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kdrubel12 Sep 2015
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H W Erellson Jun 2015
really really warm. she glances at me
Forget how ******* amazing
I forgot how much
bring an audience
yeah but lie on her bed

psychiatry is the wall...
you cannot belittle me. for i had a lovely day

a girl in the picture
wow i can't see With ice cold hands
the prettiest dresses are worn out
alone in a moment
I might've posted this before; I made it using one of those websites that makes random sentences from your accumulative facebook statuses. A bit of rearranging and here it is.
Perri Jun 2015
online dating,
love is what I am hoping to seek
conversing through technology
having hope
that some day,
face to face,
we may speak
hobbies and morals spewing,
we let our excitement easily leak
filling in that lonely gap
3 days in
is its peak
then slowly declining
these "relationships"
end with the week
xkx Jun 2015
i used to worry about my screen time
but that was before i had to worry about my scream time
then, screen time meant 'keep me clean time'
and now im left with no time.

you see - i keep telling myself its high time
that i stop dancing in this rhyme line
and start acting like its my time

that this life line
(that was actually a knife line)
is not something that i should want to see online.
Matt Jun 2015
Did I Say Something Wrong?

I referred to her as a goddess

Im worried I may have been too forward

I said I meant it in the most polite and respectful way

Now she is ignoring me

Do women always play

These games, lol
craig apogee May 2015
we don't exchange too many cute messages anymore
yet i open your contact and look at you often
watching as your profile picture provides a glimpse
into your life and state of mind
seeing when you are online and thinking if you are looking at mine
but the words "typing..." don't appear
neither on my end nor yours
effectively our two lives are behind two different closed doors
Nicole Dawn May 2015
I love how easy
It is
To fake a smile

Put :),
And suddenly,
You are smiling.

Put lol,
And suddenly,
You are laughing.

Who cares if it is real,
It's so much easier to be fake.
So go ahead,
Put :)
Or lol,
Tell me when this makes you
Truly happy
I fake being happy a lot, and it is so much easier online than in real life
Em or Finn Apr 2015
We haven't talked in awhile
Your voice like silk
Bringing a smile with it
Something I haven't done for months
I talk to you on Twitter
The bird a messenger to our secret conversation
Every time a white message box pops up
Every time I get a notification from you
My heart skips a beat
For every word you write, every sentence
Is worth the couple seconds it takes to read
We have a lot in common
We both have eating disorders
That couldn't be more different
We love the same music
As we rock out on Facetime
And laugh at my shyness and stupidity
Yet without social media
We would have never met.
I would never have smiled.
I would never have lived.
Idk what this is but yeah =^_^=
Laura Jane Apr 2015
I am with you
here in this place
scanning with cool
and radiant eyes
Causing silver haired women
to pantomime
The Thing Thats Wrong With Us:
their heads shake
and their thumbs waggle in the air
like worms.

Our thumbs irk them,
patience wearing
thin as their lips.
They are so sad for us,
for our murderous stupidity.
They know
what is wrong:

because our empty carcasses
litter their living rooms
the busses they ride
the classes they teach
in the seats where we left them.

Heidegger said
that attention creates access to the world,
And we've crept away to the edge
dangling our attentions over the inviting precipice
like the sorcerer's apprentice
of how it all takes place
but certain
of it’s awesome power.
The well overflows
and we are swept away
as the women look on
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