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You are enough
Enough of you
Are you sure
Donna Bella Apr 2015
Don't live today thinking tomorrow will come
Don't live today thinking a change will come
Don't live today fretting for tomorrow
Don't live today expecting joy in the morning
Don't live today expecting sorrow in the morning
Don't live today thinking I'll be here tomorrow
Don't live today thinking I won't be here tomorrow
Cee Valenso Jul 2014
Oblivion is the pit of this ravine
And I'm holding onto a feeble vine for dear life
You screamed, "Don't let go!"
My hands are losing its grip
Then you toss me a knife

Nowhere is the destination of this path
Still, I'm trying to find the right way
You said, "Don't get lost!"
My vision becomes hazy and unfocused
Then you give me the broken compass of yesterday

Pain is the entity waiting on the other side
I sink my feet deeper onto the floor
You whispered, "Don't leave me alone."
My fingers no longer hold the keys
Then I see you opening the door
Alexis May 2014
The world is
Filled to the brim
Contradicting information.
Dominique U Apr 2014
So contradicting
Numb feelings, oppressing

To the dreams that fly
In the vast Southern sky

Drown in sorrowful laughter
Dance in the midnight breeze
Soak in the piercing heat...
Soak in the piercing heat

Unknowingly knowing
There's probably nothing

In the end all is gone
Wilting flowers in the bed of fears

Drown in sorrowful laughter
Dance in the midnight breeze
Soak in the piercing heat...
Soak in the piercing heat...
This is a song I wrote a long time ago. I just saw it today in one of my drawers written in a loose paper. I probably have tons of poems and songs written in loose sheets that is forgotten, never to be seen or read by other people.
Red Bergan Mar 2014
As the Night is drawn,
In the spectacles of my mind.
I stand alone,
In the shadows of light.

My eyes turn to the moon,
Whose gaze is pallid and ghastly.
Now they shift,
Becoming Scarlet irsises.

I am a beast of the night,
The nocturnal moon is my call.
To summon from sleep,
And all.

Nocturnal forever.
A girl of the night.
I am the one in the shadows.
I fight for that right.
Rawr Night owl!!!

— The End —