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Pax Apr 2018
You were the dimlit star
I am trying to reach.

You've lost much
of your glow
how I wish
my light would reach you, and
teach you
     that in life
you're ever so beautiful.

How the harsh words of the world
barricades you soft spoken heart
into stones.
thank you all in reading my lightly lit star in my so dim world.

ive secluded much of my world into the four corners of my home, hated to see how harsh can the world judge me. also hated this part of me, a coward. I needed to remind myself of this feeling to move forward even a little step will do.
Cora Lorraine Mar 2018
As sunlight spread across the floor
and crawled over the rustled sheets
that you hid beneath,
your heart swelled
and your mind emptied
to accommodate the possibilities of the day.
Your fingers started walking toward the door,
taking your cover with them.
Upright your frame sat, then
through the doorway your eager feet danced.
Into the invigorating sunlight,
over the liberating grass that had grown
to comfort the soft skin of your toes as you
chase down the daylight
and gave new meaning to the word
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
I am the sun; a blazing star,
A burning orb of desire,
Stunning and warm, but don't get too close,
My passion will scorch like fire.

Intensity is daunting,
Temperature hard to take,
Heated temper tantrums erupt
At daybreak daily each time I wake.

You help me rise through volcanic bursts,
Lifting me above distress,
Extinguishing my molten rage
With the logic of your cool caress.

I light up in your presence,
A glow radiates from my core,
Bask in heat from my affection,
You are the one I shine for.

I will love you with fervor
But scald you with blistering touch,
Use caution: I fear you will crumble
To ashes within my fiery clutch.
I feel like I am this chaotic volatile work of art that everyone is fascinated with and is beautiful to look at but no one can get close to me without getting hurt somehow.
Jeff Gaines Mar 2018
Oh don't we all
love the fire?

Tell me why, oh, why is it so?

We love to watch its hypnotic dance.
Like it,
our faces aglow.

We shine when in it's presence.
It's warmth can blanket our souls.

Swaying as we slow dance
with it's flickers, swirls and rolls.

Bringing a smile, without a thought …
A gift we can't turn away.

A giant orb of it lives in our sky,
ever turning the night into day.

Oh, don't we all love the fire?
It's destruction we refuse to remember.

We long the specter of those brilliant flames
and quickly forget of the embers.

We didn't arise from the fire's flames …
I'm told we arose from the sea.

A yin …

A yang …

A love affair …
The fire, you and me.

All of us have felt it's pain
and we have seen it burn terrible holes.

Mysterious … Wondrous …
We love the fire …
As long as it's in our control!
No metaphor here. I was staring at a bonfire and this flickered into my head.
Tallie Mar 2018
The walls are there for a reason
To protect against crime and treason
Don’t let it out don’t let it in
Can’t let anyone know how you’ve really been
Arm the guards, protect the inner
Don’t let in the sinner
The walls are up but the roof is gone
She’s free to move on
She went up in the clouds, the wind rose
All the way up she glows
Moving on and loving yourself while you do
Habiba Feb 2018
In a steady pace,
Your silhouette draws closer,
I can't help but wonder,
How can one figure hold so much grace?
Then it presses against the vapid darkness,
Intertwined and set aglow,
Always buried within the whimsical afterglow.

Living everyday,
Like it's my last today.
Nothing else I'd rather feel,
The only thing I want to breed;
The kinetics of the rush,
The lyrical harmony of our love thrush.

I reside in paradise,
Shot down by the bullets of your glistening opals,
You call your eyes.

Compelled to submerge in this guise,
One day we shall witness our prize,
The one event more beautiful than our sunrise.
jonni inferno Feb 2018
follow me
if you can
thru tortured paths
and wintered lands
where the sun is lost
the moon unknown
beyond this dark
encroaching gloam

follow me
if you dare
where voices speak
in whispered layers
of external wars
where twisting turning
bodies play
on silken sails
on captured waves

follow me
if you would know
where silver rivers
sometimes flow
and flying angels
falling lay
sweetly laughing
in their gentle way

follow me
if you wish
and play in childhood's
autumn mist
where paper dragons
fill the air
and broken hearts
still beating share
a love for passion's
written snare

follow me
and I will show
how wounded heart
now mended grows
where many paths
once hidden glow
and light the way
to where I go

added link to pic/poem
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Radiant in her appearance
Illuminant in her glow
Translucent and iridescent
Light and airy as she goes

Captivating and fixated
Locked within my eyes
Invoking and inspiring  
Probing through the lies

Overwhelming beauty
Graceful and direct
Commanding sense of inner strength
Only I detect

True and straight
Pure of gold
Peaceful little dove
Always in my heart
The one I’ll always love
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