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Lara P Feb 2019
I have always been a lot to handle;
I feel too much, talk too much.
My sensitivity is my weakness
And my strenght.

I can feel the Earth moving
Under my feet,
I can hear the wind praying,
And the song of the sea.

And the forests, they call me
To explore them all.
But I'm in the city,
So how can I hear their voice?

There is so much to me,
From loud laughter to excessive talks,
From quiet nights filled with thinking,
All the way to stupid jokes.

A storm rages inside my head,
Ready to sink all the ships
To the bottom of the sea,
So please be a submarine.

Explore my depths, love them all,
For no one else was brave enough
To stay and try to tame my soul.
I think you will be the first to know

The real me.
I don't trust people easily, but you? Oh, I trust you completely, and it scares me. So I will show you my entire self, and you decide if you'll still want to kiss my lips and hold me close.
jaida Feb 2019
As i cry and you look me in my eye just know my feelings had burst
My tears are the only thing i can show you cause you wont understand my feelings as you see they are hurt
I want you to hold me and say im yours baby just tell me whats wrong and ill make the pain go away
But you act like thats hard to do and way to hard to say
Cause im me in this deep dark hole and not you
I wish you kissed my lips and held me close as my pain would go away
This is not all
I want you to hold me in your arms till the sun falls
I want you to tell me you love me with all your heart and tell me were never gonna be apart
I want YOU and ALL of it not just all these little parts
As i give you me i want you
Only if you knew
Knew how i felt about you
Its sad to say  
Im in love and it wont ever go away
I remember these feelings as i had my 1st ever heart break but it showed me i can love 100 times as hard, im no longer in love with my ex but this is how i felt.
As he wouldn't do these things he left me in a very dark place and im glad i gave myself time and let go of him.
But i just love to write poetry, it helps me get everything out and calms me down.
Im sorry if post to much poetry lol, anyway i hope you guys/gals enjoy my writing.
Citizen Lost Feb 2019
I feel so much passion,
It is stirring inside,
I opened my heart,
And closed off my mind,

I followed the feeling,
That showed me the way,
Through the dark nights,
To see the new days,

I needed to find You,
I searched far and wide,
I'm grateful to have You,
As a part of my life,

You make me so happy,
You make me so sad,
You make me so angry,
You make me so mad,

I wish I never found you,
I wish I never had,
I have fallen in love,
I have fallen so bad.
Rambling on.

Sadly Kida Feb 2019
You make my head spin
like dancing tequila
A splash of
sea foam green
and minty tea
I could swim in your words
and never drown
because you always kept us afloat
Your ship was unsinkable
and it was stronger
than any other
Your mind has traveled farther than most
The experience you collected throughout the years
you were an epic tale in my eyes
A woven book
of summer kissed skin
It was something more than infatuation
and I craved to taste it
sixpoetry Feb 2019
two kids
young and dumb
chasing constellations
and the touch of their lover
wanting nothing more
than to fall off the map
and into the arms of each other
sixpoetry Feb 2019
it was a cold winter day when love left
suitcase in hand
messily packed in a rush
never predicting the tragedy of loss she would endure

it was i who was prepared
broken words running endless circles around my mind
suitcase in hand
neat and pristine

i was the tragedy

haunted memories running endless circles around my mind
perfection tainted by the poison seeping deep

surface level loving
digging deeper
how was i to know
this well
was a grave

but oh how perfect love was
a captivating collision of beauty and pain
shards of her
plastering every part of me

but oh how perfect we were
love’s extended visit straight out of a storybook
i was the one to open the door
what cruel trick of fate sanctioned me to close it

to see love was not to know love
but once you knew her
to see her was to see perfection

but for a messy human to see perfection
was nothing more than a road
diverged into a thousand paths
all cursed with the same ending

heartbreak is inevitable in a world of hurt
someone must walk down the road
how tragic that love must bear the burden of others’ self-inflicted pain
constantly giving herself away to those not stable enough to hold her still

oh how perfect she is
how trusting of the untrustable
how caring of the careless
how loving of the unlovable

and how lucky i was to meet love
halfway down the road
sixpoetry Feb 2019
i don’t want to be strangers with memories
but as close as i want to stay
there will not be a moment that passes
in which i do not look at you with a heart full of love
a mind full of regret
and a longing for my home to which i’ll never return
larni Feb 2019
if you are going to fall in love with me,
you must know that i cry. a lot.

i cry during rainy days, sunny days, or on a monday morning.
i cry everytime i watch a happy movie and everytime i cut onions,
but do know that i cry harder every time i talk about the things that have hurt me, even if they don’t hurt anymore.

i need constant reassurance.
for i am afraid of being left behind, of being unloved.
i will probably tell you all the things i hate about myself
while you disagree with each one of them
but i still won’t believe every single word you’ll say.

i got used to shutting down the people who care about me.
it will be so hard for me to open up,
but all i’m asking you is to stay patient, and give me time to adjust.
you might think i’m rejecting your company,
but don’t blame yourself, i appreciate you.

so listen, if you are going to fall in love with me,
understand that i’ve been through the worst,
but still, i’ll love every inch of your skin unconditionally.
kaylynn Little Feb 2019
Wrapped in your warm embrace
looking into those brown eyes that lay upon your face
Never wanting to leave your side
Your smile brings me warmth, when I’m lost you're my guide
I thought I would never be able to love
However when I met you, my heart swoon like a dove.
Your presence is like a drug, when you’re not around my heart and soul ache.
I let down my guard to be with you, because i’ll take that chance I don’t care if my heart will break.
Since you’re worth all my time and devotion
I could care less about all the hate, drama and commotion.
Nothing in this world is worth losing you, nothing at all.
Finally I am with you I feel safe, like I won’t fall.
No, there is no way to know for sure, but you’re worth that risk.
Anything at all just to feel the bliss of your kiss.
Happy two and half years!
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