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I've been staying up at night,
Burning the midnight oil.
Thinking about our fights and something didn't feel right...
I don't deserve you...
I do not deserve you in the ways that you treat me.

I know that I was wrong,
and you always played along.
Even when I had hurt you, you still loved me,
we looked like fools.
I don't deserve you...
I do not deserve you in the ways that you treat me.
A rough blurb of inspiration. Haven't written in a while. I hope it is something you all can enjoy
Doy A Aug 2020
And I,
for the first time
in a very long time,
heard the birds sing
and felt the wind against my face
and only had one thought:
"This life is so beautiful."

And I,
for the first time
in a very long time,
allowed myself to breathe
and let go of my worries.
And I looked up at the sky
and it was so clear.

Clearly I,
for the first time
in a very long time,
loved myself
and chose myself
Kahou Eru Dec 2019
You want perfection
While I hold your baggage
But can you hold mine
For just a second
Oh wait you can't
I see
Also do you want to
Remain blameless while
I hold all the stakes
Well that's fine too
Let me spoil you
Even with you
Sitting on my back
That's that true real love
I doubt there
Ever be a tipping point
As I carefully hold it in
With no spaces
To vent
As I smile
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
It seemed so much had been lost.  

So much had slipped through
A grasping hand,
A yearning heart,
A desperate mind
As mine.

The dull march of days present
Was shadowed by the
Gloom of regrets and
Shrieked by a shrill wind at lonely,
Bitter hours.  
What was mine? What was ours?
Gone for good and all?

My love, it seemed, was only
Ever a dark dream.
In my swelling and stinging agony,
Love was
As a locked door
And my heart was a bloodied fist
Beating against it.  
A wraith-like specter of doubt clung to me
With oppressive raiment,
Scrapping over exposed skin
Like course, mortifying fabric.  

Then, from out of a pristine past,
A voice  
Called out to me.  
The herald of an angel
Rung clear and glad as winter bells,
The dark narcissus of mortality was
Driven off!
The burial cloak was split;
The stone was rolled back!  

A hope newly found
Surrounds and soars above me,
As a deep, azure ribbon of
Stretching, unending sky!

I am imbued with cheering thoughts
Of our days gone by!
Glories recalled in a moment relived;
Revelries and song lifted with voices
And hearts, stout and full!

With my beautiful Eurydician queen;
Returned, she was,
From an underworld of time.
We coax and stir
The memories of first passions,
Innocent, powerful and pure.
We are now bending
The arc of our history,
Rending the precious pearl of affection
From the murky domain of
A love denied.  
Renewed and viewed through  
Prismic fractures of sadness
And through the sharp focus
Of blue eyes, in rapt recognition,

Today is reborn,
Lived again and again,
With each pulse of the clock,
Each beat of my heart.  
The blood within
Is purged of that familiar poison.  

All is potent and refreshed:
You, your face, your voice, your touch, your scent,
Your vibration pours to and through me, once again!
Oh, true friend,
Tender lover,
Gently knocking at my door.
You return from distant lands
Remote and misty,
Bringing light and love
To my lonely shore.
I approach from my realm,
Far removed.  
Age and ages have chiseled
The shape of my soul.
In part, it is smoothed;
Refined with wisdom, empathy, and clarity.
Also, though,
It is,
In part,
Broken, jagged, and cracked,
As the forgotten sculptures
Of ancient empires,
And doomed.

Yet I realize, all at once,
That I am not forgotten.  
I am not doomed
To shadow.
I breathe,
I seek,
I still have hope and
Words to tell!
And I still have my love for you!
My life is now freed from that
Sad spell.  

This breath,
This stony soul
(Sculpted by the Artist of Pain)
And this trammeled heart
Trembles in desire of
Your beauty,
Your touch and
Your presence --
Your calming presence,
Bringing levity,
And familiar stories of
Hopeful remembrance.  
From love recalled,
Comes your unexpected
Embrace and
Sweet sign of friendship.

That time of distress has come and
Gone and we turn to discover that
Our tender connection remains,
True and undefeated!
It rises with the earliest song
Of still sleepy birds,
Lilting on the cool air of the morn.  

This uplifting emotion
Again flows within me,
As an angel granting absolution,
Touching me in a place
As deep as first love.  

Mourning and its endless blue,
ends in a journey that
makes us value and love again;
mornings in endless blue.
Àŧùl Jan 2016
Baby, I miss your smiles,
I love my laughter even more.

Baby, I miss your voice,
I enjoy my silence even more.

Baby, I miss your eyes,
I nourish my health even more.

Baby, I miss your heart,
I listen to my heartbeats even more.

Baby, I miss losing myself in you,
But yes, I have found myself again.
My HP Poem #961
©Atul Kaushal
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2015
I cannot describe that day
When mine was poem of the day
I was thrilled till dusk from dawn
That day a poet was reborn
I've never been one for nicknames but I'd add on the Poetry Child, just that I'd be breaking my principle ...
Just wanted to say thanks to all for yesterday...I had never considered myself a poet till then
Michelle M Diaz May 2014
I sat in my room, like I'd done every day of my life
I looked up at the ceiling, the room hot, the moon streaming through the window
and I thought , all by myself, no voices to interrupt,
What does happiness feel like?
I've been shut out from the world, alone, sad, in darkness for far to long
to even remember what true happiness is.
For years, I've yearned for perfection, nothing but perfect was good enough, but I've learned; slowly, eventually, that perfect isn't real. Nothing can be truly perfect, and perfection doesn't yield happiness.
So I thought what does?
Criticizing myself isn't the answer
wishing I could disappear isn't the answer
the voices aren't the answer
I also realized the voices can be wrong
no, the voices are wrong
So with this revelation, a journey lies ahead.
A long, tedious, and possibly the hardest journey I will ever take.
Certainly not the last.
I need to rediscover myself.
Reinvent myself
figure out who I am, so that I can learn to love myself.

— The End —