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Apporva Arya Jun 2017
Today m in gratitude,
Thanking for the times I survived.
solution seem to be problems,
& Problems were constant.
When I was afraid of mornings,
& filled with dark inside.
When I was 1 part love,
& 3 part fear.
Oh ! My poor vision.

But today my past is beyond me
& I am new me.
Today I sees deep skies with hopeful eyes.
If I have learned anything in this long life of mine,it is this,in love we find out who we want to be ,in war we found out who we are.
Jacob Jun 2017
I remember it, all the times you've cried because of me
It hurt, but I never showed any of it saddened me
Since the last girl told me she would die for me
I fell in love with her, but all she ever did was lie to me

So this is the way it has to be,
Last night I slept with another man's property
She called him on the phone
Told him she was with her girls
I looked at her as I shook my head
I told her "That's some ***** work"

This is why my heart is cold
I've been dealing with the fact that I'd be dying alone
So brainwashed by my past woes
Can't even find a good girl
Without treating her like a ***
And it turns her warm heart into snow
That's the generation now and how every cycle goes

Talked to my Dad about this, and he sat me down one night
"Grab a cold one and listen, I'm only giving you one life advice,
Girls always want a guy who's living in the limelight
Yeah her ***** might be good, but what's her mind like?"
Eyla Jun 2017
Having anxiety can make yourself selfish and confusing,
You want people to understand without you telling them.
But in other way,
You keep asking yourself
'how am i supposed to tell them when i don't even know it self?'
Robert Ronnow Jun 2017
                              Some say the scientific method
                              Is the ultimate algorithm and others
                              Prefer prayer.

For symbolists, all intelligence can be reduced to manipulating symbols, in the same way that a mathematician solves equations by replacing expressions by other expressions. Symbolists understand that you can't learn from scratch: you need some initial knowledge to go with the data. They've figured out how to incorporate pre-existing knowledge into learning, and how to combine different pieces of knowledge on the fly in order to solve new problems. Their master algorithm is inverse deduction, which figures out what knowledge is missing in order to make a deduction go through, and then makes it as general as possible.

                    ­          In its simplicity
                              Can sustain concentration

For connectionists, learning is what the brain does, and so what we need to do is reverse engineer it. The brain learns by adjusting the strengths of connections between neurons, and the crucial problem is figuring out which connections are to blame for which errors and changing them accordingly. The connectionists' master algorithm is back propagation, which compares a system's outputs with the desired one and then successively changes the connections in layer after layer of neurons so as to bring the output closer to what it should be.

                              Hungry and cold
                              A holy condition
                              A warrior's position in the world
Evolutionaries believe that the mother of all learning is natural selection. If it made us, it can make anything, and all we need to do is simulate it on the computer. The key problem that evolutionaries solve is learning structure: not just adjusting parameters, like back propagation does, but creating the brain that these adjustments can then fine-tune. The evolutionaries' master algorithm is genetic programming, which mates and evolves computer programs in the same way that nature mates and evolves organisms.

            ­                  A good ****'s the metric
                              Of a dying man

Bayesians are concerned above all with uncertainty. All learned knowledge is uncertain, and learning itself is a form of uncertain inference. The problem then becomes how to deal with noisy, incomplete, and even contradictory information without falling apart. The solution is probabilistic inference, and the master algorithm is Bayes' theorem and its derivatives. Bayes' theorem tell us how to incorporate new evidence into our beliefs, and probabilistic inference algorithms do that as efficiently as possible.

                              I can't believe
                              I won't live forever, therefore,
                              I invented an afterlife to supplement reincarnation

For analogizers, the key to learning is recognizing similarities between situations and thereby inferring other similarities. If two patients have similar symptoms, perhaps they have the same disease. The key problem is judging how similar two things are. The analogizers' master algorithm is the support vector machine, which figures out which experiences to remember and how to combine them to make new predictions.

                              Prepare for a powerful anesthesia
                              Chemical processes irresistible
                              A good and perfect rest

--Domingos, Pedro, The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World, Basic Books, 2015.
aphotic blue May 2017
A girl I met was very lovely,
The way she dressed is like a midst of the galaxy.
Her eyes shines to me so perfectly,
But we didn’t know she hides her true personality.

Suddenly, she talked to me anonymously,
She asked me If I want to be her friend temporarily,
So I answered her a yes directly,
we talk comfortably, she believes to me proudly.

Suddenly, moment passed and she told me about her anxiety,
I was so shocked and I don’t know how to react normally,
Despite of her ability, to act ambiguity
I was so impressed of her avidity
She thinks without problem and lives gracefully.

That girl became part of my life shortly,
But, I was so thankful to God I met her like destiny,
Despite of her story and beyond belief history,
I really idolized her for not giving up so easily.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
The problems in the world
                will never end
Some will be solved,
                but another problem
will come to replace them
Mary Beazer Apr 2017
Cried the most tears
Feliz G Apr 2017
Remember when everything fell apart?
Where we didn't want to feel anything no more?
Well... it's repeating again.
But come on, we know how to handle this.

Same problem. Different person.
This is poetry's pride
It's a poets problem

The compilation of words
Spoken like a sword wielded

All we have is voice
a noise to compliment thought

Speech is a vital choice

Maybe I'm in love with love itself

Fearing the sacrifice love requires

A love that endures all the struggle and strife

I want a love that cuts lies like a knife

I want a love that ties truth like a knot

I want love
Romans 5:1-8 (NIV)
Peace and Hope

"1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
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