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AM Aug 2015
I'll tell you what's funny
it is when you look at me
and have no idea whatsoever
that you put my heart on a race
where it keeps pulsing restlessly
but never reach the first place
kneedleknees Jul 2015
pierced by my own punctum
I'm the Tacitus of my times
scrawl from pen to page
scrawl from pen to page
. . .
seas of needles and crestin waves
the climate's been bound to change
climates been bound to change
I aint reachin for the needle no more
but needle still reachin for me
. . .
scrawl from pen to page
scrawl from pen to page
and I need water
ink been bound to dry
throat been bound to close
jaw been bound to lock
she's a cuckoo, but whose the clock?
she's a cuckoo, but whose the clock?
. . .
Liis Belle Jul 2015
A different skin tone
A different tongue
What does it matter?
We’re all born young –
Innocent and naïve
Until the world infects
Our minds and makes us harm
The world we should protect

A different belief
A different home
But what is the difference
Between “Hi” and “Shalom”?
Or “As-Salamu Alaykum”
And “Peace be with you”
In the end we’re all humans
Christian or Muslim or Jew

And it’s all rather silly
If you care to think it through
How we need to differentiate
And separate me and you
Just because we were born
In a slightly different place
Into a different religion
Into a different race

‘Cause we’re humans and we bleed
The same colour of red
We need the same things
To be loved and fed
Even if I lived a world away
It matters not in the end
We’re all in this together
You and me, my friend
Ashley Etienne Jul 2015
Do you know the meaning of "stop and frisk"?
I'm sorry black brother, you do.
Have you ever had to change your voice in order to get a job?
I'm sorry black sister, you have.
Have you ever had to remove your hijab because you needed to take a flight?
I'm sorry brown girl, you have.
Has anyone ever insisted you have extensive knowledge on every school subject?
I'm sorry yellow friend, someone has.
Have you ever been told to go back to your country, despite the fact that you're already there?
I'm sorry red man, you have.
Have you ever been called and illegal immigrant, but you were born in the u.s?
I'm sorry Latino friend, you have.
Have you ever been told that racism doesn't exist and, by someone with pale skin?
I know I have.

So this is to the ones who have been told that they "aren't black enough" because they use proper grammar and their pants don't sag.
The brown boys with beards that get called "towel heads"
To the Asian kids that are just as smart as the next guy.
To the native Americans that still get called Indians.
To the brown girls that get told that they don't have to wear their scarves because "we're in America"
Racism is still a problem in the U.S. And a lot of other places.  
It's a problem for everyone who isn't white.
So for someone to say it doesn't exist, is just infuriating.
We are dying every day and people say its our fault.. But they're killing us.
Steven Gosling Jul 2015
Life’s an awful rat race,
and it’s getting trickier and trickier,
so forget the woes you can’t face,
and do nothing in particular.

When life starts getting real tough,
relax from the perpendicular,
lay back and kick your shoes off,
and do nothing in particular.
Francie Lynch Jul 2015
With the box lid closed
It's dark inside,
There are no colours
We can't abide.
But a golden sliver of light seeps in,
To expose the colours there within.
We see red when enraged,
And scarlet dancers crowd our stage;
A red-blooded male brags virility
Through rose-coloured glasses of masculinity.
Some grow green with envy,
Reveal they're yellow in enmity,
Are blue when feeling empathy,
Turn blue holding out for sympathy,
Are tickled pink with comedy,
And white as a sheet with tragedy,
Or brown-nosed with syncophany.
If your yellow-bellied you may run,
And green-gilled after Jamaican ***,
Write purple prose when versifying,
Ashen coloured when you're dying.
True colours show outside the box,
Use grey cells to colour unorthodox.
Our true colours are harlequin,
That fade to black at our end.
Big Virge Jun 2015
You know ...
I'd rather ... Stand Trial ... !!!
than ... " Live in DENIAL " ... !!!!!
cos' ... "Denial" ... is a ...
..... " SICKNESS " ..... !!!
that's groWING ... with ...
..... " Quickness " ..... !!!!
Denial ... of ... "TRUTH"
makes me ... Hit the Roof ... !!!
But ... is ... NOT ...
.... " A Problem " ....
I have to ... go through ... !!!
Is ... " DENIAL " ... You ... ?!?
If it is ... You're a ... FOOL ... !!!
You must have ... " ISSUES " ... !!!!!
DON'T ... Lie ...
to ... Yourself ... !!!!!
Why be ... " So Untrue " ... !?!?!
I haven't got time ... !!!!!
to feel ... " Sorry " ... for you ...
SEE …… !!!! …….
That's what I mean ...
I Don't ... Lie to people ...
My Conscience ... is ... CLEAN ... !!!!!
I've Lied ... in this life ...
But ... Don't think ...
that it's ... Right ...
to keep your opinions
"well hidden" ... from sight ...
So ....
Let's talk about ... WHITES ... !!!!
It's ... THAT TIME ... !!!!!
to deal with .... " Racism " ....
in ... " Poetic Rhyme " ... !!! ...
Some white folk ... are ...
........ SLIME .......... !!!!!!!!!!!
These people are ... " Primed "
to ... " LIVE IN " ... DENIAL ... !!!
Pretty much ... " All The Time " ... !?!
I just can't ... " COMPREHEND " ... !!?!!
why they try to ... " Defend " ...
"I'm not a racist !
I've got some,
Black Friends !!!"
See ....
"These" ... are ... The Ones ...
who make ... " Racist Comments "
LIKE .....
"Why can't black people ?
stay out of prisons ?!?"
Maybe because ... ?!?
We have to contend ...
with ... " People Like You " ... !!!
who are ... " POLICEMEN " ... !!!!!!
or classics like .... THIS .... !!!
"Black men have, no brain,
but, one thing they can do,
is sure, Entertain !!!!!"
See ...
" This " ... is ... " DENIAL "
All Over ... " AGAIN " ... !!!!!
It's ... simply a ... " Version "
Let's say ... " A New Strain " ...
These are the ... White Folks ...
Who ... " NEED TO " ... Refrain ... !!!!!
from saying ... such things ...
that could bring them ... PAIN ... !!!!!!!!
cos' ... " Many " ...
Young Blacks ...
now ... want to ...
" Cut Veins "
or ... Pick up ... A GUN ... !!!
and quickly ... " Take Aim " ... !!!!!
So ... let's talk about ...
....... BLACKS ....... !!!
and let's talk some ...
........ FACTS ...... !!!!!!
How many ... Young Blacks ...
are now ..... " Selling Crack " ..... ?!?
More than we ... "Mention" ... !!!
just check out ... Some Rap ... !!!
They ... " CLAIM " ... !!!!
to speak ... " TRUTH " ... !!!!!
So ....
Let's ... NOT ... " Pretend " ...
or ... try to ... " Defend " ... !?!?!
Too Many ... of us ...
are ..... NOT .....
Living ... " COOL " ...
We do have ... " Some Blacks "
WHO DO ... " Act The Fool " ... !!!
What about ... Black Men ... ?
who ... BEAT UP ... Black Women ... !?!
and then ... " Like to Say " ...
That ... " Black Love " ...
..... Is The Way .....
What about those ... who say ...
" They don't like white girls !!! "
But ... sleep with white girls ...
Under ... cover of night ... !!! ? !!!
What about those ...
with kids ... They Don't See ...
Telling their girl ....
"Baby .... I'm ready !!!"
They've got ... ALL THE TALK ... !!!
to get the .... " ***** " ....  !!!!!
Some black me do ... RUN ... !!!
and shun their ... " Duties " ... !!!!!
No wonder some children
are ... RUDE and ANGRY ... !!!!!
when men ... " Drift Awaaaaayyyy " .........
like ships ... " Lost at sea " ...
In truth ...
these are problems of ...
........ " Humanity " ..........
Affecting ... All Groupings ...
All Colours ... and ... Creeds ... !!!!!
My wordplay will ... RILE ... !!!!!
if you live in ... " DENIAL " ...
This isn't a movie ... !!!
We're not in ... 8 Mile ... !!!!!
But ......
Before I go ...
Here is ... My Last Flow ...
of .... " Poetic Prose " ....
" Denial of " .... " REASON "
is basically .... " TREASON "
which is a ...... " Betrayal " .....
of the ... Concept of ... " BEING "
" Illogical Thinking "
can leave people .....
..... " SEETHING " ..... !!!!!!
Here is the ... Subject ...
So people ....
" Deep Breathing " .... !!!!!!
This idea of ...  " Black Rights "
and ... " Gay Rights " ... as one ...
is ... CLEARLY ... Quite Stupid ... !!!
and basically ... " DUMB " ... !!!!!! ...
Gay persecution ...
is NOT ... A solution ... !!!
It's ... CLEAR ... !!!
that some think ...
It's a form of ... " Pollution " ... !!!
" Racism " ... is ... " HATE " ... !!!
Racists ... have it ... EASY ... !!!!!!!
They ... KNOW ... A Black Face ... !!!!!
But ... how many people ...
Can TELL ... Who is ... GAY ... !!!???!!!
I'm ... NOT ... A Gay Hater ...
That's just ... " How I Stay " ... !!!
Remember ... Those Words ...
Have a ... "Water Tight Case" ... !!!!!
So ....
" DON'T " .... Try to say ...
that i'm ... Brandishing Hate ... !!!!!
cos that may result ....
in me getting ... " IRATE " ... !!!!!
..... " THE TRUTH " .....
is ...... My Style ......
All this .... " FALSENESS " ....
is ............... " VILE " ......... !!!!!!!!!
These are .... " The Reasons " ....
I'd rather ... STAND TRIAL ...
than be a ... " Fake Person " ...
and ...... Live In ........
…….. “ DENIAL ” ……..
Monique Clavier Jun 2015
these colors don't run, they say
don't tread on me, they say
heritage not hatred, they say
as the blood of our black american children
runs down the drain
and the necks of
muslim men are snapped in the street
and the backs of
hispanic women are broken in the fields
and how can it be "heritage, not hatred"
when the flag of your heritage
is the epitome of hatred?
written in a brief moment of hysteric crying. absolutely no poetic elements to this but rather a trigger reaction to the amount of awful racist *******
Val Chavez Jun 2015
It kinda ***** to be hispanic.

Because apparently,
my ***** tastes like salsa.

and my calves are not strong as a result of exercise,
it’s because I’m hauling pounds of marijuana across the borders.

and I’m automatically dumb,

you know your people have been brainwashed when even they start to believe that they’re dumb.

that’s what I learned when the Mexican girl next to me in math class leaned over to me and said,

“You’re really smart for one of us.”

if a white woman has my skin color, it’s beautiful.

when my naturally tan skin is pictured, i’m now wearing “too much bronzer.”

I’m a fake.

I “don’t belong in this country.”

Because my ancestors looked up to this country as a place of refuge and stability, but I tend to disagree,

I gotta leave now?

Take a moment and live in my home. Live in my country. Know how my life works.

And then tell me oppression isn’t a thing.
just how it is.
NeroameeAlucard Jun 2015
Cloth with colors on the front and sides
under which nationalism is disguised
In my eyes both flags have represented atrocities
the trail of tears, the destruction of a culture and the enslavement of another

But, society has changed significantly since then, we've gone through several wars, had protests, civil actions, and changes in law, so why can't we finally all just say we're different, but still friends?

Problem is hatred is still taught,
think about those nine people in a church that were shot.
9, caring people practicing their faith
were tragically killed because of indescribable hate.

now I'm all for knowing your roots, and being proud of where you're from.
but don't let that blind you to progression, away from the dark days of before
My take on the flag controversy
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