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Ron Armstead Feb 2021
The Bargain

I met darkness in a quiet place
It sought to bless me with its grace

With a voice so low so sweet and small
I was almost tempted when it called

It offered wealth beyond compare
My every wish if I should dare

To take a chance and perhaps stay
But lose myself along the way

Stifling power with mindless rage
My foes before me crushed and slain

A vengeful promise mine to keep
To let darkness reign all while I sleep

But at what cost I failed to ask
What devil hid in that dark mask?

The reward for vengeance wealth and fame
A soul surrendered …no one to blame

I met  darkness in a quiet place
It sought to trick me with its grace

With a voice so low so sweet and small
I felt temptation when it called

REA '19
(Excerpt from a WIP)
Zywa Nov 2019
I hum myself to sleep
with real dreams, fairies
around me, and a hedge
full of thorns

The owl calls, yes
I come, I go
away from hiding
from strangers

The white light carries me
through the summer fields, clover
grows in my footsteps
we are back home

in the real world
like when it started
and yesterday's life
is like a dream
“Golden slumbers” (1969, Paul McCartney)

Celtic symbolism: Uath (the Hawthorn), that protects the fields, houses, and churches, as well as the fairies that live between the thorns; the Hawthorn should be guided by Olwen (the young sun goddess among the summer flowers, in whose footsteps white clover sprouts; Olwen = White Footprint) and the Owl (the symbol of wisdom and patience)

Collection “Lilith's Powers" #82
Svetoslav Feb 2021
aqua planet lights
assembly of ghost planets
near crystalline shore
by Svetli
Psychonaute Feb 2021
Sometimes I wish I
could go to Hogwarts.
Magic would be
wonderful, but the
real enchantment would
be my House.
I imagine basking
in that Ravenclaw
common room
surrounded by others
like me.
That is the
true fantasy.
Lead K Feb 2021
When guilt burst forth, at Menden's door
We could not speak, we did not know
The toll the rage of men might seek
Through witless priests and burning snow

That Sword was forged in Elwen's fyre
With magic signs embossed in vain
The power of steam in crooked lines
To cleave the brows in villainous twain

Thus Emnoch came to shield the world
A hero's hero of countless girth
The ***** of shame that numbered zero
A blade arrived to state his worth

This dismal feast of brutal love
Will never sate a horse's tune
Senescence and honor entwined in fate
He ever swells that liquid boon

Asunder sliced was Denzhen Yeep
Just as Vile Ben wast slain
The Witches Five broke on the Pile
A magic Pentagon of pain

But do not braise the glance of morn'
We cannot love what has not hair
Embrace the stench of Emnoch's glove
His tale is there for you to share
Tale as old as Thyme
Zywa Feb 2021
The plains are covered

with dental floss to be plucked –

with heavy tweezers.
“Montana” on the album “Over-Nite Sensation” (1973, Frank Zappa)

For Valentina Bruno #8

Collection "Truder"
Diana Santiago Feb 2021
My precious; that is what you are
A dark crystal with gleams of color
You’re a gem; a talisman to my heart
This treasure I cannot grasp or touch

It’s as if I can feel your energy
Eager lips caressing my cheek
Your voice audible only in my soul’s ears
Sensing your body’s warmth beside me

My mind is lost and unclaimed
Are you really here or is it just fantasy
Do I just want and need you that badly
That fables start to form in my head

You are a stinging grand sorrow
Pumping through my icy veins
The reason for my mental demise
My guide to a vast lonely world
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