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Zoë Jun 2020
I would give anything to tell this little girl with those red curls that she was beautiful, cause she couldn't see it herself. I would erase thoughts that shouldn't be there, hug her when no one else would and dry all the tears that kept rolling down her cheeks. I would tell her that she shouldn't be so ******* herself, whatever is hurting her right now won't be here forever. I would reassure her that not being normal will be something she's glad about in the future. I would tell her that I'm proud she's holding on, and still not giving up. Shes got a little fighter heart.
I would thank her for being stronger than what was causing her so much pain. Maybe this little girl just needed someone to tell her that whatever she's doing it, would be good enough. Always trying to do better and better made her question if she could ever meet her high expectations. And when she couldn't the disappointment ate her alive. I'm not ashamed of how I tried to handle a situation that I clearly couldn't deal with on my own. I wish I could have helped myself earlier so now I wouldn't have to worry about what people thought of my ugly scares. I wish I could have saved the girl, so she didn't have to spend her teenage years in her room trying to **** her sadness. But I'm thankful that she was stronger than this and decided to live.
AE Jun 2020
You watch as moments are surrounded by an iridescent envelope
They transform into memories that float towards the sunset sky
Colouring the shadows with their flamboyant reds,
Resting in the clouds amongst soft blues
Prismatic and vibrant as they become the entourage
That accompany the sun’s goodbye
And eventually, they're gone, light years away
Now a part of a glittering nebula somewhere far
The night comes charging with its sombre hues,
Decorated with stars, waiting for you
To collect your dreams and take them far
And you watch as your dreams are tied with luminous ribbons
As they float above towards a boundless sky
To meet your memories somewhere in between
And before you feel the new day arise
They become one, entangled within your mind
And as you recall those beautiful days,
Those minutes from another time,
your memories will meet all your dreams
And come back to you
Surrounded by a foreign fluorescence
Disguised as gifts of time.
Mahogany Ree May 2020
your wants are your wants
never stop wanting . . .
. . . just stop focusing on them 
dwelling in your want
will make you miss what you need
fulfilled. . .
when they're supposed to be
and if they are never fulfilled
then so let it be . . . 
. . . you've lived all this time without them
maybe . . . 
. . .  that's fulfillment within itself

© Mahogany Ree
AE May 2020
From the blooming dandelions
That grow in the gardens of the kindred soul
Is a peculiar dream
That with every yellow petal becomes
A wishful fly away
Within its colourless softness
Searching for new soil
To bury itself
And grow

But it’s the insignificant things
That weigh down the petals  
Whenever they gather the willpower
To float towards a horizon
That divides the insecurities
And the biggest fears of the dreamer
So instead the petals become rain
That wash away the remnants
Of a scorching sun

And some time after
The water carries with it
The seed of the dandelion
And along a distant road
It grows once again
Waiting for another
To come set it free
So that it can carry those old ambitions
Back to one who’s still searching for courage
Along the horizon in their dreams
AE May 2020
From the blooming dandelions
That grow in the gardens of the kindred soul
Is a peculiar dream
That with every yellow petal becomes
A wishful fly away
Within its colourless softness
Searching for new soil
To bury itself
And grow

But it’s the insignificant things
That weigh down the petals  
Whenever they gather the willpower
To float towards a horizon
That divides the insecurities
And the biggest fears
Of the one who wished upon them
So instead the petals become rain
That wash away the remnants
Of a scorching sun

And some time after
The water carries with it
The seed of the dandelion
And along a distant road
It grows once again
Waiting for another
To come set it free
So that it can carry those old ambitions
Back to one who’s still searching for  courage
Along the horizon in their dreams
AE May 2020
In time,
The swollen heart
Becomes a symbol
Of crossing borders

And when you find the unspoken words
Of your sleepless soul
You’ve found the bordering nation of freedom
That when met against your dreams
Melts into your boundaries
And two become one

And in time,
Your past fades into the seams
Of your reckless ambitions
And your blood pours down towards
your ankles
Preparing you to kick off your feet
And fly towards a future

Where you are found to be free
From your own shackles
and someday you’ll smile
As you look back at what you’ve left behind

And you’ll find
That in time,
You’ll be free from your fears
AE May 2020
You’ve grounded yourself to match the subtlety of the earth’s morning shadows

Your heart feels swollen, it’s filled with love for the little things

And you can longer separate yourself from the line that divides love and hate

So you live your life using every lens available to look at foreign objects

And you find yourself overlooking a sea of borders, so you divide yourself into fragments

And now you stare at your reflection,
what are you besides fractals of foreign colour?

What are you besides lost in translation, waiting for a narrative?

So you rinse away the lines that separate your hopefulness and hopelessness

And you look towards the sea, somewhere in the distance, foreign shadows begin to erase the continental divides in your mind

And you take your first breath as someone....

....not something.
Nimisha Chauhan May 2020
You were a ray of possibilities
In a corn field
Rich, lush of hopes.

Ripe with dreams of the future,
Perfect pieces to the
Puzzle of me.

Who knew,
The ends would stick out,
Poke in uncomfortable places,
Clash and hurt.

Who knew the rays of hope
Would blaze me altogether?
Are those green hopes?
Can’t we all hear their whispers love?

Calling without sounds,
Dancing without moves

Palms and fingers touch with heartily sun-sprays.

Together, we all grow,
an emerged labour fun
Where commence to our very first earthly love touch.
By Angel. XJ 01/05/2020
1st May, 1st experiences at an arranged allotment in Chinese campus. A fun seed explore at early Summery
AE Apr 2020
The spectacular quiet,
Is where the stars rest above the atmosphere
And where you lose the voice of reason
As you stare into the clouds
Hoping to catch a different dream
Searching for sounds you’ve never heard
Wisdom will tell you that’s life at its best
And youth will tell say you’re at your worst
Time will always live for the chase
And reminiscence will cloud your judgment
But when there is nothing but silence
And the sky is asleep,
You’ll hear the voice of your impossible dreams
Singing it’s famous lullaby
Waiting until you shut your eyes
To take your worries for a flight
And teach you how to say goodbye
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