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Satyam bhandari Jun 2017
In the season of perspiration,
Where demerits of summer are in trend,

Few flowers and leafs are getting dried and shriveled,
Craving for shower.

As the Weather Department announced thunderstorm,

The Sun is on leave,

Flight of birds achieving new heights,

Dark clouds are rolling up in the sky blue

Swiftly there's a fragrance in the air,

nodding of the trees,

chattering of the birds,

Posts and tweets of the humans,

Are the evidence of celebration,
A most welcome to the rain.
luq Jun 2017
i am fathomed by the cold
a slow fatigue by the unknown
i wish i was brave enough
to face the challenges
but i plague myself with my own words
will this be another wasted night?
what will i do when i'm sober?
even a zephyr blows me down
i will now stay idle and stay disenchanted
even if my desire acts like dynamite
my heart will keep wailing for help
but a silent voice is never heard;
and will never be, until expiry.
why am i here again?
Aaron LaLux Mar 2017
“It’s 2017 those pants they just won’t do.”,
it’s 2017 undressed by a 16 year old,
hold on though it’s not ******,
even though yes she is truly beautiful,

we are in the dressing room of a mansion,
attending a costume party that's themeless,
and everyone here is dressed up,
dressing and ******* no salads just ballads and suits that are seamless,

and here I am in this Dream with,
this girl I don't even know and she's 16 with,
an attitude to match rude but just a bit,
and sure she's cute but there's no way I'd hit,

I am not attracted,
to Ms. Red Red,
in Love but not in Lust there’s a difference,
she's a friend's sister and that’s it,

Ms. Red Red,

ridged rounded scaled scarf,
I know that sounds hard to explain,
and I’m not attempting to try,
I’m just saying judging is a waste of time in the Wild.

this life is so surreal,
that even when it’s viewed with vivid realizations,
it still doesn’t always even feel like it’s real at all,

all of this,
as insane,
as we are,

are we,
anything other than Out of Control,
O.C. Baby I’m ready let’s roll already,
oh well who knows not me no one tells not even those For Whom the Bell Tolls,

are we,
anything other than Out of Control,
anything other than everything that’s so fckn Cliche,
can’t escape it not even if I tape it up and cast it away.

Fck you,
fck me,
fck this fckn Sociopathic Society,
so long I’m gone gonna join a Progressive Alternative Community.

Are you feelin’ me,
forget the cliches,
let go of every label you were ever given,
especially the labels you’ve given yourself,

here we are again,
at the point in the poem,
where you ask what the point is of this poem,

there is none,
the Secret is there’s no Secret,
come on don’t be so passe and blasé,

yeah I know,
you told me that already,
but there’s no going back to the Past we’re headed where we’re headed here we go.

welcome to the Future of Dreams,
and that sounds cool,
but I don’t even know what it means,

sometimes things make sense,
even though,
they’re things we can’t comprehend,

oh well then,
I guess we’re in,
a whirlwind of real life pretend,
living in this Factory of Dreams Happily Ever After,

living H.E.A.,
true Deja Vu with No Rules,
then she shakes me from my daze as she says to me,
“Hey it’s 2017 those pants they just won’t do.”…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

Sally A Bayan Mar 2017
(a second time posting)

T'was a short poem I was reading...
I had started writing
My comments,
Along came a very strange feeling,
With very strange thoughts:

"This... has exactly happened before...
This poem...I have read before...
Written these very same thoughts before!"

Over and over, I blinked... had to make sure...
But, all at once... one brief moment...
I found myself seated beside a grand piano,
By a wide ostentatious stairway,
In a bright, candle-lit mansion...
But, stranger still, while I was writing,
My eyes strayed to my right,
To a mirror by the wall...
I saw a handsome young man,
With slightly long curly hair,
Wearing a long-sleeved, white ruffled shirt
And a pair of dark pants,
Holding paper and quill,
Looking back at me.

I was staring at myself!!!

I was holding the paper,
Where I had written my thoughts,
About a poem titled,


Copyright November 5, 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan


             Below is Timothy's poem,
             the reason for my "Deja Vu."


The wilting of the flowers;
Ephemeral bubble bursts;
The last grains of sand run out;—
I wilt just like flow'rs.

© Timothy 30 July, 2013.
Unbelievable....but true...
   Some years ago, I was reading Timothy's poem titled WILT....
      I was typing my comments, and in a split second,
         I suddenly found myself that strange setting.
Sally A Bayan Dec 2013
(For Timothy)

Twas a short poem I was reading...
I had started writing my comments, when...
A very strange feeling rushed through me.
With very strange thoughts:

"This... has exactly happened before...
This poem, I have read before...
Written these very same thoughts before!"

Over and over, I blinked...I had to make sure...
But, all at once, one brief moment...
I found myself seated beside a grand piano,
By a wide ostentatious stairway,
In a bright, candle-lit mansion...
But, stranger still, while I was writing,
My eyes strayed to my right,
To a mirror by the wall...
I saw a handsome young man,
With slightly long curly hair,
Wearing a long-sleeved, white ruffled shirt
And a pair of dark pants,
Holding paper and quill,
Looking back at me...

I was staring at myself!

I was holding a paper
Where I had written my thoughts
About a poem titled

( November 5, 2013/ 2:00PM)


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Unbelievable, but true...Some months ago, I was reading Timothy's poem titled WILT....I was typing my comments, and then
I suddenly found myself that strange setting.***
Aaron LaLux Jan 2017
Amnesia Deja Vu

Amnesia Deja Vu,
or Deja Va Amnesia,
don’t remember to remember to,
but I do remember repeating,

remind me why we’re alive,
what Star are you that’s fallen,
and how have you survived,

no lie,
no woman,
no cry,

remind me why we are alive,

remind me,
why I continue to right,

right now,
designated as a scribe,
to help us remember the memories,

help me help you,
so cliche and still totally true,


∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

New Book Here:
Aaron LaLux Nov 2016
I open my eyes,
to The End of one of the Lord of The Rings movies,
not sure which one,
because honestly I haven’t seen any of them,

I’ve met Elijah Wood though,
several times,
can’t say we’re the closest of friends,
but we do know each other,

I find it such a strange sight to wake up to considering where I’m currently at in the world,

The End of one of the Lord of The Rings films,
there’s a round wooden door right before the film fades out,
and even though I haven’t seen the films I’ve been to New Zealand,
and know a Hobbit house when I see one,

I turn the screen off,
I’m on a bus in Myanmar,
it’s supposed to be a VIP bus,
but I don’t feel Very Important,

still dwelling on past relationships,
like the one that I had with a young Hollywood Star,
I loved her honestly I did,
but sometimes you can not save someone from themselves,

I watched in horror,
as she turned from Starlet to Harlot,
from overnight success,
to plain as day failure,

she used to be such a Turn On,
until she became a Turn Off,
I told her she should turn in,
instead she just got turned out,

it’s too bad,
I guess not much I can do about it,
I’m just a Lost Poet from the Lost City of Angeles,
I am not God nor am I a Savior,

I’m from the city,
where every Wonderful Dream,
is built upon,
a thousand Horrible Nightmares,

I try to close my eyes to get some rest,
I’ve got a long flight in the morning,
Yangon to Kuala Lumpur,
a rendezvous with a friend on an island,

and it’s already been a long day,
so some sleep would be most appreciated,
but I’ve lost a lot of sleep to dreams,
and this night is no acceptation,

I’m tired yet wired like always sleepwalking in a daydream,

I open my eyes again,
to The Beginning of The Sixth Sense,
Bruce Willis is just waking up,
rubbing his eyes I feel like him,

which is actually relevant,
since I am good friends with his daughter,
wrote her a birthday poem and read it to her,
at her Birthday party at her mom’s house,

real life seems so surreal sometimes,

my mind drifts,
between past regrets and future hopes,
trying to move past regrets and into a future of hope,
and we all want to think we know the answers but really nobody knows,

so we explore,
the lands of the World and the minds of the Man,
in hopes of discovering,
some Great Secret that will set us all free,

well I’ve got news for you,
I’ve been revealed a great secret,
and the commonly believed great secret,
is that there is no Great Secret,

still I want to know,
and so I ask this question,
if we are really living in a Matrix,
then who programmed the Programmers,

now before you call me crazy,
let me allow you to refer to Elon Musk,
who recently said in an interview,
that we are likely living in a Simulated Reality,

and he’s much smarter than you or me,
so he probably knows what he’s talking about,
now let’s take a moment out of our regularly scheduled program,
to reflect on exactly the severity of the implications of this is,

we are living in a Simulated Reality,
and maybe Elon is the Messenger,
maybe he is the bridge between our two worlds,

once I let it all soak in,
everything that’s happened in my life starts to make a lot more sense,
I start to see why I was literally conceived in Hollywood where I began to literarily write,

I open my eyes…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆

New book available worldwide now, here:
Brent Oct 2016
October 30, 2016, 11:45pm* // *December 31, 2015, 11:45pm
I'm waiting for Halloween // I was waiting for New Year's
Lying on the floor of a cottage // Lying on the floor of a hotel room
That barely has any windows // That doesn't even have windows
With a cup of coffee and a bottle of beer // With a cup of coffee and a can of beer

Tick tock
As the battery power of my laptop goes down
My consciousness fades slowly
As the two hands of the clock points up

Five minutes before 12, we start talking.
And thus began the most special moment in my life.
I meet the closest thing to my supposed "soulmate"
And I've never been happier.

timelapse. gone.

**But in this beautiful deja vu, I hope for a rewind. A redo. Now I wait as :55 turns into :00 and hope that everything will go back the way it was with you.
I know you'll read this, chbwbz. I ******* miss you.
Francie Lynch Oct 2016
This happened
Faster than the speed of light,
Immediate like deja vu;
While coming across your picture,
Just then, I am with you.

As enlightening as an epiphany,
Shorter than a sub nano Zen;
I was one with my reality,
I am in the picture then.

I snap back,
I put it back
Beneath the orchid cloth,
Where time and space lie dormant
For these moments that I have.
The emotional tie to a picture of my daughter, and not unlike deja vu, yet much different, the moment of presence was real, but sooo instantly shortened. Wham.
Ever happen to yourself?
Emma DeBoer Sep 2016
The swift sound
Of steel against skin
Brings me to a
Deja Vu
I promised myself
To never feel again.
But with waves
Come a crashing.
And now I require
my old friend
And a bit of slashing.
Only for the hope
That my heart will
Steady again..

Written during a dark time..
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