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Binges, binge this, binge that.
Never tried twack, nor crack,
40+ Unisom Sleep Gels,
Put me in some intense sleep spells.
Tried my first Xan,
ate all 14 blues in my hand.
Still hadn't even had ***,
Didn't have a phone to text.

I ate 63 Unisom this time,
but I knew I felt fine.
Walked in the night through my town,
till those Webb City cops had to put me down.
Got a really awesome plug,
taught me how to deal and ****.
Tried twak, crack and sold it to my city,
I could get a gram for fifty.

Caught my first DWI,
dude I'm not drunk! but I was high.
I sat in the Jasper County Jail,
read all the bible while I was in my cell.
Got my best friend pregnant,
man life was really pleasant.
4 months my seed dies,
only God could hear my cries.

7 bottles of cough suppressant,
God came to me in my coma segment.
I had no intentions of turning away,
I was living my life day for day.
Shot my first handgun,
I started my life on the run.
I hated the world and I hated myself,
I had everything except for help.

3 hits of acid, 1 bottle of cough syrup, some ****, DMT, and Hash.
My 20th birthday had to be a bash.
I saw a dragon hatch from the sky,
I swore we all were gonna die.
I couldn't wait for the world to end,
I had not a single friend everyone was for pretend.
Started going by Okey Dokey,
caused more mischief than Loki!

I wound myself down with a girl,
I thought she was my world.
We thought we were in love,
but we just loved to rub.
Left her after a week of being locked up,
I wanted to be like a lotus that grows from the muck.
I found a relationship with my Lord and Saviour,
I couldn't believe that what he had set for me later!

Turning the age of 22 and confined,
I was started to see becoming less blind.
I was baptized in the jail,
I gave up my feelings to fail!
Now here I am,
becoming a man.
I live in a Church now,
may peace and love be with you, Chow!
This is a reflection of my life since I was 16, I'm 22 now, each segment is a different age. There are other things I wanted to include in this but felt it was a little bit to hard to put on here. I hope you enjoy this! Praise be to God, and may He bless you all! Peace and love.
Repcin Maker Sep 2014
I fell  
I knelt
I felt
His unfathomable grace
I will always fall but He will always be there to make me stand once again. Never give up, Be strong and don't give up, for your work will be rewarded
The greatest test will lead you
in your **greatest testimony
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
I feel like a terrible person
I've fallen into this kind of pattern
I can't seem to shake
I'm not quite sure
From where I've picked it up
I think -- I'm pretty sure
I'd rather be without it
Leave any and all feedback! :)
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
When I'm telling you
The story
Of my hardships
I don't need
A heart
A mouth
A soul
A brain
All I need is an ear.
Joe Wilson Jul 2014
They set out together a long time ago
there was a keenness to their gait
whatever was going to be thrown at them
they’d take in their stride and then leave to fate.

They made many new friends along the way
with hearts so stout and true
and some friends are with them still today
’cause they’re good people through and through.

Their journey took them far and wide
it has been one hell of a ride
there were hardships aplenty along the road
but they never left each other’s side.

And now they are here in the twilight years
the journey’s not over for them yet
the gait is less keen and they have their fears
but they've got plenty of mileage in them yet.

©Joe Wilson – Keep going…2014
Becky Littmann Jun 2014
Made from paper & some ink but it's worth quite a lot
It effects those it touches & those it does not
It's the cause of arguments & fights
& not enough of it, then out go the lights
It's hard to believe it's not even alive
We use it to help us survive
It gets copied & distorted
& across seas, it's sometimes transported
When it arrives it's exchanged
To this different appearance
Large amounts might require a government clearance
It can ruin lives & destroys happiness
I know it's hard to believe this
People lose their houses without it
& others are just happy with the change in your pocket
It's really the reason for theft crimes
Just trying to get by in troubling times
Working for it never seems to stop
& still not enough is made to get all you need
Which limits how much you buy when you shop
Barely enough food for the mouths you feed
Leaving little left for you to pay that bill
Stress & worries soon to follow
& down your cheeks tears begin to spill
Now your account is way too low
We underestimated its true value
It's definitely the root of all evil
If you let it control you
It will never be shared equally
To all the people
Which us sad & crummy
Maybe it'll give you a luxurious life or maybe no life at all
& what the beast is known as is MONEY
Don't let it be your downfall
Lana Grace May 2014
Conflicted and confused is the state my heart is in right now.
Day in and day out I pray to my God who seems to be silent,
But I trust that He's working.
Because if this is never resolved,
If my heart remains a chaotic realm of disappointment,
He is still good.
Lana Grace May 2014
The thoughts I've had these past days,
Has led to a war.
A war I've denied my mind the knowledge of knowing
That I'm fighting a war within myself.
But oh, how my heart knew.

Choices and decisions are at my doorstep knocking on wall of my heart.
The entrance has been blocked,
Blocked by fear and doubt that has consumed me.
I've been afraid to decide,
Afraid to choose.

Maybe the choice has never been mine to make,
But mine to follow.
Maybe for once, I must humble the leadership role I have chosen for myself.
And silence my heart that demeans my mind.
Maybe it's time to trust,
Time to hope, time to be free.

After all, who is the one who is writing my story?
It certainly isn't me.
I surrender it all to You.
Yekaterina Ko Apr 2014
"Two roads diverge in a yellow wood"
And I
I took the path in darkness.
It can wait.
I can wait
He can wait.

These thoughts shroud my mind
Cloud it over with confusion.
I'm lost.
In my mind.
In this world.

"Two roads diverge in a yellow wood"
And I took the path.
This path.
A path with troubles.
credit to Robert Frost

— The End —