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Room temp black tea,
Jingling house keys,
Little whispers of morning trees.

Quaint feeling of tranquility,
Walking among the preserved fall leaves,
A small nip of chill in the breeze.
There's something about a Monday morning.
…don't give an F to the world, as it will only play you out so flat. it's a
place where young men are taught from a tender age to think with a
D, as if that's the major key to success – we desperately need some
minor adjustments in all our mindset's metronome


the stark black and white hues, like the keys on a piano, as
everyone tries to ascend their scale of freedom. so often, I find myself
pondering what melodies, the piano man in the sky composes as he
watches over us, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the celestial
keys – harmonies to echo through the universe

our heart’s compositions reflect a symphony of your own human
emotions, those blending notes of joy, sorrow, love, and hope – a
beautiful crescendo of one’s life journey. but we live as a fleeting
chord in the vast symphony of the cosmos, hoping to play each note
with delicate precision and purpose

the music within and around you, could guide you through the
harmonies and dissonances of life. fighting the silent chaos in your
head – or being the distracting sound of chaos from all your worries
                             this grand life piano.
Madeon Dec 2024
We are locked within ourselves
and searching for keys we’ve long since lost.
But when we find them,
will we still remember
what we wanted to open?

Only light will remain.
Only light.
And we will forget the words.
showyoulove Dec 2024
What are the keys to holiness and perfection? Practice, patience, time, and integrity. Like any good thing, it takes work and lots of it. You don't become Van Gogh, or Mozart, Michael Jordan or Mother Theresa overnight. Granted, some of these people have certain gifts and talents that make it easier, but it still took practice and consistent work. Patience is also necessary. There may be setbacks or failures, mistakes and sleepless nights, but one must be patient and endure, because if you keep going, things are going to look up and trials will strengthen and give us the tools we need for the future. Time is something we all have and never seem to have enough of. Make good use of your time and fill it with good and wholesome things. Do not hurry or rush perfection or holiness or any good thing. Nothing good comes to those who hurry and rush and do not wait. Finally, and perhaps most importantly is integrity. To be holy and strive for perfection, one must have true integrity. As Shakespeare said once "... above all else: To thine own self be true". Be true to who you are and who you were made to be. Do not try to live someone else's life or be someone else. You aren't. You are you and that is that. Be the best you that you can be. For, as Mother Theresa is quoted as saying: "in the final analysis it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway".

God bless us all on our path to holiness and perfection. Amen
the key went
in the lock
easily enough
with no resistance
in the cylinder
nor any loose pins
catching inside
yet try as i might
it would not turn
all three keys
were the same
identical in height
of teeth and
depth of notch
i could not have
picked the wrong one
still the deadbolt
was unmoved and
would not let me
into my own home
Demonatachick Feb 2024
Behind doors I cannot open with keys that never was, i feed letters through slots hoping they would reach him.

I dreamt that he would consume them and one day emerge, whole.

But the chrysalis never broke, and what couldve been never was.
Hi guys hope everyone is well, my favourite time of the year approaches, pancake day!!
ZACK GRAM Jan 2024
Be at peace in Gods plan
Gods gifts
An Gods lands
The King shall demolish you
You will never **** my White Rock
Gold domes
Jesus Christs
Epic cost pals
Sumerian Rick
Tablet Brick
my wifi so strong
Walk a mile walk a preach
No guns my brothers baught them
Rip hooks
No sama no bin ladins
The Greatness Moving
Pour a cup
Nevermind fallback
Pay a tax
Giant tree petrified
**** a stock you need water
No sink
No toilet
Sit on a bucket
Kitchen closed
Wash your hands dust your soldier
Out the mag charge
Compton baby DieGone alley
No pres Z no Pres X got Next
Pop an dip
Sip a syrup
No vial
Straight *****
Ask Him Yourself
Bekah Halle Dec 2020
That, which is before me, I take hold.
Stepping forth with the keys,
once wearily, but now growing bold. 
Down, black dog, down.
Joy: light in thin cracks extol.
My heart growing in strength
stepping out bold,
it’s the only way to learn, heal and grow peacefully old.
Down black dog, take off your crown.
Ylzm Jul 2022
as in clouds so in words
many things seen and read
hiding keys affirming revelations
in the unseen and unspeakable
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