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Nyx May 2018

Today I gave up
Gave up on you
Forgot the things that we did
Forgot the people we were

Today I thought
For a moment too soon
You don't need me in your life
I thought I don't need you

Today I wore
Wore the necklace meant for you
Gave the keychain away
Put the shirt somewhere safe

Today I felt
Felt that you lost your place
No room left within my heart
Not after all this time apart

Today I knew
That I had past a point
A point of no return
Its time to start a new

Today is the last day
The last day that I think of you
My heart no longer racing
no longer aching for you

Today I'm Free
I can finally be me
I'm my very own person
As I finally found the key

At last I can say
G o o d b y e

(composed about eight years ago
moments ago this poem underwent
     slight poetic surgical face lift
modifications by this bro)
this spine tingling reaction,

     sans flushed testosterone
     from heads to toe
sketched out sometime
     from ~july or august 2012 or so
and (just now) triggered chain reaction for roe

man tick undulations i.e. wishful desires slow
     lee shifting (in seconds flat)
     from neutral to overdrive
     exceeding speedometer limit maximum

     nearly attaining speed of light quo
shunt seeing an aesthetically pleasing chic chick
in the summer of full feminine bloom
     envisioning plunging hot rod
     into her lubricated derrick

(and yes, young enough
     to beget me via ****** fling
     a splendid supreme offspring
of this gap toothed fifty three year old simian),
     who doth wanna swing
like a boyish chap
     at prime love making time zing,

with thee, whose primary purpose comprised
     tutoring my daughter whose deficiency
     with language skills warrant
     communication exercisesd
born with cognitive developmental delays
     in sundry dis guised,

whose academic weakness qualified her since birth -
     or soon thereafter meta morph a sized
to receive intervention to allow, enable
     and provide her with life skills
     even though patience thoroughly utilized

so she can become self reliant as an adult
thus bringing this papa aegis
of said progeny prances carefree like a colt
and via exposure therapy

     comfort zones, convince this dadaist dolt
magic touch, sans young women,
     (who seem prominent in social service field)
     bear witness as thy Punim doth molt

blindsiding actions of tender loving care
these myopic eyes
     with hypnotic trance observe flair
ring results conjuring up illusions of grandeur
     spurring commendable utterance
     of here

but self consciousness kept gleeful outburst
     under lock and key lest detriment comb near
compromising instructional progress,
     that could easily dis ap pear
     into a sinkhole forsaking requisite basic skills
     reinforcement ever since first year

youngest progeny Shana Aubrey Harris did need
recipient (thine offspring)
     received private lessons to help her lead
a supposed "normal" life,
     thus this biological papa did heed
and amenable, lovable, valuable rudiments
     of classroom ABC's a challenging deed

for thee lass aye helped beget, yet
a quiet riotous soiree
     along information super highway got set
     within my imagination
achingly longing to compose a poem
     for this righteous dignified dame whose net

whose, incalculable interpersonal worth
voiced melodically ineluctably seduced, sans mirth
and athletic physique
     goaded this married father

to attempt some organization awakened image (to be,
     or not to be dwelling) within remote hamlet
     with rustic cabin crackling hearth
dormant libido (bereft within marriage)
     toward some unknown outcome,

     yet how grand to parlay pregnant girth
without intent to convey any further details
     cuz message of unequivocal charm
minus additional intent for physical interaction
   brought joie de vivre deliverance on this Earth.
Maxine Mar 2018
I gave my all to you
My skin, my lungs, my eyes, my soul.
Without you I would have to rebuild.
My depths would take years to refill.
My heart would have to be re born.
I would be made of emptiness, I would possibly be too empty to re gain strength.

I trust you'll keep me close to you.
This world is a much greater place.
Our souls synthesised make magic.

You gave your all to me..
And I promise to care for you entirely.
I'm wasted all over again  

It is just a dream  

Too bad  
Too bad it wasn't   

Maybe it's true
When they told me  

That you're fake
You just wanna play games  

I really am  

I let you in
Gave you all of me  

Again I hope
It is just a dream  

Because the love I gave
Are true , true , true  

How could you
Why me
Keithlyne Oct 2017
I did everything for you to notice me.
I did everything so you could spend time with me.

I did everything for you to know there is someone who cares for you.
I did everything so you would know what being loved means.

I did everything for you to know how much i love you.
I did everything because you are my everything.

I did everything while you gave your everything to someone else.

I did  everything but you have your own one
and it is not me.
I love you
You did
I still love you
You don't
I gave up
I tried for so long. Not to give up on him. Thought he would come back to me. I was ignorant.
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