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showyoulove Nov 2024
Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Give me the love of a teacher
The patience of a caring parent
The wisdom of the aged ones
The energy and joy of the young

Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Give me the vision of the dreamer
The hope from a heart filled with faith
The peace of a life lived in grace
The satisfaction of knowing you

Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Give me the zeal of the preacher
The depth and breadth like the ocean
And the delight in my daily devotion
The firmness of a foundation on the rock

Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Give me the hands of a healer
The power of persistent prayer
The knowledge that you are there
The courage to accept the answer

Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Give me the faith of the truest believer
The purity of principled passion
The clarity of the chosen calling
The strength and fortitude to ascend

Lord, give me the heart of a seeker
Look with favor upon your creature
For, I still need a savior, a redeemer
The love of your law makes me freer
And as I go, draw me in ever deeper
Desire Aug 2023
Our debts are paid; all sin is slain.
To live is Christ; to die is gain.
Acts we render; faith we proclaim.
According to His holy Word and Name.
To choose Him who chose us, is to give God praise.
The chaos will come; our voices still raise:
Hallelujah, my God, by whom I am saved.
May our lives on this earth be a glimpse of God’s grace.
This, we pray, in Jesus’ name.
I write of mine inner most
feelings as ye had ventured
in thine ink to me ons before.
Our paradise my father's forestland
there was I my dad's queen of our  Sierra Madre green tree land
Oh! Adam a hero lives in thee.
Thou it seems not too long yee
have stood and looked down
one ancient road on our path
as far as thine eye could see
to where it bent in
the undergrowth.
There mine soul layed long
upon a grieving stump

True love soul redeemer youv
Earth might pass away
but not thine word.
Oh hold me near thine heart
this Eve knowed thee.
and thine beige yarn
on finger, I still wear.
Mr.And Mrs. Andrews
with Karijinbba.
Bhill Mar 2020
the current redeemer is fabricated with excess intentions
the never-ending fabrications erupting, are frightening
obviously, we hope for a future
a future back to the past present

Brian Hill - 2020 # 76
Can we ever go back?
blackbiird Feb 2019

Does the sun miss the moon
When it’s sleeping?
Does the hand miss the thread?
When it’s no longer spinning?

Is the child no longer?
Dependent on its mother
even after he or she
reaches adulthood?

Is a clock is still a clock
Even when it’s not ticking?

So tell me how could I
Possibly miss the chance
To dance with my first love
for the rest of my days.

For the brokenhearted, may you confide in Him for whom is the healer of all things.
Look! A new star up above
A new wave is come upon us

Just as prophesy foretold
A child is born
Beneath Bethlehem's night sky
Wrapped up in swaddling cloth

O what a beautiful babe we have here
On a mission he has come

How do we welcome Him
Who did not just come but
Has always been in the beginning
With God

And is God
The Creator

The One who created the heavens and the earth
Said let there be light and there was light
The One who is King,  commands chariots of fire
With warrior angels at His disposal

His throne he leaves and now
He cries in a lowly manger filled with hay

JESUS is His name
O Sweet Baby Jesus
Vulnerable like the ones he came to save
O King Baby Jesus

The only one of his kind
Was, is or ever will be

For love is often given to babes when they are born
But love He brought with life's first cry
Love He taught,  Love He showed,  Love He gives
To all even though....

He comes so all can have life
Life in abundance

Yet He chooses to start life with an adventure
On a donkey,  across country
On the run from King Herod
Who was threatened by a little baby

O Great little one
Born with a destiny so grand

HE has chosen to live by example
For to save us,  HE becomes us to show us
Obstacles,  temptations, naysayers surround us
But our eyes we fix on the price

Just as HE did on the cross
For He lives so he would die

Die that we may live not only this life,
But the one eternal with the Father
His Father - God
For He has come to do His Father's work

This is His Son in whom HE is well pleased
Follow Him the new star

Like the wise men from the east did
With their gold, acknowledge his Kingship on earth
Adore His Priesthood,  Reverence His Sacrifice
Everyday for they are frankincense and myrrh

Treasures fit for the new born baby
The second person of the Trinity


©Belema .S.  Ekine
Merry Christmas everyone
Me! I! Myself! Mine!

I shout these words in militant exertion,
Demanding people to stop,
Commanding them to hear,
Ordering their full, undivided, worshipful attention.

"Am I not the centre of the universe!? Listen to ME!" I scream,
And sulk like an angry child as the world continues on,
Unperturbed, unaltered, un-adoring,
Without even noticing my voice.

If no one else will pay me heed,
Then I, at least, must do so.
So I worship my own image,
And prostrate myself before the alter of my self conceit.
I sing my own praises to my own ear,
And ******* myself to myself
in a vain attempt to satisfy my undying vanity.

Oh, you vainglorious *******!
Made illegitimate by the illegitimacy of your false worship
And the hypocrisy of your heart.
Do you not know, you were made to kneel? Fashioned to bow,
Not to your own image, but before the visage if Him Who made you in His own likeness
That you might bear within yourself the most sacred cartouche,
The most precious signet,
The most holy seal.

For you have been called to higher things than this broken clay vessel you defile with your adulterous worship.
Oh, you conceited fool!
Puffed up in your own pride,
Unaware of how utterly worthless you have made yourself.

And yet your Maker still stoops from Heaven
To hear your piteous moans,
And His heart weeps to see your self-inflicted wounds.

Thus He reaches down
And whispers His deepest Love to you
While you are yet gleefully drowning in your sin.

So unaware are you of anything but fleshly gratification.
But He touches you,
When you least expect it.
Like pearls discovered in a dung heap,
He surprises you with the Treasure of His Grace.
And with the tenderness of His Loving touch,
Lifts you from your mire and whispers in your ear:

"Oh, my Little Worm, I am your Redeemer."
The primary concept behind this poem comes from the Bible in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 41, verse 14. In this chapter, God is speaking to the wayward, sinful people of Israel. In verse fourteen, He says " 'Fear not, you worm, Jacob, you men of Israel! I am the One who helps you,' declares the Lord; 'Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel."

The way that God calls His people a "worm" struck me. Because it's not used as an insult, or said in disappointment. But rather it is spoken as though this little worm, most worthless of all the creatures, was especially dear to Him. He loves us despite our lowly, worthless state. And He whispers this promise over His Beloved worm: "Do not be afraid. For I am your Redeemer."

Oh, how beautiful is that!
Cynthia Mar 2015
As i stand at midnight cold and shivering from the rain,
Thinking of the feeling of loneliness and an empty heart, pondering why my happiness went away.
I remember the decisions that brought me here.
I remember what the world offered me.
Yes, i was happy, but with an empty heart.
As i stand at midnight, i remember my best friends: regret, defeat, loneliness, and no purpose.
Then one day You came into my life,
you asked me if i had pain,  if i was tired, if felt lonely!
Yes, i was tired,
Yes, i had pain,
Yes, i felt all alone.
Suddenly, i felt You carrying me in Your arms, healing every scar within me, and offering everlasting love.
I felt your presence,
I couldn't see You, but I knew
You were with me.
I heard You whisper, "I will never leave you, I paid the price for your happiness, for your pain, for your loneliness, come and drink from my water and you shall never thirst again. Love me as I loved you first."

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
K Balachandran Jan 2015
Love was the lone window lit in that long wintry night
the vivid book that kept talking even  in sleep, evoked dreams
when he slipped in to the deep pit of dark blind abyss
love was the rope ladder to the rainbow bridge of hope
she frequented, but won't recognize his presence for a while.

love compelled him to compose songs that would stop
the flow of tears, his eyes were never dry even when slept,
it was the stone wall that shielded him from the fire of misery
the rain that came down in torrents when his broken heart
was parched dry in a cruel spell of drought that seemed endless.

Alone on the shore, washed by waves he heard those whispers
love speaking to his psyche, in a comforting tone, reminding mom,
gently love took him by his hand,led him through the rocky path
sharp thorns and rocks wounded him, gathering nightmares
chased and haunted him; love came along in many disguises
and comforted him,chanted potent mantras of endurance, gave hope
love was both the charioteer and messenger, true redeemer
Ethan Titus Nov 2014
Fallen from grace, that is the current state of man
Held down by the shackles of sin to the prison of death
Seeming destined for a sentence of eternal damnation
Yet it was seen fit by You, oh righteous one, to break our shackles and tear the prison asunder by the means of a man
Setting before the rest of us a path that we can follow
Had you not sent us a man, we would have made the decision of extreme rationale, that a higher being could not be immitated and we would have made peace with our eternal cells
Yet it was a man You sent, in Your infinite wisdom, for You are righteous
Deliver me, oh redeemer, deliver me from the confines of death
Annoint my head with Your oil so that my cup runneth over
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, Almighty One
Lead me to Your treasure chest
For it is a bountiful one
Filled to brimming with Your knowledge, Your understanding, Your wisdom, and Your grace; Your mercy and lovingkindness
Give me not the key, but withhold nothing that Your servant asks of You in faith
When I seek, I find.
When I ask, I am given.
When I knock, the door is opened.
Deny me my own ways and instruct me in Yours
Break my heart of stone and give me one of flesh
Redeem me
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