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Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Bee my guest

This is where you will nest Humble.  Your own bedroom.
Can I move the furniture?  Bee my guest.  This is your room.
And you can do whatever you want to make it feel like home.
Welcome to the family Humble; I have to go and bee a drone.

I will leave you in peace to get used to the place.
Thank you both for all you have done for me in such a way.
You are one of us now Humble.
You will never need to feel as if you are all alone.
You have a family now Humble and this will always bee your home.

Humble was quiet happy to bee alone sometimes,
With so many people always buzzing around outside,
But as he awoke the following day,
He was glad to bee in good company
And as his new mother approached his door,
She heard him say…

I guess it will bee ok…

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Meet the ‘rents (A bee movie)

As Humble left the honeycomb, now a bee,
He was accompanied by a guard with a kind heart.
The guards name was Bee-Real, a real gentleman, you’ll see
And he said “Follow me.  I’ll take you to where your new parents are.”

There was a little room and as Humble went inside,
There were a pair of bees waiting for Humbles arrival…
We have been waiting for you, the lady bee said with a smile.
How do you do?  Said the male.  
Humble was left confused and in a state of bedazzle.
It’s a pleasure to meet you Humble…
This is your new mother ‘Bakes-a-good-crumble’;
And I am your father ‘Dude’.
We’ve have been waiting to meet you.
We are your new relative bees.
Welcome to the Bumble family.

We are going to look after you, is there anything you want to know?
Who are you?
We are the people who will raise you as our own.
We will welcome you, with loving arms, into our home.
The Queen Bee cannot look after,
The 2000 bees she has created today.
So we are your adoptive parents.  Is that ok?
I’m one of two thousand offspring?
Yes Humble, one of two thousand bees born today,
But one in a million to us Humble…come give us a hug…we don’t sting.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
From the beeginning

A heart beats…
A heart beats again…
A heart beats…and then another.
A heart beats…
And then another
And then another
And then another,
Until the rhythm of the hearts sounds like thunder!
Welcome to life inside the cocoon…

Eyes open.  Eyes close.
Eyes open again…a blink as a brain begins to think…
Something is happening…a heart beats, in tune.

A claw drags itself along a wall and the thread begins to break.
Another claw drags along the same wall, searching for a way to escape.
A hole is pierced in a silk weaved shell.
The air blows in as the senses dwell,
Upon this feeling; inhaling, exhaling…breathing.

A heart beats…a claw is seen waving,
Through a tear in the sealed, protective pod.
The hole grows from fingers and toes, moving faster now.
Somebody is home…the outside noise it calls…a sound so odd.
The casing rolls and legs kick the air…this creature has a soul.
A fist bursts through the surface of the shelter, forming another hole.
A hand reaches out from inside to take a hold.
Another fist; another hand, a larvae is emerging
And soon the outer seal that binds,
All the trapped thoughts of a hive mind,
Are broken free and born with a lasting memory.
Knowledge gained through ancestral experiences;
The creature is still learning…
The cage is broken but never the bond.
The Queen Bee watches all her children,
As they emerge from their growing beds
And she sits there listening to ‘The Greeting Bees’ sing their songs.

The egg rolls once more onto its side.
The embryo is now no longer trapped inside.
It pushes open the wall to create a door to the world…
There appears a furry ball with a spike on its tail.
The story of creation is that nature prevails.

As the furry ball elongates to take its true shape,
A head appears from beneath a body.  The creature is now awake.
As open eyes look for the future, straight ahead,
The story repeats, again and again and again.

Another broken outer layer;
Everywhere the open eyes look, another bee is soon becoming.
Some bees have broken out at the first chance,
Others developed later, but they are all quietly humming.

And at the end, when all the embryos were released,
The remained but a single sleeping bee…

The impatience grew, but still they were made to wait…
A heart was beating, the bee was moving,
But still it did not try to escape…
Some other new bees began to crawl away.
Older bees had gathered to see and they were left truly amazed.
The time had come, the hatchling’s were born,
The hard work was done…
For all, except one.

So still the elders waited…

The bees that were free soon found the honey
And with time they gained their strength and ate.
As the sunlight turned into moonlight,
There remained a solitary bee who did things his own way.
He had decided to remain, saved in storage;
He was still building his courage.
All the courage he could ever need…
All that he could ever bee…

When all the other onlookers had given up waiting,
The Queen Bee sat and watched patiently…
And then at last a head pushed through the case.
It saw a face.
The Queen Bee was waving elegantly.

As the bee rolled out of its bed,
It lowered its head to The Queen Bee of the Bumbles.
She looked into his eyes and said…

“I think I will name you Humble…”

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
This is a story about a bee named Humble B. Bumble.
V Jun 2019
Confidence says: "Thank you!"

Arrogance says: "I know I am."
Learn the difference.
Stay humble. :)
Michael H May 2019
Old part of remote facility
We exalt you
You are angelic
There is no leftover –
Just images of truth

Rapport with emotive-figures
All against reality
Let it sit
I am truly an engineer
We rally this

They rely on us
We'll take them right
Given our sight
And seeing the light
Of this:

Might humble you
The view so prolific
They may go hyper
We are ready though
Rest assured
Cardboard-Jones May 2019
One man who brought the world to one city
The center of their universe
The sky rains rose petals
The streets echo his name with thunderous roar and applaud
The king of a long line of kings
Raises his head above his ego
Statues created to honor his marvel to stand against time
Love and adoration finds him
From the most insignificant peasant
To the most honorable politician
One emperor, one king, above them all
He would be remembered far past his passing

One man in Rome had a different voice
One man hired by the immortal himself
One man to do the job behind the curtain
He stands behind his boastful aura
Behind the fabled greatness
Whenever someone gave him love
Whenever someone praised his name
Whenever someone kissed his hand
There was this man to remind him
Whenever someone blessed his life
Whenever someone sacrificed in his name
Whenever someone idolizes him with infamous intent
There is this man
A loyal servant to Rome and her bounty
To whisper in the modest King's ear

"You are just a man. You are just a man."
OpenWorldView May 2019
Not for shallow fame,
but love
from those you touch.
"Give and you shall receive."
Empire May 2019
I like to believe
My pride is rooted
In insecurity
Because somehow
That's better?
However some
Nagging notion
Makes me wonder if
My self-demeaning
My self-sabotaging
My self-harming
Is all simply to hide
From myself and
From the world
The arrogance
Consuming my mind
There's this strange sense of cycling that makes cause and effect far more confusing than one would think... especially when you're not sure you want the answer.
Brittany Hall Apr 2019
Fragile, yet, unbreakable.
Rattled, but, unshakable.

Taking the **** and I'm dealing with it.
Taking these hits 'cause I'm feeling with it.

Out of my mind, but I'm cool with it.
I still walk a straight line, I don't fool with it.

Tired, but I still stay woke.
Fired up; what a ******* joke.

Still respectful, I don't hope you choke..
I'll just let you make someone else go broke.

Anyway, back to the point.
I'm doing fine, want a hit of this joint?

I'm ******* funny, I'm free, wouldn't you like to be me?
Just kidding. I'm humble, trapped, and you don't wanna be me.

It doesn't matter what anybody else believes.
The only one that can judge Me, is Me.

Me, me,
Me, me, me, me,

One lesson you taught me,
Is to care about me, me, me, me.

Thank you, really.
I hope that you agree.

I'll never again forget,
That I, am Queen Bee.
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