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bk Jul 2019
A good friend is made by getting along with someone.
A best friend is made by finding a part of yourself in someone.
Murakami Jul 2019
Before I could remember
I was lost, and without myself
having no one else
How could it be lonely?
For no one was even there,
At least I wasn't

"I'll take time to find myself"
Never something I asked,
But it wasn't a choice, or a need
I found myself in feeling the stars
While the sand brought me to reality
The sunset wasn't warm, it was leaving

As it left, an inverse shadow
Burned into my memory, a time of company
And loneliness flooded my room
Loneliness of not finding my way out
And i found the coldest was the potential of warmth
Fall found me and the snow fell around us

In illusion, once again,
Looking in your eyes, I lost myself
But I wasn't alone-
Little did I know
that I would find myself
in you.
Alaina Moore Jun 2019
Personal Devil spouting whispers directly into my consciousness.
Streamlined for exaggerated effect.
The internal constant critic of every action and thought.
Highlighting what could have been better in a way so far from constructive I'd need to update my passport to have a chance to see positivity.
Never harping on what was good, what was done exceptionally well.
Only dissatisfied with how it wasn't perfect.
The stark reminder that my toxic self is standing right behind me.
Karli Z Jun 2019
Following the path less taken
Over all the low roads and
Routes plummeting towards the craven
Gateways of Hell takes the travelers
Into enlightenment. Those who avoid Satan's
Vengeance and forked whispers
Emerge from the waters of the lake in
Nature's womb veiled in holy layers
Encompassing their soul. This ache in
Society seeps into the bones of naysayers
Slandering the purging powers of equal pardon.
For someone who is non-religious, I sure do write a lot about heaven and hell lol. I don't even know what I'm talking about. This is also brain ***** from the top of my head, so not my best work, hence the poor rhyme scheme. I wrote this to pass time in a boring class. :P (look at the first letter of each line (: )
JS CARIE Jun 2019
Within the realm of unplayed instrumentation
a crescendo of specific notes are lost
dangling on high maple branches during autumn leaf change
and only divots below the mowed through grassy soil
throughout segregated quarantine reserves
partitions of divorced land
In the bottom of a child’s backpack

so heart jarring and singularly dedicated to the wandering dreamer harboring any thoughts of doubt about what is and what might inhibit the coming up next

covering over wooden plank necks with strings of primitive notation drafted inside the woods create,
rows of ivory keys and ebony flats,  
this includes either screeching or murmuring brass buttons can make
And depending on the blow

Lead based letters
Squeezed together grammar and prose
have no window to grandstand
in a duel verses this one climb of instrumental verse
these missing tones are in tangible reaches
could even be in a soft mother’s dream waiting to be awoken to bring an awakening

Who will seek and find this group of lost tones with striking nuances so spirit soothing
that seeing the mere future is old news
but instilling, feeling, and describing the true meaning of life after hearing what is under, inside and above this crest of colored resonance of tonal pitch...

Or maybe it can insight a minor confidence in the one who lacks it to take that small step forward
Ensuring another step

This is one who will hear this
Lance May 2019
I have lived a life
Where I found love
That I deserved

A Love that I thought Would last
Till the Ends of time
And A Love
That I didn't think I needed

Now I seek to find love
That would Fight its way
To stay..
Cardboard-Jones May 2019
A man was walking a path
Searching for himself
When he came across two wolves.

One wolf was peaceful,
Bringing tranquility and love.
The other wolf was chaotic,
Bringing distress and sorrow.

The wolves were hungry
And looked to the man for nourishment.
The man had a choice to make.
Feeding the peaceful wolf
Would starve the chaotic wolf,
Rendering the peaceful wolf with no purpose.
Feeding the chaotic wolf
Would make it stronger,
Effectively putting peace in danger.

The man took bread from his satchel
And broke the loaf in half,
Feeding both wolves.
Though the wolves did not look pleased,
They accepted the offering.

The man sat with the wolves as they ate.
Both peace and chaos sat together.
As the man sat with the wolves,
Eating in perfect harmony
He found himself.
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