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Dark Ink Apr 2016
Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!!!
Death strikes us ... We don't even see it coming...
Ugo Victor Mar 2016
Slowly but surely, the earth is dying
Landslides and earthquakes
Tsunamis and hurricanes
Summer heat all year round
Like a mid-summer nightmare

Those are not the real killers
Bomblasts and homicides
Crimes of color, religion
A life for more lives
Alive to take more lives
Not one day gone without an unnecessary death

Slowly but surely, the earth is dead
Buried in the same hope that was meant to save us
Religion and it's diversities; Science and it's ideologies More harm than good
And knowledge is the ****** weapon
Now we are bristling at the seams of the end
Weaving as if we didn't know, our very demise
Deeply obsessed with such sad irony
The saved don't want to be saved
They want to go to heaven
But for the unbeliever, anything goes
Let nature take its cause
Indeed, we are nature's beings, but
We have overwhelmed it
With our incessant addiction to hope
Never believe the news
It's much worse than it looks
But not all is lost; the red could save us all
Join the movement
Mayday Mars
Follow @maydaymars
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2016
A house is built for shelter and care,
Created from the Earth to bring stability into a home.
It is unwavering and sure.
Or is it really?
Years later,
will this house still stand?
Change is like a house,
it's foundation will crumble,
and with it the walls,
and with it the roof.
Can a home really be stable,
Created on such a basis?
Each good home falls,
and with it a family.
They will leave,
They will die.
The house will become unrecognizable.
And with it, The foundation will crumble.
"It is better to have an Ark" Ruth from Housekeeping says. this book seems to bring with it interesting insights.
Shyne AM Jan 2016
When we first met, you were arrogant
Walking around like you owned the world
I was the one to say hi
While you sat there in silence feeling shy

We started seeing each other everyday
Kissing in stairways
We ate, we went swimming
Our love was blooming

This was two years ago
Back then there was sunshine, now its just snow
White and cold, beautiful and bold
We started dying while living with each other
Changing like the weather

I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused
I’m sorry for all the tears in your eyes
I’m sorry for all the broken promises
Standing with you watching the sunrise

You never did me wrong
Always told me to be strong
For you knew I’d survive through anything
As long as I am breathing

But like they say
Somethings aren’t meant to last
And when you are having a good time
Times goes by fast

Just know that I loved you with all my heart
You’ve always been such a sweetheart
All I want is for you to be happy
I really want that and I want it badly

So here I say again,
I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused
I’m sorry for all the tears in your eyes
I’m sorry for all the broken promises
Standing with you watching the sunrise
I write to keep myself afloat with insanity so near
To let my anger out and with it, my fear
To keep my words from becoming actions
And to add to my list of distractions
Sadness and loneliness accompany all
To comprise a deep, thoughtful poem that speaks of my fall
As my heart spills out on this paper
I sit up to find my ideas turning to vapor
Yet, inevitably, they will become the present
Therefore my soul will no longer be in constant torment
~                                                          ~
Poe­ms. Leave a special subtle fleur
lingering  around. In colours they
live. In auras of poets. They're
born. They turn. They dye.
The world. And die.
~                     ~                         ~
In the middle Earth we'd love
and cherish our liberated
slick yearnin's. Limbs.
Craving caresses.
~     ~                ~             ~              
I'd kiss you like a crazy
flutterby. Levitating
upon your body.
In pleasure.
You. . .Me
~~~                                             ~  
Endless words stream from
your radiant thoughts.
Laser swords are no
match to describe.
How you Scribe.
Vital. Sensual.    
~           ~            ~              ~
My eyes sip you. Wordless.
You purr. In my palms.
Lustful breaths.Dim
Light. Pressed. Lit
Flames. Are we.

  ~     ~
Imagined by
Space Poetess
BSeuss Nov 2015
take this peace not forgranted
lest we forget the pain of war
it should be known
the coming pain
is of war
for the world know it to be undeniably inevitable
do not apply to life
what others say is truth
beware the barrers of false gifts and their broken promises
much pain but still time, there is good out there
conduit closing
AZahorcak Oct 2015
Today was one of those days that started in a torrential downpour of hardship and discernment which scattered my mind whole with confusion and resentment.  As I woke, a hole began to form in my chest.  One that would surely be the death of reason and the atonement for hours spent in silence, letting my throat fill with the blood of my unspoken words.

There is something particularly damaging about communication.  Though it can bring two people together, it also the one thing that can tear them apart.  This particular miscommunication has left my heart aghast with the thought that it will not be communication or the lack thereof that will sever our relation.

All things must die.  All things will die.  For those of who are comfortable with that idea, it becomes difficult to see the merit in staying when many different factors join together in a chorus to sing:  The horror!  The horror!
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