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Where are you?
Inside of me
But I can't feel you
You're too far gone

But, I know
We will carry on
All we have to do
Is remain strong

I am broken
When you are strong
I can't do this anymore
I'm too far gone
But maybe you
You can bring me back
In spite of what
You and I lack

We will carry on
All we have to do
Is be strong

Won't be long now
Til we're standing there
Together we'll reign
When life's not fair

We'll be there together
Our soul will entwine
Forever and ever
It'll All Be Fine

All we have to do
Is remain strong
As One
We'll Carry On
Kuvar May 2018
They were to be tore apart
By a villain  
They could tear apart
They call her
The contract of divorce
And I laughed
Took the crazy papers from them
Squeezed her in my fist
Chopped her in the bin
Just like that
Shay Apr 2018
Your fingertips run along every inch of my skin,
evoking a kind of fiery passion from within;
close enough to feel the warmth of your breath and hear the sound of your gasp,
as our bodies entwine in desire and I am held within your grasp.
Shay Mar 2018
We lay down on the grass, with one another we’re entwined
and my eyes look up at the midnight skies to where the stars are aligned;
but you only have eyes for me, and say the brightest stars are to be found in my eyes,
and the most beautiful constellations run through my veins rather than through the sky.
your mom Mar 2018
There was a hard lock down drill at my school today.
This means that we had a practice run of what would we would do if
there was a shooting.
We hid under desks, behind walls, and inside cabinets.
There were whispers among students,
because we all knew that it was just a drill.
A practice.
Made up.
We all knew it wasn't real.

But what if it was real?
What if the last time I took a breath,
was in my fifth period history class?
What if I never got to see the outside walls of my high school again?
I never got to college?
Got married?
Had children?
What if my entire life story was washed away because someone decided to take a gun into my school, and take the lives of innocent students?

World, was has happened to you?
Why do so many feel like they have to take the lives of innocent people, in order to gain something for themselves?
Why are we letting this happen?

My biggest concern isn't what I'll do in math next week, or what tests my teachers have planned.
It's if we'll make it that far.
If you pray, please pray for our schools. Our world is becoming a downward spiral of violence, and this needs to stop NOW.
Ek Feb 2018
It was 8:45 after my bathe
I dried my *** and put my favorite moisturizer
Looking at my reflection I’m feeling ****
So I put red lipstick on and decided to wear my see-through lingerie

I went to distract my husband playing virtual game, PUBG specifically
He drew attention to me — his hand is caressing my face, you’re gorgeous he said
He then pressed his lips against mine and started talking...
Talking back to his playmates about what strategy are they going to use
So I went to bed to write this lol
It’s the funny reality of being married. It was his last game for the night so I decided to eat chocolate while waiting. Haha just love!
Lexi Nov 2017
I wear a ring on the fourth finger
I get asked who I'm married too.
I say A ring on any finger is what you make it to be.
A ring on my wedding finger does not mean i am married
Marriage is trust, love, committed to each other, vulnerability, no secrets, friendship and so much moreb. Marriage is promise to always be there no matter what, until death. So why is it that its called the wedding finger when indeed it could possibly be called the promise finger because are we not promising to spend the rest of our lives together. Even if one is not in a relationship with that person does that now make wearing a ring on that finger forbidden?
I wear a ring on the fourth finger or third if your one of those aliens that think their thumb is not a finger.
I get asked who I'm married too.
and idk this got to me
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