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Àŧùl Jun 2017
I* remember the ultimate terror,
Bunch of killer bees attacking me,
Assailed I was by a shifting pack,
Not a single cadet left behind,
Each of them stinging me royally,
Z**apping through to make death metal!
I am planning to get one Ibanez electric guitar.
My HP Poem #1571
©Atul Kaushal
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2017
Hour glass body
Excited— fingers fondling
Love my blue guitar

Lemonade May 2017
Your guitar speaks a lot about you.
Through the songs you sing,
and the tunes you play.
Aidan A May 2017

I'm sorry, for this isn't a poem
I apologise for the lack of beauty
My words, the justice I owe them
Is now replaced simply
I set my soul free
I'd love to share the voice
I found
In letting myself
Become me
Shameless marketing, I'm very excited that my music is slowly approaching the prefinal stages before my EP is released. Please have a listen and your critique as poets is highly appreciated.

You'll notice that some of the lyrics are actually poems I've posted before.

Thank you for listening!
George Anthony May 2017
she sits propped up against the wall,
sleek curves and long necked
elegant and beautiful,
and she's my first love,
and I'll love her 'til I die
of this I'm certain,
because she's the sparkle in my eye
I cradle her in my arms,
let my fingers coax her sounds
music to my ears, love songs
and nostalgia of the years
she's my first love,
and I'll love her 'til I die
of this I'm certain
because she's the sparkle in my eye
I cradle her in my arms,
and I've never loved another more
I'll always hold her close to me,
my angel, my guitar
[ finger guns ]
plot twist poetry
Benji James May 2017
I wanna use your heart
Like an acoustic guitar
Let all the emotion pour out
And turn it into sound
Tell me all about
The troubles in your head
That keep you awake so late
While lying in your bed
Tell me about
The nightmares you dread
Tell me what hurts
That has been said
I'm here to serve and protect
And there is one thing
I must confess
I cleaned you up
When you were a mess
I've seen you at your worst
And at your best.

I love you
I love you
I love you
I wanna take you away
Let's get out of this place
Take my hand, pack your things
And will run away
Will go somewhere
Where we can be together forever

I can see your soul
Behind your eyes
I can see the truth
Behind your lies
I can feel the hurt
Behind your smile
I know you want me to stay
Longer than a while
I know you want me
to hold you tight for the whole night
I can see the tears you want to cry
Go ahead let it out,
I'm here with you right now
I can see you want me in your eyes
I can feel the love you hold inside

I love you
I love you
I love you
I wanna take you away
Let's get out of this place
Take my hand, pack your things
And will run away
Will go somewhere
Where we can be together forever

Don't pull away
Find your way in to me
Just take a look and you will see
How much you really mean
I've been your strength
Through the fall
The demons
We fought them all
I've been there
Every time you called
Now take a chance
Let's make this change
It a decision we both have to make
Don't let me fade
Don't let me down
Because I always want you around
I need you here
You need me to
Don't let these thoughts
Escape from you
Cuz I can see
that you love me
And you know
that I will always be
The one for you

I love you
I love you
I love you
I wanna take you away
Let's get out of this place
Take my hand, pack your things
And will run away
Will go somewhere
Where we can be together forever

©2017 Written By Benji James
Molly Byrne May 2017
There is something sweet about us.
How you never stop telling me I’m cute
And I won’t let you believe you’re stupid.
There are so many details of us
They have all blended into a rhythm.
It is the kind of rhythm you can dance to,
One two
One two,
Like a heartbeat.
Like your skipping heart beat,
Which has become my favorite song.
The tin foil around the chocolate I ate today
Said “get lost on purpose”
So I got lost in you.
And when I picture you
With a guitar in your lap,
I forgot that I am afraid
Of change
And loving too hard
And bears.
Somehow no part of me is afraid of you.
And so I hand you the light bulb of myself.
I let you into my museum
And I ask, “please touch”.
I leave all my best and worst qualities out on display
Knowing you might break them
I invite you to break them.
Because even if you leave me in pieces,
I will be better for knowing you,
And the drifting way your eyes fall shut
And the way you jiggle your leg during movies
And dance your fingers up my spine.
Nothing makes my light bulb quite as bright
As your wide smile.
And I, just a girl, didn’t know what beautiful meant
Until I heard my name on the tip of your tongue.
I have grown a lot since I wore a Dalmatian suit
And dreamed of dragons.
But something about you and me
Reminds me of magic.
Debbie Brindley May 2017
You sit at our kitchen table
Guitar in your hand
Playing beautiful melodies of love
And tunes from far away lands
Then at night you play with a rock band Hells Bells is their name
Music blaring
Heads are thrashing
The whole room goes insane
At the end of the night you pack up your gear
Head on out the door
Home to your sweet darling
To play your beautiful melodies once more
A poem for my husband x
Haasje May 2017
My bass guitar  & I
It's a weird relationship I know,
See, I can slap her, but all she does is sing.
See, I can pull her strings, but she sets the rhythm.
See, I can run my fingers down her neck and she moans so ****.
It's a weird relationship I know,
But **** do I love it,

How we intertwine in the heat of the moment,
To create a song  you can feel in your chest.
How we play with each other, until we reach our peak.
And slowly fade away with one last grunt.
making my bass guitar seem way too hot
louis gander Apr 2017
The morning dew settles
like tears on rose petals.
They cry out for time to return -
and beckon lost seasons
of God-given reasons
as sad notes on my guitar yearn.

You're queen of the givers.
It brings to me shivers
that I was so selfishly made.
Your name defines 'humble'
as my words now crumble
on flowers that I now invade.

Your hands were like Heaven,
unselfishly given,
beyond just the people you knew -
from city to country,
from wealthy to hungry -
and all of the rest of us too.

As butterflies flutter,
I still try to utter
some truth of your beautiful love.
But now, it is just us -
and words don't bring justice
as sunlight spills down from above.

Those simple deflections
of sunlight's reflections
now glimmer like diamonds at play -
in memories briefly
that I see routinely
as if they were just yesterday.

I am not deserving
of all I'm observing
in memories coming to mind -
surrounded by perfume
with roses in full bloom
recalling that you were most kind.

I'll always remember
that freezing December
when I erred and brought you to tears.
When you found me straying,
for me, you were praying -
and over the many long years.

Some mothers are brand new,
but none can compare to
my rose-petal mother, that's true.
While laughter was looming,
our smiles were blooming.
There's none other better than you.

I do so adore you -
shall always continue.
I'd never trade you for another.
Up deep from the earth-plow,
what words can I sing now?
I love you, my rose-petal mother.

Alive still, your caring,
through rose petal sharing.
So many, I can't see them all.
Afloat on the breezes,
each rose petal eases
the pain of the weak as they fall.

Your petals continue
to live on without you.
They float around ever so free.
Like soft downy feather,
I don't wonder whether
some petals will fall upon me.

It's not at all easy
to sing thoughts so deeply
when sung with my dusty guitar.
I find I've distorted
all good you're recorded.
My rose-petal mother, you are.

And it's not by my choice
I miss hearing your voice,
so moistness now covers my eyes.
With fingers still strumming
I hear myself humming
while words get choked up in my cries.

With eyes very blurry
I'm now in no hurry
to vacate this most sacred place.
I can't be more lonely.
I wish I could only
receive one more loving embrace.

I love you so deeply
that when I am sleepy
see rose petals filling the sky.
My rose-petal mother,
my rose-petal mother,
I'll see you in Heaven...  Bye bye.

©2017 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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