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Stephanie Franco Dec 2017
Sometimes I have good days
Where I feel like sadness
Has absolutely no way of catching up to me.
But then there are other days...
Those days of blank emotions
And completely disassociating myself
From the rest of the world.
I don’t feel real.
I feel numb and loose.
And I drown myself in defeat.

These feelings-
They come out of nowhere
To a point where I feel alone
In a crowd of lonely people
Who are just trying to get by their days
With the same old routines
And the same old smiles.
Sadness is a funny thing, I guess
Oh, the irony.
Mysidian Bard Dec 2017
Shattered dreams become
glass shards beneath our bare feet
on roads we must walk.
Kimberly Nov 2017
Rinse. Lather. Repeat. Rinse. Lather. Repeat. Rinse. Lather-let's NOT repeat....The cycle goes on, unless we defeat
warped, twisted, distorted mindsets-
lest we forget
that our weapons of warfare are to demolish strongholds...
We can't be walking around blinded and undecided-
not in THIS spiritual climate.
No more Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
We must decrease and let Christ increase...
that's the only way that we can defeat
The Cycle.
Àŧùl Nov 2017
I Am Alive.
I sing the song of life.

I Am Optimistic.
I hope the good of life.

I Am Positive.
I am the best of men.
I can not find it convincing to write about depressive thoughts, so I edited the poem.

My HP Poem #1679
©Atul Kaushal
Vyiirt'aan Nov 2017
The candle lit

Gentle lump of wax
Burning bright
Please give me your light
Please give me your light

Gentle lump of wax
Burning bright
Please give me your light
Please give me your light

gentle lump of wax
burning bright
please give me your light
please give me your light

gentle. lump. of. wax.

burning wax.

Andrew Durst Nov 2017
The message
you carry
is more
your defeats
it is
with this
in which
I hope
you choose
to keep walking.
Dude, like, husuh, dude?
where were you when
i took flight?
all up in arms,
unarmed and disarmed,
sailing blind across the bed
(that felt like the sea)?

i took up the whole space,
or at least, i fell so that not a single
other person
could move into —
could claim —
could deprive me of —
what little space was left over.

it felt right
     for some reason i cannot find.
     in rippling covers and groaning springs.

you would have loved it.
the noise, the chaos of it all —
it had your name
all over it.
Infinity Nov 2017
I can barely open my eyes
Can barely open my mind
Can barely fake a smile

Im not sad nor mad
Just depleted
Utterly defeated to this aching head

The tension rising in the back of my neck
Im slumped forward on my desk
Eyes open mind asleep
I silently admit defeat
As I smile
As I nod
Stifling a yawn
No, a sob

I sit up, grab a coffee cup
Feel the fake energy rush through my veins
Get through another day
My mind in overdrive
My thoughts faster than the speed limit
Unable to slow down

Work hard for the hall of fame
It's a shame, it's just out of arm's reach. You tell me: Persevere
You tell me, to hold on my dear

So I listen and then I go home
I am a mindless drone
I soar, rise and fall
Then float in between

Know what I mean?

So I wonder
At what point
Are we sacrificing too much?
Compromising too much?
And getting too little in return?
Izlecan Oct 2017
Thou ***** a minute of adversity,
stumping on the rival with two eyes;
As if an innundation overwhelms the ground
As thou hush the gore splattered
Arid as the utopic vision of the crowds
Everyone has accepted death
Noone bears the sound of the knell:
Thou shall still be petrified by the dark!
Shall miss a moment of ironic cleft:
Where thou tackle on mundanity and self bereft
Condolences to whomever has passed:
Away from a madness that clenches a crowd of no tomorrow, without a promise of longevity,
For they have given in to a visionary of death.
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