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A Simillacrum Dec 2018
not only is beauty supposedly
in the eye of the beholder, it
also reportedly emerges from
an intangible depth within

okay, then, so that means ugliness
comes similarly from within,
or doesn't it, baby?

so then, ugliness must begin and end
in the pit of your stomach, and in
the words that pass the tongue
on the exit from your ugly mouth

so then, ugliness must begin and end
in the nerves buried in sleeves, and in
the actions that slip the heart
sneaking past the brain, and vice versa.

on the grab from your dead hands.
on the grab from your dead hands.

not only does it tend to work
unlike the excitable pretend it works,
the implication is, that half of your
worthiness is linked to the mercy

of the mass effect.
as for a thought, a dream,
an intent, an outcome,
a vision, a nightmare,
a hermit knows the good folk
permit attractiveness to good lines.
4 gibs. take it and do some super artsy dook on it!
Abdulrhman Dec 2018
o my god
I'm freezing
have mercy
upon me
send me love
as if I've never
tasted it before
a flame
to burn my very soul
Samuel Canerday Nov 2018
Mercy hold me now
I missed the mark
What’s do be done
When the archer’s shot
‘Round target passes
But another shot taken
May find the mark

So mercy,
Mercy hold me now
I wait for impact
And a ****** dawn
Time has frozen
So that this moment
Is perhaps the longest
I have ever known

Mercy now

Nathan Duncan Nov 2018
I try and try to change my life
because I feel such inner strife.
There’s discord ‘tween body and soul
that keeps me from reaching the goal.

My mind says yes; my flesh says no.
Without true strength I’ll never grow.
I need some help from higher pow’r:
God! Please be merciful this hour.
Makenzie Marie Nov 2018
Just leave behind any words you heard that weren’t kind. Learn to greet your enemy with a smile, It will only hurt for just a while.
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
Marvin Gaye sang it ” Mercy Mercy Me”
But I don’t want things to go back
To the way they use to be
I’m saddened by poverty
I’m thirsty for unity
I feel we need more community
Purposeful change is needed
Merciful motivation when seeded
With compassion from you and me
Can move all the obstacles
Blocking the sun from shining on WE
 I long for Marvin’s dream of
“Love And Happiness”
To become a reality
I wish we were all color blind
And our brains didn’t undermine
What our heart was meant to be
Which is used to love one another
Regardless of ***, religion or nationality
forestfaith Oct 2018
I was dying.
Wasn’t even trying to survive.
I was fading and withering away as I lived.
And I didn’t even know.
Didn’t know such things are still relevant today.
About what Jesus did before I even came to be.
So ignorant.
How foolish and stupid I was to think I deserved and earned this love.
I didn’t care about him.
What he did.
I didn’t seem to know his love was so deep.
He died. For a criminal like me.
He knew me.
And I didn’t even know him.
Or recognised who he was.
I never even knew him before I was born.
We stood in front of the angry crowd on that day.
they demanded to free me.
And they let me live.
Jesus died.
For me.
On the third day, he rose from the dead.

You guys can read if reverse I guess haha
Mugerwa Muzamil Oct 2018
You had no shadow
because you're a light

The clouds followed you with shade
because you're a mercy

Your sins before and after
were forgiven
because you belong to paradise

Angel Gabriel got lost in your light
because you're the finest of creations

You had the ring of the prophets
because you're chosen

Your message is for the whole world
because you are the last of  the prophets.
EP Robles Sep 2018
SOME through the brain
in much Dismay i will say
but my thoughts first
  through my heart --
is how my own Life  
governed by Soul
on this and every day

For some a prison
by thoughts

  whose fears as bars
  and regrets like walls

i say best to greet mentation
through Love and Spirit
first and foremost of all!

:: 09-26-2018 ::
Cold and calculated or driven by compassion and emotions?  I say all thoughts first through the heart!
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