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Zack Ripley Jan 2022
What does it mean to take a chance?
What does it mean to make a change?
What does it mean to be strange,
and why is it so scary?
"Where should I go? What should I do?"
"How should I know? I'm not you."
So many questions. So little time.
I guess the good thing is,
you get to decide the answers
LC Jan 2022
before, questions lingered in the air.
weary eyed nights were spent
stuffing yourself into a small box
for someone who only took you
on long, winding, painful paths
where the ends were shrouded
by looming trees and bushes.

now, the air is blissfully clear.
someone smiles when you stretch.
they walk right alongside you.
there may be darkness along the way,
but they will hold your hand through it.
the end of this path is straight ahead -
bright, expansive, and fruitful.
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2021
why is the voice of all
my disappointments;
louder than the cheers of all
my success;
and why I do I have to constantly
search for happiness,
yet easily be found depressed?
Zack Ripley Dec 2021
You built the walls
to keep yourself safe.
But the question isn't
"will they come down."
The question is
will you LET them fall on top of you,
or MAKE them fall next to you?
Kamila Dec 2021
I'm thinking and guessing
What if the things that are stressing
Me out
Are just problems I've made myself up?

I'm looking for a place to belong,
But what if I have this need as long
As I do not embrace that I'm different from others?
Or am I the one who disconnects and becomes another?

What is belonging?
Is it worth ignoring
Things you don't like,
That you don't feel understood or alike?

They say everything starts within,
Is it something I haven't given
Myself yet,
Or should I keep searching for it?
nick armbrister Dec 2021
Docket Time
There is always something more on the cards
You think you have a full house and your enemy
Does something unexpected from his bad script
Written by amateurs and paid for by lunatics
Doing all they can to harm you and your interests
No more book files they deleted them due to that
The action I dared do against them the other day
For I carry my ******* ***** in my bag ready to go
Oppose them in all ways possible fit to lose
Just takes one chance to win be weak to be strong
Over the edge and loop back all’s fare in business
Or was my moan too big making my cards copy type?
Rip off rain runny ink degrades after three goes
I only need one attempt to lower your company
No longer top three number four busts you up
Not printed cash that’s so 20th Century!
Now its stocks shares interests and bonds
Ledger money written in real ink or electronic
All that wanga belongs to the big elites and NWO
Certain families run the world so we are all fine
Living in **** running up bills rent deposits finance
Nothing to help the working person except maudlin
Sombre poems by the gal before she kaputted
She’s my sis by a different mum you wankers!
Revenge will be mine so discreet creeping in
Like the new dawn you think its night when it’s night
Over to you come and see my sing live
I’ve no security my show is for you alone
What will you do when the end grabs you?
I dare you to be serene or actually react…
cool goth art cool title cool writing my new ebook free for a while
Celestial Nov 2021
Wow! It's you!
Call me obsessed, regressed, or even stressed.
     But you're the one!
I rinsed and winced, convinced.
     My one and only!
Why the pause, what's the cause?
     Don't be lonely!
I've been waiting, baiting while stating.
     You're for me and I'm for you!
Love is for us, thus we must bus.
     To our Forever!
Turning our tending and mending to a sweet ending.
To my sweet new love, we will be there soon.
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