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Simon Jul 2020
"Kyle" is more than just an unusual acquaintance... She is a "special friend" who (truthfully) I seemed to have known for only two days. When really, it's like I've known her simply as someone who's lived on my own street my entire life! Someone who isn't afraid to get themselves out there (when they feel like it...that is). With a little assistance from the good ole nudging push out the door! This all seems to add up to you reminding me of someone who only seems to be a mere afterthought that keeps coming back and seemingly introducing yourself (yet again) for the better! Someone who I'd voice the very thought that simply started with the word (of the very impression I got from them when they first introduced themselves into how they presented themselves) as "little".... Yes, that only came to one half of such a unifying whole. The entire other half came to a weird little quirky word called "squirt". Put those two together for a "unifying whole" that ends in calling them officially..."little squirt"! Except that's the impression of a mere repeated question I have in the pit of my stomach when feeling excited to interact with this very individual. All in all, the expression of themselves in what to essentially call them simply ends in one word/name... "Kyle"! Since that's what she told me herself in how I know she wants more people to essentially start calling her that. (Anyways, this is just off the top of my head when wanting to merely express the very air I breath when surrounded by her graceful charm!) Meaning she's fun to be around with! She's funny and quirky in how she addresses herself. Which makes me (again) feel like I've known her...all my life! Sometimes even feeling like a little sister I never had! Or a cousin who lives right next store to me as we hanged out by the creek trying to catch frogs. Or went biking in the afternoon sun on the weekends when school was finally out for the WHOLE SUMMER! We also connect in such a way that has me feeling grateful that I became her "special friend"! Since that's what she essentially is too me at heart! As we "clicked" (as she would essentially put it) right off the bat! Since the very few words we first interacted with one another! PS... I hope this makes you tear up "little squirt"...?! Will show just how GREAT your compassion towards it, really is hehe!
This is a dedicated poem to a friend I just only met... Yet it feels like they are "spiritually" more than that, essentially speaking!
ro Jul 2020
i'm okay,
with not having a relationship,
i'm just not okay,
with having false hopes,
of what we never were.
Void Jul 2020
Never got you anywhere

Never did a **** thing
-elixir- Jul 2020
The petals fall off
as I gather
the fallen petals
of my hope
and swoon to the
beat  of my
heart, as I shower
in the rain,
the woes of the
hopes now
tranquil, amidst the
To seek the distinct
my heart desires.
Amidst the cracks
in the reflection
of my memories.
Sometimes the only way to find peace is to move on and leave the problems behind
Tanushree Verma Jul 2020
She breathed inside her mother for nine months,
Her weight nowhere near tons.
There were dreams for her waiting to be fulfilled,
Of how she'll laugh and their home would build.
Everyone was waiting to hear her first cry,
To hold those small hands and feet; oh my my!
Her arrival was being anxiously waited for,
But she decided to give a pain that has no cure.
She never got a chance to open her tiny eyes,
To hide things under bedcovers and tell some lies.
She missed on feeling fresh air brushing against her face,
She left this world without any memories and trace.
She had to see and feel the nature's beauty,
Had to be held in mother's love and father's protective custody.
She had lots of love to receive and same to give,
Dead in her mother's womb, the little babygirl never got a chance to live.
In the memory of an angel❤
Like sunshine flowing
Abundance without end
That inner knowing
The comfort of a friend

Like first light at dawn
With warmth penetrating
Energy from God
After night of waiting

Colored sky at dusk
Marking this day’s ending
I’ve given my best
That hearts may be mending

Sunshine in my heart
Keeps my hopes exciting
And ever-lasting wealth
Appear at my inviting
This is Prosperity Poem 82 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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You know that feeling when the morning sunshine penetrates your skin and seems to penetrate into your heart and mind?  Well, that's the feeling of prosperity.  

I do believe in getting literal sunshine in your life, and even more importantly, getting the feeling of that sunshine and keep it all the time!
Tamara Lynn Jun 2020
Meet me by the wake of the moon
At the hour that twilight falls over the city
The night is young and so are we
Dance deep into this dream with me
The magic of the night is granted by the moonlight
You fill my heart and soul with absolute delight
thildaman Jun 2020
I fantasized about the future
Where the dreams of the youth lie
But reality depicted
A generation outcry

You can have a head full of hopes
And a well full of wishes
Sorry to burst your bubble
But the future is in trouble

All that is left to do
Is wait for our doom
These skies of blue
Let's savour the beautiful view

We don't know what the future will hold
So cherish this life
In the midst of this strife
For our fates are untold
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