever
Hurt you
And make them
Feel pain
Kick them
Directly through the
Stratosphere and leave
Them to die
From a lack of
On the moondust
Of who you
Would have been
Without their hands
Around your neck.

I would
Wind the clock
Fast forward through
Your entire
And find some kind
Of cosmic compensation
Celestial retribution
For every lost
Every tainted
Home movie that
Still plays
On the screen
Of your eyelids
At night.

Speaking of night
I would hand you
Every sleepless
You ever lived through
Refund the three a.m.'s
You gambled
And lost to
Smooth away
The tiredness
Soaked into
Your very

And I would hurl
You ever believed
About yourself
Down into the
Hellfire and brimstone
Where it came from.

Because all you ever
Was peace of mind.
Copyright 3/3/16 by B. E. McComb
I love you.
Viseract Aug 2016
You took from me
You made me mad
I realised the truth
It made me sad

Something I loved
Cost so much
Retribution to me
Is not enough

Revenge and strength
A broken gift
Tables will turn
The tide will shift

Karma strikes
I hope it hits you hard
Because you gave me pain,
Both sad and mad
some f*cker stole my $600 bike.. it had value more than the 600 dollars I bought it for... but this isalso reference to many things of my past.
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