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Sourodeep Jun 2015
I so hoped the time passed a bit quicker
waiting for your call, for your reassuring voice
each passing second so long, I could
even count the tube light flicker.

             moments like these makes me ponder
             memories come & go, anxiously I  wonder

That day of my mother's operation
at the hospital, or hell on earth as I recall
on the other side of the door, praying, waiting for the call
those two hours felt like a generation
              moments like these makes me ponder
              memories come & go, anxiously I wonder

As a kid at the railway station, waiting
for my dad to return from the counter
the crowd growing big, our train about to leave
those few minutes of desperation, relentless searching

moments like these makes me ponder
memories come & go, anxiously I wonder
clinching our fists, we crave for something
how lively would life be
if we had it our way in the end
how gloomy would life be
if something else happened, which we cant amend
To all those times I spent desperately waiting for someone or something which made me a more matured  and patient person I am now.
tian Jun 2015
Two years have passed since the ship set sail
Different paths connected to each other, bonds never fail
Memories well treasured, killing any doubts
Distance is just a measure, patience is what counts.

Happy Anniversary to my friend, Km. This is our second anniversary of being friends. Trials come to test our bond, but our strength is too much blessed by our God. Thank you for all Km.
raðljóst Jun 2015
i am in love with how your words caress me
how your voice echoes in my mind like soft, slow piano
delicate words and murmurs before sleep

i am in love with the way your smile lights a fire
deep in my heart
where i never knew heat could reach

i am in love with your ever-present joy
your experience of love and life
and the way you find strength in pain

i am in love with the movements you make
under the sheets in the afternoon sun
and with the glow on your skin
and the way that you come to me, passionately

i am in love with the sounds you make
when you whisper, laugh, or sigh
and how you send shivers from my head to my fingers
down my spine and to the tips of my toes

i am in love with the way you reach for me
with your questions and with your hands
always searching for more of my soul

i am in love with the way you hold me
for a moment, forever
for a breath, for the night

i am in love with the way you love me
patiently, vulnerably, honestly
how you crave my spirit whole
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
Dig deep
At the back
of those **** leaves
lies the tranquility of life
As they blow east-west
we are convinced that life goes
their green color can't be exhausted by summer

so does our peace
it can't be absorbed by a mere affliction
I just bend
i can never break
My peace isn't dependent on what i see
Sometimes they only thing you'll  need to survive is hope,
Even when your standards seem to drop,
You can always cope,
All you need is hope,
Hope that things will get better,
Hope that your bank account will one day get fatter,
Hope enough to make you smarter
As you wait
And realise that time is always perfect,its never too late.
Ambiguous Frizz Jun 2015
We are frail
But could be stout
We are patient
But could be tired
We are deep
But could turn shallow
Rather true
But pick the fraud fellow.
Whoever we are
Are carved from jolts
Which heart embraces
And grabs then stitches.
But when the *****
Had too much dinge
And no more yarn
Left to sew the bits,
This marred love
Will become dust
For a weeping man
To succumb in scruple.
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2015
With every attempt
By the cockerel to crow
So did his comb grow
I Love Haiku, It just describes something with simplicity
Austin Martin Jun 2015
Rain rain go away
We don’t want you here, your gloom and misery
your nourishment and catharsis.
We don’t want to be baptized under your command
or be surrounded by budding flowers
trickling streams
mud puddles.

Rain rain go way come again another day*
Why do today what we can put off until tomorrow.
Let’s procrastinate the harbinger of life, the unrelenting cycle
Evaporation condensation precipitation evaporation .
We cannot delay, sit back and listen to the gentle patter.
Just enjoy the grey.

Laurent Jun 2015
There's a place you used to know,
A seed you used to sow,
Sometimes you want to go back,
And give her all you have.
Hold on a little longer you say,
Begging her without pain,
Both should give it another try.
Let her lay the rules out for that fact,
Help her to trust you again,
Don't let it fade and slip away,
Prove to her that you are a changed guy.
flustered Jun 2015
maybe we're both just waiting on each other
waiting to see
who's going to crack first
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