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S Oct 2016
"You sure do smile alot"
The birds always say
"You betcha"
I reply with a smile

But open my purse
And ask for a nurse
Because it's filled to the brim
Sorry if this is too grim
But my purse is a house for razor blades
*Trigger warning*
Shadi El Asaad Oct 2016
Last I could remember was my sister,
Running towards me with a sharp blade and blood blister.
Vacant mornings and bed of plain routine,
2 years past since the loss of queen.
Neck eternally stamped with a razor knot,
Thoughts nevermore within vengeance plot.
But sobered up, I’ve seen it all before,
No sister nor blister, a schizophrenic lore.
Your beauty is just like a razor sharp to cut
Under the circumstances love acts as bandit
Even then love pierces me as a stray bullet
Let my sweetheart touch in trance the infinite

Very many lovers has been butchered by love
What you do is in vogue for centuries not now
Procedure remains same in where what and how
But Still I love you my just real innocent dove

You have taken over with your alluring beauty
Now I am totally in the servitude and not free
I will remain as such whatever circumstances be
Which never dies down love is evergreen tree

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Tehreem Aug 2016
I lay here between cold sheets
Wide awake in dark room
While you are drowned in sleep
I can only envision your face
Saying your name on repeat
Broke as a broken record playing
Yearning for your arms to encompass
Like an addict on rebounds
A question with all wrong answers
Psychedelic story I lived you
Held too close to let you go
You are saturated in my bones
Your thoughts invading my mind
Razor sharp words ripping me apart
A friend of Misery.
Viseract Jul 2016
I look down at my arms
All I see is scars
A mistake I made
When Nightmares wouldn't pass

That's my self-critic
He's called Nightmare
And he says that I'm worthless
Whispering to me **** that ain't fair

And sometimes I can't help it
I listen
And I watch the blood flow
In the dull light it glistens

And I see it, picture it
Before it even happens
Then I grab up my razor or knife
And all I feel is nothing

Blood flows,
Time slows
And in my rage
I let Nightmare be my boss

I go to work
So mad, furious and bezerk
Spiralling me, turning me
Into the Nightmare that is me

A part that I hate
He's so ******* ******* this
This soul that only wanted to
Make others smile by pulling the ****
Dunno what to say... it's already been said
Pauline Morris May 2016
The new wounds I made last night
Reminds me today things are not right
Not right in my life, not right in my mind
Hell, to my own self I can't be kind

The sting of my new scars remind me all day
That I am still living in the gray
I'm still alive, but not really living
The blade is so unforgiving

So I trudge through my time at work
Dealing with the many jerks
Begging the time to fly faster
Trying to elude disaster
For over my emotions I am no master

I just want to run back to my hole
It's the safest place I know
But that is also where my pain hides
A million tears I've cried
Where the razor slides
Where I almost died

But there is no one there to see the mess I make
How the ground beneath me quakes
Or to hear the screams that from my lips brakes
When from the nightmares that I wake

No one throws me a bone
I'm so very much alone
But thats ok
No one can deal with me anyway
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Self mutilation
Tattooed invitation
Thoughts confused
A razors used
Skin engraved
Scars won't fade
Mind unwind
Blood divine
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
I pick up my razor, I put it back down
Like a tethered race horse, I'm pacing around
My pain is overwhelming
It just keeps swelling
I could slice it away
That's the direction I sway
Thin little lines all in a row
Just to let all the pain go
I need the sweet release
It'll come with such ease
I'm ready for the blow
The warm liquid flow
Please forgive me
Please don't look, don't see
I was to weak
The blade I seek
Kerri Apr 2016
The cold locket
She gave you
Slipped from your neck
Falling between
Your bare *******
And down past
Your broken heart

You hugged
Your knees
That they might
Save you
And hold you
For just a
Little while

Staring at your
In the
Lukewarm water
That stagnated
At your thighs,
A white
Porcelain refuge
Surrounded by
Moldy tiles
Was your solace

The salty leakage
From your
Forest eyes
Fell faster
Than the
Squeaky faucet
That never stopped

The cool
Air grazed
Your spine
And sent
A peppered
Patch of
Chill bumps
Down your arms,
But you
Didn't seem
To mind

All you
Could feel
Was the
Broken pieces
Of your heart,
S c a t t e r e d
In the water
Slicing your body
Like tiny
Razor blades
By their
Jagged, Uneven

With one
Flip of
Your toe
You whispered
As the necklace
That she
Gave you
And the
Pieces of
Your heart
That she
Took from you
Slid down
The drain,
Into the
Place Where
Broken Hearts Go.
A story of the place where most girls go to deal with their broken hearts: A good cry in the bath tub.
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
Slice slice slice
All over my arm.
Slash slash slash
All over my thighs
Cut cut cut
All over my hips

Making Roman numerals all over my skin
Hoping it will silence the voices within
Letting the blood run down and around
Hoping agony will drown and run aground.

My skin will mend
My bleeding will stop
But scars will remain
Penned onto my heart.
I, myself, do not cut or inflict self-harm. But after meeting so many people who do, I wrote this for them in January of 2016. It's my tribute, my love for those who do.
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