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neha yamba May 2019
Old lady cradling a baby
make it home
"where did you get this baby " granny
"nursery " the old lady note
Solicitous for baby
she hassle alot .
Her senility got her sick
She was frail as lamp for epoch
Through the window , solos tot
watched her fade away
Fine morning she laid lifeless ,
leaving a note which elucidate
"Care and water this little tree , it will bear my blessings for gen z "
Morrie W S Apr 2019
tenuous, strenuous.

beliefs stretch
farther than bombs

a word in line with desolation
mainline my vices;
daydream my lichens.

keep in line
with happier times.

protect us from ourselves
H A Vitatoe Mar 2019
Anything, I have written at all.
May never be seen
Will never, be shown.

My words, will go un-spoken,
from generations that are,

But my existence, will be, recorded,
through paintings, on
cave walls.
Sierra Blasko Mar 2019
there will be those who come after us
soft boys and tough boys
rough girls and fluff girls
and every shade of other in between
they will sit where we have sat
and talk of what we said
and we will hand our world over to them
and they will take it
this fragile trembling beast
(we called it earth)
and it will be their world
and it will not be the same world
this earth-thing, this legacy
relies on every story
every creature that has ever walked across its skin
and I
for one
will tread lightly
and paint flowers instead of trampling them
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
On the land of our family
Are the ashes of generations.
Each generation planted with the saplings of the trees  
The Cedar, The Fir, The Larch, and The Mountain Ash
Standing regal in the sun's early light.

It is a new day
Standing under their boughs
Comforted by ancestral arms touching
In a circle of Love and Light.

What is emerging?
Sprouting up from under the Sphagnum  
It's a seed! Raising its head
Peeking up, and stretching towards the sun.

Ever upward it expands
Though nights of rain and clouds.
Through days of heat and seeming drought.

Yet the seedling grows and endures
Bent by the late summer winds
The fiber of wisdom ever increasing within its core.

At the end of Indian Summer
The frost begins to unleash its chill
The young sapling freezes
As the blanket of white thickens across the land.

With the weight upon it's back
In humility the sapling bends low to kiss the earth.
Bravely holding this asana in the coldest of the winter days.

Today by my window
I am basking in the sunlight of a very early spring,
Bright are shimmering reflections of sunlight snow.

Squinting, with eyes half open and eyes half closed
The small rainbows begin to dance
Between each pair of lashes.
A delighted inner child
Chuckling with joy.

I can hear the sound of water running  
And ice falling from the rooftops above.
The snow is finally melting!

The tall cedar boughs dance with the wind.
Up and down, releasing their winter coats
As Ice crystals floating on the air.

Gazing across the white wonder
To the very spot where I last saw our little tree
What of the little seedling?
Is it still alive?
Or broken and crush by the ice and snow?
My musing over the Cedar Sapling
Shifted with a gasping surprise
It sprung up!
Announcing "I am still alive!"
And my inner voice giggled with delight.

Hum, I wonder
Do trees have a heart?
Do they perceive beyond their bark?
Do they remember?
In this very moment the sapling's sudden appearance
During my musing seemed to express, "Yes!"

Is it just a deep enduring feeling
That the elders of this world
Are the 400+ year old Cedars
Keeping their long record of time?

My dear little sapling
may you continue to grow into magnificence.
I will only see your first 100 years.

For your last four hundred
Allow me to lie at your roots
Under the Sphagnum from which you sprung.

And my children will water flowers at your base
That you may grow as the guardian of the ancestor
Who planted your seed and watched you grow.

Yes, the very one who is now delighted that you
Have popped up from under your blanket of snow.
The winter is giving to an early spring here where we live. There is a young sapling outside my kitchen window I have watched for two years now. This is the second season I have watched it pop up out from under the blanket of snow that has covered it thickly each winter. I am amazed at its flexibility, strength, endurance and tenacity. As the years pass I will continue to watch over this little tree with the desire that it will watch over me when I have passed and my body has been laid to rest.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
Joy, Fun, Laughter
Learning, Growing,
Discovering & Creating
Support & Community!
We are women!
We stand together
That all of humanity
May stand up too.

We love
We care for
We cradle
We teach and raise
Generations upon Generations
Each man and each women

Yes we stand up for all of Humanity
May man stand with us too!
For yes, are women!
We want peace.
We want kindness.
We want respect.
We value and want to be valued.
We want all to be free to live.
We want all to be free to love
In Peace.
In Harmony.
In Joy.
through the ages women took care of the ancient knowledge for health wellness birthing rearing children and loving each other through challenges then the roles of women were diminished, relinquishing it to powers that were hungry for not only the control over women but men too.  The human family became lost. Now many are waking up and calling for both men and women to stand together  and reclaim human, dignity, freedom, and the strength of family and the strength of community.
A rising moon,
Cascade luminescence
That some call beauty.
But I know
The mark of my splendor
Can only come
From your sun.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
A child was born
If in the Winter or Spring,
I do not know.

Into her arms
She cradled Him
Her adoring eyes
Gazed upon Him
With depth of
Her Love

Is this the same Love
Every Mother feels?

Open Heart
with a deep enduring

Letting go!

With sweet innocence
Love flowing
As a river.

Pouring with Love
Bursting with Life

From the Eternal Family Tree!
Generation, upon generation

Roots and Branches.
Standing within the Eternal Sea

Merkabah Spin!
An Arc and Covenant of Love
Merkabah Spin!

Standing within the Eternal Sea
Roots and Branches.

Generation upon generation
From the Eternal Family Tree!

Bursting with Life
Pouring with Love

As a river
Love flowing
With sweet innocence

Letting go

with a deep enduring
Open Heart

Every Mother feels
Is this the same Love?

Her Love
With depth
Gazed upon him.
With her adoring eyes
She cradled Him
Into her arms.

I do not know
If in the Winter or Spring
Yet a Child was born
An Arch and Covenant of Love.
The love mother's first feel when they take their new born into their arms is immense. Is this the same love that has been felt for generations? Has the same love lasted for eons? Where  did it start? This love sinks deep within our cores and never ever seems to let go.
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