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Pauline Morris Apr 2016
She bearly made it Through the day
Now in the car and on her way
Trying to hold back the tears till she's at home
But as she starts to drive and think the tears start to roam
Hard to drive vision blurry
Press on the gas pedal, in a hurry
She just wants to be locked into her room
She feels the end is coming soon

When he meet her he knew she was scarred and broken
But love, hope, and dreams where spoken
She started to belive again
To her it was more precious than a lottery win
They talked and Skyped
Way into every night
She started to look forward to the day
It had been years and years since she had felt that way
She wore a happy face instead of a frown
Because love had FINALLY been found

Four months latter on her way home he sent to text
She was driving she couldn't check
The third he sent said I know you seen them won't be played like that
She read that and it took her aback

Just like that he deleted her out of his life
Just like that she was in worse agony and strife
The cruelest thing he could ever do
To give love to the unloved, hope to the hopeless, dreams to the one that had given up on them, then call it through
With no rhyme or reason, no closer
One minute in heaven, then ****, it was over

Now she roboticly gets through the day
So she can go home and lock herself away
In her room she hugs her pillow, and drenches it in tears
She cries into it so no one hears
Just how her heart has been crushed to dust
For she had given him more than just trust
She had laid herself bear to him, had even dared to dream of a happy future
But now her arms and legs need sutures

Because she tried to let the pain out
It didn't work not even when she tried to shout
For she had seen the light
It had been so bright
It had felt so right
Now the darkness is darker than ever
They will never be togeather
The deepest agony is she don't know why
For years you will only see her cry
Locked in her room, away from it all
Only the razor to her now calls
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Make the cut, make it deep make it wide
There's nothing left, nothing to hide
Let all that's in me come outside

**** this life
**** this strife
**** everything that's rife

Give me the gun, I'll plant the bullet
In the head or in the gullet
Triggers stiff, but I'll still pull it

**** this life
**** this strife
**** everything that's rife

Theres no mercy on the edge of the blade
Look at the mess this life has made
All my dreams have been mislaid

**** this life
**** this strife
**** everything that's rife

I'm so lonely, in this hell
The darkness has me under it's spell
Can't you hear the toll of the bell

**** this life
**** this strife
**** everything that's rife

For this darkness I don't need to spread
So I'll just lay here in my bed
Watching the sheets trun red
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
On her knees, head in her hands
Crying, she's seen the promised lands

As she sits shackled in razor blade chains
The only thing free is the thoughts in her brain

She is only there to bear witness to the fortunate souls
That deserving or not, get to cross to the land of gold

Her fate was sealed before her birth
She's made to pay for the sins of others, it is her curse

She watch's soul after soul enter the land
She was forsaken in it to stand

So as the razors slice and bite
She set's her mind free, what a beautiful sight

From deep insides there shines this light
It becomes a beacon, it's so bright

With every slice of the razor
Thought to withstrain her
More light pours through
But the razor chains cuts ensue

Till all the light in her pours out
Through her lips a slight whimper escapes, ment to be a shout

Darkness reclaims where it always belonged
Another souls claimed, the ding after the ****

She was only born to watch the happiness of others
She was only born for agony to smother

She was only born to bear witness
To the beauty in darkness, mother nature's mistress
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Scary is the only way to describe these feelings
Scared that this sorry life has no meaning
Scared of living life all alone
Scared of all the hatred I've been shown
Scared that I will soon act on my thoughts
Scared my razor on my skin will soon slide across
Scared of all thats gone wrong
Scared to simply live on
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Demons walk this house of mine
They do it at night from time to time
They frighten my guests
And startle my pet's
My cat just sits and stares
My dog her teeth she bears
They just push her aside
She runs and hides

They walk last night again my floors
So I got up and shut the bedroom door
Of course they do what they alway do
My door they pass right through
I tried to ignore them as on my bed I sat
But not tonight they would have none of that
They were there to chat

What do you want, I asked with disgust
They spoke with the tongues of cosmic dust
We are here to watch and savor
Your situation will soon be much graver

Three shadow men in front of me stood
Glowing eyes stared out from under their darkened hood
One pointed at the table, one at the razor, one at my hand
Time it slowed, the hourglass lost it's sand

Then they said, we are here for you our dear friend
My hand started to shake, and then extend
I gave them a determined look
And pulled my hand back although it shook

You can make me cut, you have many times before
I know it's the smell and taste of my blood you adore
You can even make me take my life
They laughed so hard at that, We only want to bring you strife
You silly human child
It's not you blood we desire

Although we do like to watch your blood flow
What we want is the pain to grow
It's just a plus to make you bleed
But it's on your human soul we feed
And your agony makes it all the more sweeter
So your life we make sure it's so much bleaker

I ordered them out of my room
I demanded they take their gloom
They swiftly moved, pinned me down and entered my head
And now I'm wishing that I was not food but dead!
Maggie Emmett Mar 2016
The barbed wire is wound
and catches tight
around the torso.

Razor wire loops limbs
and worries the skin
to stillness.

There is a hot wire passed
through the skull
and down the spine
pulled tight and taut
and electrified.

Pain only lives
roasted in the core
of reality.

© M.L.Emmett
original unpublished poem13/06/99; revised 16/02/2016
No longer feeling this pain
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
I'm standing on the ledge again
How did it all begin
I was minding my own business
But it struck with such quickness
Where did that razor come from
I'm afraid I might succumb
It was like magic it just appeared
The temptation to pick it up is something to be feared
Because if I do I'll slice from ear to ear.
Pastell dichter Jan 2016
I wanted to draw in silver
But it came out **red
Emmer-lee Jan 2016
You made flowers grow in my throat in the form of laughter only to tell me your true name is winter and they will soon die.
They will be replaced by alcohol and sobbing at 2am alone in my room until I cannot feel anything anymore.
You will be the worst winter I have seen and I have seen bad winters.
My mind will be that car flipped over railing after losing it on an icy road
It will not matter when Spring comes along because Spring will not have a chance, for I died on that icy road when I found that thin piece of metal that was not made to **** me.
prc Dec 2015
staying up til 5:30 at night just so i can see the daylight
making everyone smile just so their happiness lasts a while
trying my best to stay strong when everything goes wrong
punching walls when i remember it all
scream and shout when people start to doubt
press a blade to my wrist when i'm feeling ******
my eyes squeeze shut when people yell at me
i just wish that i could be free
this is very personal and really ****** sorry
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