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Chan Dy Jan 2015
I wonder how you look
How your voice sounds like
and how you like your coffee in the morning

I wonder how you walk
How your laugh sounds like
and how you like your tea in the evening

Someday our paths and hearts will meet
All we need for now is a little patience
and i am holding fast to that dream

For now you have no name yet
No face to recognize
but someday for sure I know
I'll say, "Nice to meet you, Mr. For me."


instagram: @chandyspoetry
Sally A Bayan Dec 2014
I once passed by an old lady's garden,
Lined with colored rose bushes, it was like Heaven!
I stopped...I stood, admiring.
The roses were in full bloom that morning.
They were quite tall, like small trees side by side.
Then I noticed other walkers also stopped by.
Beside me, behind me, they were standing,
Sighing, admiring.

Any place, anywhere it stands,
Attention, it instantly commands
Its petals speak of beauty, of fragrance,
To some, they symbolize unspoken devotion.
Its different colors are known to represent
Feelings, specifically, lovers' emotions.

Underneath its hard spiked body, it still is soft.
Its thorns have sharp perfect points
A protective threat, so
A powerful deterrent
For those with evil intent.

Its sweet-smelling petals become softer
When held by hands so tender,
To the birds and the bees, they are a teaser,
Butterflies, even dragonflies,
They cannot resist to perch...
We human beings
Can never resist a sniff, a touch,
Love is the stem of a rose, we still dare hold
We disregard the thorns so bold.
In life, there are pricking scares known, yet ignored.
Like the leaves of a rose, we have hidden spikes, our own stories untold,
Our hearts, our feelings are very delicate,
When the arrows hit, ...they're easy to captivate.

But you see,
A rose stands tall
Proud as a concrete wall,
It bows a bit, it gives way
When blooms bear too much weight,
When things seem to always be a prelude
And, we wait for trying moments to conclude.
But when a morning so new
Greets a rose with its cold, fresh dew
Miraculously, it again stands tall,
Proud as a concrete wall.
It survives through the seasons,
"Sleepy" in winter, not at all dying,
Just patiently waiting.
It speaks beyond words, beyond reasons,
For underneath,
It lives.
In its silence,
It survives.

rose will
never be a
rose, without its
rough surfaced
leaves and


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

***For all the lady writers here on HP, named Rose, or otherwise...
We are all roses with thorns, with spikes in our lives---our stories untold,
poems yet to be shared, songs yet to be sung.....they bear weight...
still, we stand tall...***
Nena Twedell Dec 2014
Like an old boarded up house
Preparing for the storm ahead
All weak spots braced
for any rain fall
All fragile pieces hidden away for safe keeping
in case of any earthquakes
lights shut off leaving total darkness
in case of a power surge
This is how you prepare
Holding everything you hold dear close
Fire extinguisher within reach
radio on the emergency channel so you can hear every breaking detail
Constantly praying you didn't forget anything
bracing yourself for the worst
holding up in your comfort zone
Feeling safe here with no fears
No one gets in
No one goes out
Like the story of ***** Wonka and the Chocolate factory
But even in that story ***** had to let someone in
Slowly un-board your windows
The sun is warm
turn down your radio listen to the birds chirping
Turn the lights on the light is safe
open your eyes to the beauty this world holds
Don't live in fear anymore
This world isn't like your world but it's safe too
Let them see your world
They've been patiently knocking for ages now knowing you were too afraid
It's going to be ok
Don't give up hope
Face your fears
Hold your chin up high as you smile towards your newly discovered sun
The storm has passed
Whisper, wolf
Cry as you first open your eyes
As you see the world for the very first time
The world breathes to you
It welcomes you in
Whisper, baby wolf

Whisper, wolf
Fumble and fall through your youth
Shoot for the stars with your eyes
Energy as of the stars
A soul made of sunlight
Whisper, young wolf

Whisper, wolf
Changes are coming for your world
Feel your paws start to ache and grow
Confusion of the world around you
It seems to breathe a different way
Whisper, growing wolf

Whisper, wolf
You've grown through your troubles
Though their echoes torment you so
She looks at you differently now
And you are so misunderstood
Whisper, adolescent wolf

Whisper, wolf
Walk through the chapters
Howl softly to the night
Lay your head beside her
As you dream and wander ever still
Whisper, lost wolf

Whisper, wolf
Trust was not always there
Some wolves were made to run
More beautiful things await you
Though the pain blinds you so
Whisper, heartbroken wolf

Whisper, wolf
Speak softly to the world
You see a familiar face today
Though it is not your own
You look to their soul
Whisper, father wolf

Whisper, wolf
They grow as they follow
As they are led through the night
Guidance is provided where it once was empty
The pack is stronger now
Whisper, proud wolf

Whisper, wolf
For today is the day of farewells
You wonder if your efforts were enough
The moon seems to look to you
And it looks to say that it loves you
Whisper, sad, sad wolf

Whisper, wolf
That old pain comes back again
She's in a better place now
You feel lost in the woods again
Though you know you are not alone
Whisper, crying wolf

Whisper, wolf
Your pack gathers around you
For today is the day of your final goodbye
Though it is not you crying this day
You rejoice for the opportunity
Whisper, dying wolf

Whisper, wolf
For you are home now
Your troubles are finally behind you
You are with her again
The cubs grow in the steps of your paws
Whisper, sleeping wolf
Hayley Dec 2014
Giving myself a taste of pain
by imagining the day
where you happen to lose patience on me
and watching you leaving me
just so I could feel less dead if it happens.

Or maybe at least a tolerable pain.

You mean so much to me that
I know if it happens,
I will probably feel
paralysed and dead
all over again,
just like the last time
when he left.

my insecurities tortures me
sainche micano Jun 2014
i waited in the rain
for my reply again
the hours flew past
your door seemed closed

i waited in vain
for my reply again
patience burnt out
your mind seemed changed
Nena Twedell Dec 2014
I want you to need me like you need an ice cold drink on a hot summer's day
I want you to want me like you do at the first whiff of bacon on a Sunday wafting through the house
Though we haven't met yet

I hope you look at me and lose your breathe but never question it
I hope when silence falls on our conversations that you just wrap me up in your arms
Not because I can't handle the silence but to remind me that it's ok

And I hope that when you notice the scars across my skin
that you will still caress my body and remind me that my scars do not make me who I am but are proof of how strong I am

And I hope that when I stand in the mirror examining the outfit choice that I can't seem to make clearly That you pull me away from the mirror  
away from the societal norms of beauty and ask me to flip a coin because in that moment I will remember who I am and what I want to wear.

I know it's a lot to ask of a man I've yet to meet
but don't worry I've got a lot to offer too.

I will hold your hand at all the parties your friends invite you to
I will hold you when you feel as if your world is collapsing around you I will remind you to breathe when your lungs are so full of sorrow and pain that they have forgotten to work for you
And when you can breathe again I will remind you of the beauty of this world
And of the joys of smiling and laughter
I can cook you dinner after a long day at work to remind you that you are important to someone in this world.
I know that it's a lot to offer someone I haven't met yet
but when we find each other
our real life fairy tale will begin
It will haunt her
the favorite pencil
tip softened just so...
paw pushed it
somewhere to a secret spot
out of vision, her reach
a peice of paper elusive
yet there...
lodged deep amidst
a stack of most important things

She does not lose well...

Not in terms of games or competition
but the things in her life
that envelop her world
tough n' scrappy
beautiful n' tender
holding all things dear
close to her heart
Loss is a place of 
deepest contemplation
Her memories
are vibrant, alive

She does not lose well

creatures and people
that are immersed
in her life
even one pulled out leaves
like a building block
A tear
A gap
A hole in her life

She does not forget
or minimize the
pertinance of
A moment that has
touched her heart

When it is time for
the loss
the breaking of her heart
can be felt

The moment
becomes filled
With rainbows of light
She will bathe in that beam...
helps guide them home

She trusts in the divine
finding there solice
amidst the
flutterings of
her tender, broken heart
Grief shrouds her
A mystical veil
that holds her dearly
as the pain
becomes bearable
she will begin
to tell her stories
once again

~ Christi Michaels ~ June 2014~
In honor of a dear friend, that
helped her Mother "Home"
Zac Mac Dec 2014
You complete me
So many people say this
like their lover is the key
to crossing off the last thing on their list

I say ********
You must be your best
and have a glow that truly emits
before you meet and posses your very own altruist
axr Dec 2014
it was buzzing
near the lights
i wanted to take the life out if it
but i waited

"Patience pays"

i waited
i turned off the lights
and went on to take a shower
i came back
and saw it cringing on the floor
his wings managing to flutter but not strong enough to lift him up.
took my Adidas
and hit him hard
*I was satisfied with the ****.
this is about killing a bee in my room
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