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kind hands Mar 2
too much honey
don't feel right

these scars
are warm

and they're shapin
the night

breathe deep
shake n fight
kind hands Feb 28
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
Archer Feb 14
I couldn’t bring myself to do it
So what?
Love comes around and goes around
High school was never meant to last forever
Four years in hell
Is better than an eternity of being dead
That wasn’t always my outlook
So what?
People grow and I should be no different
Single on valentines again
For the fourteenth year
Is better than an eternity of being dead
Archer Feb 7
It can’t make it
It can’t go on
It’s numb
It’s giving up
It’s tired
It’s forced to keep moving
It slumps up
It takes a step
And another
It walks
It walks
It walks
It walks faster
It tripped
It cries
It sits down
It looks ahead
It wants to keep walking
It stands up
It walks
It walks faster
It’s running
It slows to a steady pace
It made it
And It can’t tell the first line it makes it
Uzziah Ruffin Sep 2024
Tiny bird, so full of hope
Longing to see the world beyond
Yet confined in its cage
Filled with illusions
Believing in a place
Where freedom reigns

Tiny bird, With crippled wings
Unable to soar
Above the endless sea
Chirping with faith
That its song will heal
Someone's distorted mind

Tiny bird, the door is open
A chance to take flight
And bathe in the Sun's rays
Look at how your eyes reflect
The glimmer of hope
That was once diminished

Tiny bird, harmed by cruelty
Taking a leap
Risking life for its desire
Against all odds
Tweets of delight echoes above
As a path has revealed

Tiny bird, with a world to explore
Unwavering in its pursuit
To see what lies beyond its cage
With mangled wings
He turns away
From the life that leaves him immobile

Oh, How Tiny I must appear
As this bird soars away
Eric Jul 2024
<If life and nature is the ultimate creation of human intelligence,  then life and nature is endless . It can be formed and created in many different environments and laws of living . Though Intelligence isn't a cheap price , when it comes to value and worth of being here today . Experiencing sight , feeling, smell , hearing . Senses that all paint a beautiful living Experience in the minds eye . The view of every day after waking up from our daily slumber .>
Kamila Aug 2021
Sometimes you change
And so does your mentality.
You ain't recognize your taste,
Unfollow pages, cause now they bring anxiety.

Sometimes you change
And not only location,
But also people that you place
Around yourself, it's called prioritization.

Sometimes you change
And ain't making same decision.
New choices you now make
Do set new course and clear your vision.
A Child full of wonder comes home
And hangs her coat on a peg
She hangs her backpack
Her scarf and her mittens on a string
the new friends she made
the smell of a spring and freshly baked biscuits
And the sound of Mrs Townsend taking the register
She puts her headband on the peg, with her name painted on it in silver
And her jumper with her name sewn inside
The whirr of the acorn computer and the flash of coloured pencils
The shyness and worry about not fitting in
The wish to be seen but not be the centre of attention
The worry about nightmares coming true
The realisation that everything just like the day has to come to an end
I will always love you
She longed for a skipping rope
She ties the rope securely around the peg
How sturdy with all this weight
She stares at the peg proudly
She thought about her day and her hopes and her worries
and thought about how heavy they can sometimes feel
So she knows this peg is doing a great job
At taking the load
Evie G Feb 2021
I am Eve
I know I am life

I know why a heart beats
I know why the cat sleeps
Far too much

I know why the moon glows
I know why the mould grows
In the bread bin

I know why the earth shakes
I know why the dog wakes
And barks at the world

I know why the wind moans
I know why we break bones
When falling off benches

I know why the stars shine
I know how to write a couplet
As grand as Shakespeare

I know why the trees groan
I know why the hormones
Rush through teenagers

I know why we exist
I know why we like lists
And ticking off the boxes

I know why you and I
Can stare at the same big sky  
And see a different thing

I am the raging turbulent seas
I am a cold cup of tea
I am whatever you make of me.
Hey there, inspired by I Am Talesin
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2020
I am daylight
of a dissolving stay
in Paris
looking over
wrought-iron dreams
peering through
baroque and promises
at the ransom note
written on
a sleeping **** sunbather's
where it reads:
"...our marriage
was nothing more
than a foxhole to you.
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