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Jules Oct 2019
You saw a blueberry
On the corner of the sidewalk
Something you shouldn't have noticed
But unexpectedly took interest
In a blueberry
On the sidewalk

With each passing day
You'd see that blueberry
And with each passing day
You looked forward to it
To a blueberry
On the sidewalk

But eventually, the leaves will fall
And the snow will come
People will move on
And nothing will be left
Nothing at all
Not even a blueberry
On the sidewalk
Jules Oct 2019
I don't take much interest these days
On the thoughts you have and the things you say
Sure, I may listen
Sure, I may pay
close attention to whats underway
but right now I feel tired
right now I'll just stay
far from you
far far away
c Sep 2019
My body rises in opposition
To doing things in my best interest
It craves poison
Jagged rocks
And people who don’t love me back
Joseph Dec 2018
How shall i proceed? the question lingers on my mind,
To follow my head, or this heart of mine,

Everyone around me says no, its not what is done,
And for me to not follow this yearning, would be anything but fun,

Where do we stand when deciding what to do,
Body, mind and spirit, all having their view,

I for one cannot tell you the answer,
What is false and what is true,
There is only one who writes your story,
and that person is you.
Diana Santiago Aug 2019
Something's gotta change
A force that will finally break the ice
This glacier that separates us two
Your stare an expert at the art of entice

There's a tenacious guard within me
To which your presence overpowers
Instilling fear yet excitement
Erasing my need to cower

When will you finally decide
To give in to your interest in me
Take the initiative, make your move
Release my inhibitions free
CL Fjell Jul 2019
I'm spent
No more lyrics of love and metaphors
The words fell out like mouthfalls
Each rock struck a new poem
Each glistening rainbow a new idea
Each droplet of mist my persistence

I'm spent
I thought it was beautiful to see life
To truly see what it's like to be free
Now I envy the lovestruck fools
Blinded by their individuality
Ironically enveloped in community
Head up *** and foot in mouth

I'm spent
What's the use in giving my thoughts
Everyone either relates or claims false
I'm a liar, a beggar of attention
***** of Babylon I beg on my knees
Waiting for one true prince to pick me
Like that daffodil I pressed in a book
I don't want the prince, or the flower
I want to be alone.
But I hate to be alone.
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