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A Schism
is only insurmountable
as an illusory obstacle
within those who are,
in and of themselves,
already fractured.
"What is this but my reflection?
Who am I to judge or strike you down?"
-Tool; Pushit
madrid Oct 2015
The mirroring we do.
The projection we play.
Will all come back to haunt us.
Whatever we put out in the world will come back hurling at us.
MaimingIsla May 2015
Right now?
I hate you.
You project your petty insecurities
On me
Make me feel
Like it’s MY FAULT
You feel this way

It’s YOUR brain
It’s YOUR insecurities
Take control
Stop placing blame
Grow the **** up
Zead May 2015
The suitcase
After unzipped
Was thrown off a cliff
While all were blindfolded
And obligated
To only hear the sounds
Leigh Mar 2015
If I could but dance a moment in someone else's mind
A confident, outgoing type, someone well defined -
I'd hold the hand of their life's work and feel how it aligns
With what they want their world to be, a mirror of outside.
Ahh rhymes.

We control our world.
rsc Jan 2015
I sit
at the
center of
one worm-
holed world,
wanting to
wave words like
"young" and
"skinny" at
women who
would want to
hear them and
I wonder,
with Williams
in my ears,
"What did I do
to deserve this?
Am I happy?"
Hair curls
down from
crown to
third eye to
throat to
heart and
I wince as
my solar
plexus sings
Celtic chants and
its songs
radiate out in
waves of
If you've
already heard
of me,
that makes
one of us;
I'm driving a
bus powered by
thunder claps and
electric jazz melodies
into the
cosmic sea
to meet up
with Pluto and
make myself
his mistress.
Chain me to
the baobab
trees of your
perceptions and
I will claw my
way to the
mountainous flat
tops of your mind,
laying my limbs
out like wet
laundry in
silent soliloquy
dedicated to
your soul
finding a
use for
the word
Your ice cream
cone dreams
may start to
melt deliciously
but forgo your fear
and lap them up,
then abandon
the drops for
want of
fresh fruit and
cool, cool water.
Be cool,
let the otter
make the
moonlit path to
paradise and
mount your raft
to ride it only
twice in
one life.
Keep your
eyes peeled
and put the
carrot skins
in the compost.
You are the
one you need
rsc Nov 2014
Dancing by,
A dead eyed darling,
As passersby cry out her praises:
"Such energy!
Such passion!"
She shrugs out a smile
As her shoulders start
Collapsing in on themselves.
Wear long sleeves
To disguise decaying flesh
And frankincense and myrrh
To disguise inevitable death,
Shaking hands with toothy monsters
And hand-made paperweight professionals
Who enter the threshold of accidentally
Pulling off a frail finger.
Pinned to a board of ages,
Chronically captured chronologically wrong:
"You seem so much older! You are so mature!"
Placing, onto fifth-grade-science-project bones,
A corset of expectations and
A garter of gold,
The tiny bird of a girl
Can't hear her songs over the
Sound of her body giving up.

Bury your wishes for me next to my corpse.
I am a human who people (sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose) make into a magical fairy on a pedestal because I am very good at convincing people that I have my **** together. I do not have my **** together.
Jennifer Weiss Sep 2014
If you meet me by the lake,
Don't worry if it's a mistake
Look at all the things we could create
Over here by this lake.

If you're looking for the tree,
That's where you'll find me
That's where you become free.
Us, just sitting in a tree.  

You could push me on the swing,
Look at all the joy that'd bring.
You're not thinking about anything,
Swinging on the green.

If you could manage to find hole #6.
That's where all of this exists.
It's in our minds, it's not myth.
Dreams of hole #6.
golf course.
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