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Alan S Bailey Jul 2016
If it isn't popular, if it doesn't speak from some
Religious text, many men will ignore it.
There is nothing worse than not being Christian or being gay,
I'm hated, I'm ridiculed, I'm forgotten, I have no friends.
All the world knows this is the same at all ends.
If you aren't Christian, they act like you have AIDS.
In secret they avoid you. Some Christians are the worst haters,
They always point out how "sinners" are supposedly haters,
It does say in the Bible to avoid those who are non
Believers when it comes to being close friends or on
Any level other than business. I can see how Christianity
Breeds hatred if you must witch hunt others in the process.
Francie Lynch Jun 2016
The courtroom was buzzing,
Deals were struck,
Before Her Worship
Heard from the docket.

Will Luke be saved.

A line of roguish consorts
All on Legal Aid,
Paraded before Her,
In judical chains.

And the lawyers are asking
About The Game of Thrones.

There are too many cops,
All creased and shiny,
Carrying file folders,
Outling the crimes.

I was a spectator,
Small in my corner,
As Luke went to stand
Before his maker,
Before his deal breaker.

All charges dropped,
As if a matter of course;
Except for the charges
From the laswyer and court.
Simple possession charges in Canada will soon be expunged when *** becomes decriminalized and legal.
A criminal with a goal is dangerous. One without any is lethal.
K Balachandran Apr 2016
He was then just twelve or thereabouts,
The precocious filly in unconcealed heat,
who incessantly professed love to him
every time  looking  as if she is
either getting asphyxiated
or in acute spasm of some kind
gave him pains regularly,
in no way love related,
in that tender age she was
such a fire ball to let her anywhere near.

Then he had to let his kitten out of the bag,
he fancies someone else, not her,
this one was none other than
the one she loved to hate, day and night!

She exploded all over the place , in a second!
a sort of guy fawkes day fire works! no less!
spewed fire and brimstone, reservred at hand
caused by frustration,an only child really knows

he told her, it's a sin
sticking a pin on her antagonist's chin
and then pricking him with it again,
and again without any logical reason
letting blood to make a dotted line behind them.

He could see pre- menstrual strain,
playing havoc, build up her anger,to a level higher
he was sympathetic to such plights
a girl has to deal with alone,
and all the while to be concealed, from the eyes of others
he  did everything to cool her temper.
Once in control of her volatile emotions,
she smiles and tells in a matter of fact tone;
"If a grown up, I would have sure
got both of you killed for betrayal,
count lucky,you two, I am still a kid
though menstruating and look ripe,
mum and dad won't approve
culpable homicide, by their only kid"

He was stunned by the glimpses
of the criminal mind yet did appreciate,
her excellence in circumspection. bless her!

"I can get you arrested for the conspiracy to ****"
intervened his ferocious sweet heart.
"You don't even a moment consider,
this poor chap is younger than us both,
you tell me what prevents him and I
falling for each other, not just a predilection this
for wild ***, hormone driven at this age,
as your ****** up mind would want you to think,
now tell me how  it betrays you , miss hothead?"

She demanded, the other was still in rage
"Lawyer materials show early promise"
now he muses  amused, looking back  at the episode,
two brilliant legal eagles , announcing the intent!

"my only sin your honors, consider
is to be in love  or not falling in love?
Am I not entitled to have my choice?
though I may be an underage kid?"

When time tells you it's tale,  you sit pop eyed!

Now and then he catches up with those two , belligerently brilliant,
thinking criminally so early they easily acquired legal plumes,
legal eagles in same law firm, fighting for other things, not love
even now both treat  him badly, for being what he continues to be
a media vulture, flying above tearing in to their cases ferociously.
Kelly Weaver Apr 2016
We live in a world
Where a size ten model
Is considered
“Plus Size”.

A world where women
Are prudes for wearing too much clothing
And ****** for not wearing

A world where men
Are afraid to talk of their abusers
Because they’re afraid of being
Laughed at.

A world where the color
Of your skin makes you
A criminal, or a

A world where your
Mental illness is only sympathized
If it’s a genetic

A world where women
Are criticized for wanting to
Be able to control their own

And a world where
Nobody cares about your suffering
Until you’re already
Nicole Apr 2016
Snakes sneak into your bed,
coming to consume your body
and make you disappear.
Crying and thrashing,
they take you slowly.
Leaving behind a shell,
that has no emotion.
O Criminal
This deceit you leak reeks
Of sour lemons and urination.

O Criminal
This pride you flood smells
Of blueberries and broken dreams

O Criminal
These miracles you bring leave a miasma
Of grape Faygo and suffering souls

O Criminal
The peace I bring leaves an aroma
Of blue raspberry popsicles and lonely depression
This is a poem I wrote from Terezi's view in homestuck. Even if you're not a homestuck fan, I hope you still enjoy!
Samantha Dietz Feb 2016
I was caught off guard by you, for the love in your heart
did not match the pain in your eyes. You've been through it,
More than too many times, and you still stand strong and steady.
Now, again, you stand in front of the room,  waiting for the man
to come to a decision. I'm a nervous wreck, picturing you,
clad in that suit that you love because you know you look good.
In class, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how
to focus on writing that paper, thoughts swallowed by worry.
But you walk free, with guardian angels over your shoulder,
And that night you kissed me slowly, reassuring me,
taking the pain from my eyes, adding love to my heart.
What it's like to love a criminal
Kris Keller Dec 2015
Why do I have to feel this way. I look at my reflection in the mirror, but I don't see me. The eyes of the person I see are dark, and cold . My eyes were blue and full of love . I have changed not for the better, but for the worse. This isn't who I want to be, but sadly this is who I am. No matter how much I try to deny it I know what I have become. Look into my eyes can you not see that monster that ran from you wasn't really me. I'm sorry that I have changed the way that I have , but there is no turning back . I am a monster. I am a criminal. This is me .
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