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Have I got no future, no friends
Caring when others run in fright
I would’ve jumped from a great height
To relieve this body from its debt

Have I got no siblings, no father
Crying in blood and tears
I would’ve pushed the soul to its limit
Near death and out of body experience
To relieve this soul from its debt

Have I got no mother, no lover
Caring with folded hearts
I would’ve revolted on my beliefs
With the same words I’ve been taught
To relieve this mind from its debt

But no courage could be found
To cure the mind’s actions and commands
To risk nothing for the sake of nothing
To find a debtless land
Charles Bivona Jun 2014
You must register with an employment agency,
he said through a muffled yawn, to defer
your studnet loan payments for the next six months.

But don't worry, he continued, clearing his
throat and sipping what I presumed was stale coffee,
you don't have to accept any jobs that you're offered.
kris evans May 2014
before the break of dawn
even in cold and misty morn
a soul roams throughout my house
even when the sun is not yet up

the soothing smell of agarbatties
shoots up in the air
the sound of morning prayers
is heard in this hour

her sweet and melodious voice
will be carried to my ears
as  i crouch myself
under the warmth of my cot

next she wakes me up
with her gentle tap
and draws the drapes
across the window sill

even when i pace up and down
to get ready to board my bus
she always keeps calm and steady
like the pendulum in my study

she always has a feeling
when i am concealing something
then she rubs and scrubs the secrets
until the answer clicks

the day will come to an end
as the sun sinks below the horizon
even we stops to grow, as years pass
but a mother....have anyone seen her halt?

even though she stays calm
her heart pounding hard, no one heard
since the day i was in her womb....
to this very minute of the day

if a fairy grant me a wish
the only thing i would ask
to repay the love and care i owe
to that sacred soul....
to maa....with love......may you always reside within me.....
Tristan W May 2014
My skin crackles above my shell.

Grown so old, can't you tell?

I feel like plunging straight to hell.

I'm so weak with nothing to sell.

I've grown poor, down I fell.

Until I'm encumbered by debt; and death as well.
kris evans May 2014
you know me better than me,
but i gave you nothing
for knowing me better...

you can tell when i am sad....
even before i know it myself,
still i seize to believe you all the time...

you reads my thoughts
hidden from rest of the world,
i dont know how you do it friend.....

you seems to know what i choose..
be it right or wrong,
you always stands by me...

you kno when my spirits are low...
and boost me up till
they are high again...

you seems to save every nice things...
in the hope i would love them
oh friend you trapped me in your debt

it seems i owe you a big deal.....
to return the care and dare...
you showed when you stood up for me...

the love and friendship...
compassion and patience...
its hard to repay i guess...

im leaving behind a great debt...
it would take a life time to repay...
i know you want nothing in return....
but still can i offer to carry you in my heart......
Austin Heath May 2014
I asked if there was anyone there remotely my age,
and she said yes. I had just dumped all the money in my
wallet into trying to make my savings not negative.
It didn't work.
I walked over, stepped inside,
and saw teenagers. She told me,
there's a guy outside and he's twenty.
I got ******* duped by a kid.
Her parent's left, unwisely.
I met another half-black person,
a 15 year old girl who had dark skin
and hated everything that resembled
"blackness" or "black culture".
She even called herself white.
Here I was, outside drinking grape soda
out of a hello kitty mug,
discussing radical feminism
to teenage girls-
and ******* five shots were fired.
Not even 15 feet away, behind the garage.
[A fake 100 was exchanged, to which distaste was shown,
also this sentence is in parentheses,
and technically doesn't even exist].
So now there are teenage girls crying over gunfire,
hyperventilating, the high school boys jogging-
people in a swarm heading indoors,
and me.
The stupid-*******-tragic-yet-benal artist,
running in his stupid ******* circle,
trying to decide if he should go inside
with the crazy juvenile people, or see if he can get shot,
because he already lives life awaiting some
stupid ******* narcissistic tragedy
to wipe him off the map.
My opportunities had rushed away already however.
I walked inside and sat on the couch hugging
one of those puffy round pillows and laughing
maniacally. It was intense after all.
Kid Duper tried to relate to me.
I know she didn't get it.
No one ever really ******* gets it.
Understood, maybe? No one understands.
I left shortly after with a copy of Fahrenheit 451.
I was told I could borrow it.
These events took place at around 10:30-10:50, Friday night, May 25 2014. Last night.
Jacob Traver May 2014
Harken ye temptious ear
To this scandalous tale
Of the indebted lovely Lady
Sorrowfully saying "For Sale."
She Sat with her bank statements and other bills
mass of paper and debt
too easy spending using credit cards realising
after several years of denial
pressure from debt recovery firms increased
just wanting to be realised!

Eviction from her home was almost certain
yet still had the urge to spend
from a young age she never went without
brought up n a material way
never knowing hardship so grew to expect
with money came respect!

But those days went when her father died
and mother had a breakdown
committed to an institution and remained
leaving a young woman
totally unprepared for a harsh actuality
she to struggling with sanity!

Never making friends and the only child
the family home a trap
yet containing many happy memories
deepening the melancholy
beside her containers of different pills
some laying on the bills!

The doctor did not seem to understand
said take the medication
for a few weeks and return just a phase
was his not so wise words
leaving with her a dilemma unanswered
her desperation not heard!

In a daze took the tablets lonely confused
going onto a deep sleep
the mobile rang loudly it seemed distant
as her worries began to fade
it became bright and there was her dad
to be with him again so glad!

Debt would not bother her any more!

The Foureyed Poet.
The young woman found herself alone and in debt with life could not cope! The Foureyed Poet.

— The End —