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Gergana Jan 2018
****, another thing goes wrong,
another dream passes like a song.

Okay, okay,
but I'm not.

Feel so disappointed,
shouldn't have tried after all.

Didn't wanna hear this,
****, stupid tears.

Maybe I **** after all,
maybe I'm the one who'll fall.

Have been flying too high,
end up with a banged head.

Feels like failing's the only thing for me,
feels like it's the only thing I do.
Merrimae Jan 2018
Sleeping boy, how i wonder,
What goes on within your slumber.
What thoughts rave free,
In your mind of beauty?

Sleeping man, do you see?
The things that you are doing to me?
we are both unstable and insecure
But with the mentality you possess is something i cannot concur.

Anger and aggression,
Falls into pits of depression,
Rises again into mountains of happiness,
And climaxes filled with naughtiness.

Sleeping love, can you see?
The things your doing kills me.
a constant belittlement of self,
despite promises of seeking help.

Sleeping baby, please be happy.
I know i fail but it´s all i want.
As you sleep here next to me, i think i see,
the most peaceful thing in all of humanity.
Poetic T Jan 2018
I'm a trapeze artist of  word
             flying through sentences,

           then I
                             and my words
didn't balance so well.

We just have to realize,
           that were cant balance
       all the time, sometimes words fail..
Srijani Sarkar Dec 2017
What is this train doing
To me?
Going to all the wrong places
And has the driver no control?
Other passengers are screaming as if homeless
To persuade the driver to take this trembling namby-pamby  sick ****
To their own favourite towns.
When I sit quietly in an infrequently haunted compartment,
the wasted smell from the toilet
And these riotous noises
Of the driver failing, the train stopping at lonely stations
and others howling unnecessary caps locks and exclamation marks
Infiltrate my senses and at the end of this journey,
You can see through the flimsy permeability
The holes are so prominent
Yet light doesn't enter. The train's timings are weird - all in the night.
The train gets derailed at one point due to the ruckus,
on fire and the searchlight came very late,
didn't notice my quivering queer hand rise amidst a burnt heap of  luggages of people who led to this ravaging
managed to creep out of the train at the right moment,
And desolated for the moses to grow inside this melted metal mess and through the rest of me.
This is too big a coffin for me- unceremonious, caliginous and under the open sky
There's not much of me left to give back to.
Train= mind, driver= thoughts, passengers= other people who influence or rule over your weak malleable mind.
Pain seems like a beautiful concept, as I sit contemplating your demise. I gazed into eyes constantly deceitful in nature, I guess that would explain you ignorant behavior.

Love seem like it would last forever, but thoughts of selfishness and boredom took precedence over true intentions. You failed to mention we weren’t forever, however passions veil of lies grew darker you spoke of my stupidity I should have been smarter?

I imagined your smile and how it sparkled and lit up my conducent mood. How could I have been misunderstood? Love with me was honest and true, never cheated, lied, or mislead you!
Forever, Forever, Forever….

Set in this mature age, clarity of transformation between love &lost without reconciliation, avoiding conversation that would result in humiliation he grew tired of our situation.
I loved you with every fiber of my being, neglecting how ****** up our love was silly me accepted the love I thought or believed I deserved. Forever  I was told humbling  this heart for the void in your soul can only be filled by your selfish pride why lie?
Being strong enough to move on!


-Life completed, now leaving earth-
Meh, a very short one.
Pencil Poet Nov 2017
A flower,
She whispers to wind
?Sings to the sun, dances to the drizzling rain.?
A flower she breathes
?Nowhere but her sprout.
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