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Limbs are yet to grow
Am just in the womb,
Eyes are, but without brow
and heart is yet to pump.
O Death, You must be having other things to occupy.

Am such a little kid
Just attempting to walk,
still stutter in uttering
Am striving to talk.
O Death, come later,i won’t defy.

My friends are few
More have to be made,
Books are left unread
Games are to be played.
O Death, Hold on, not the time yet to reply.

Have fallen in love
With gorgeous wife,
Heart is singing and
Joy has come to life.
O Death, give me some time & I will comply.

Children, to be taken care of
Elders to be protected,
Ethics in society shaken
Needs to be corrected,
O Death, time is not ripe to tell the life good bye.

Though money I have made
But no time to spend,
Erred in life many times
Still left ways to amend.
O Death, time is still not ripe, please do not spy.

Yes my hairs have fallen
And I have grown old,
But still Life is a mystery
and I have to unfold.
O Death, come next time, I won’t deny.

The more I desire, the more I pray
Lust turning hunter and me its prey,
Still frustrated, Still unsated
Craving for life, swinging midway .
O Death, the truth is that, I do not want to die, I never want to die.

Ajay Amitabh Suman
I am the author of this poem. This Poem is my Original work. I hold all the right in relation to my poem, as available in law. No body is entitled the use this poem , or any part thereof in any form without written consent from me.
Michael Ryan Nov 2017
I've learned
how to be a child of divorce

not through the quarrels
of mother and father
because mine still haunt each other.

But through my own
struggles of living
two separate lives.

One of a student
bound to study
being a socialite of aristocrats  
through my informality of university.

The other a family man
or a family boy
one that wants to soliloquy
and urge the importance
of unity with my brothers and sisters.

Spread between
two homes that don't quite
fill my needs or
meet my enthusiasms.

They are lost to me
equally lost to each other--
these two homes
used to be equal
but now they demand to be separate.
Journey of Days May 2017
perfect porcelain exterior
up close
you are crazed like mad

Journey of Days Apr 2017
from your perch, the throne of bones and rubble
your prized real estate
scraped up from the wreckage of failed relationships
and immoral battles you have waged

from that height, sitting on your throne of bones and rubble
do you deign to think of those slaughtered
through your witless actions
and opportunistic smiles

is the view worth it?
does the stench reach your refined nose?
do the maggots tickle your toes?

bones and rubble have a memory
they tell stories
even if the colour consultant you hired
has done such a wonderful job redecorating
your false stories

O, the dreams I have.
The whispers and promises
that skies give to us;
but all it can deliver
Is cold boring rain
The hardest way
It came to my head,
If  a linchpin doesn't  fit
The axle,
It is as good as dead!

An honest man
Amidst many a ragamuffin
Is just like one the last  nail
Is hit on whose coffin!
Speaking the truth where the truth is buried under heaps of people or collogues without integrity proves futile
Poetic T Feb 2016
Truth is but a lie,
           Layered in white but
Hiding the grime of
          Falsehoods whisperings.
Alan S Bailey Dec 2015
If I ask you what you think about who's in charge,
You say it's not my need to question,
To so quickly be the opposition of the one who
Fed us, clothed us, kept our home clean,
As well as kept locks on everything we'll need
In life to truly succeed. It's not to question.
When I ask you what you think of the score,
You say: "The fault lies in your hands, you are
The punk, (the riff-raff) the failure, the defeatist,"
The bold way men always do things, "*** 'er done!"
That's how it's meant to be, like a Ford commercial,
That and big tires, big guns, big on war, (big on
Everyone falling in line to be what society wants)

Very low on counter-destruction, love, solutions,
Being the key to our problems, communications,
On a small note doesn't seem to save anyone,
Can not solve any threat, and can't solve terrorism,
Hate, misery, and loneliness. From a long view, the "big"
Answer you give me, I still must confess, I disagree,
And big daddy tells us we can make change, in a world
Full of musty traditionalism, societies duality, he makes sure that
"Anyone can see" it's "always been possible for you and me."
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