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Liz Humphrey Aug 2015
To put it plain, you’re cheating:
your eyes are wandering off the test in front of you
and into grass that still seems green, like
the eyes you suddenly fall into when they smile
and dance on a face so much like
the one you used to love when
you were young and now again,
you strain at commitment’s tether
because on the other side of the fence
there might be more to life than getting old.
I feel old, not ready to commit, but I still love him. I am confused.
Here is a beautiful mural
But I think I shouldn’t add any more to it
It might get overdone or ruined
I’m all about not ruining a good thing
Just like when people ask me to sing
I’m not like the rest
People look for batteries while I look for the North to my South
Maybe I’m too serious about some things
But I also doubt myself too much
Trying to cut that habit out of my system
Ysabelle Aug 2015
You are the bee
And I am the flower.
You cling, and sipped
My nectar.
Sweet that is bitter.
Because with no words,
You just left.
AL Jul 2015
He headded home.
A little bit ago.
All that's left is this pillowcase,
Where his precious head lie.
Once emerssed in the sent,
The air seems so stale,
When compared to his aroma.

"I miss him already."
Such a commen phrase.
I realized that after,
I had already whispered it to myself.

Right after I heard his car pull ou,.
My hands hold the sides,
Of the kitchen sink,
And I know.
I know that I am now in waiting.
That was the peak,
And now in the valley,
I will have ti start,
Hiking up the mountain again...

All I will hold the memories of tonight.
To close for comfort
Replaying them.
Until I forget.

I wish I could see him every day.
I wish I could hear from him more.
I hate how everyone else knows,
Knows how pure he is.
And now they want him too.
He is just so busy.
He is just so needed.
He is spreading himself thinner,
Than his skin can stretch.
The energy lost,
Made up for in a drink,
Of artificial chemicals.
His heart races fast.
Too fast.
And It's not due to me.

I want him.
But I know I can't have him.
He just can't take it.
So my memories aid me,
Until I can hold him again.
William A Poppen Jul 2015
He stands before her
as surveying a Renoir, overwhelmed
by red splashes from her nails, her lips
Entranced by her sparkling blue eyes
and hair swept across her shoulders
its crackle, as wind blown fields of barley
Her words cool him as though
dipped in Box Elder Creek
Her moves have the grace of cirrus skies

He thinks this is a settling place
fit to build a homestead
slightly edited from West Texas Homestead, page 13 in Honey & Darkness, iUniverse, 2009
Kate Lion Jul 2015
We are afraid of tying knots.
Now, my brothers weren't fond of Boy Scouts, but those aren't the kinds of knots I'm talking about.
Our parents got us velcro shoes growing up (something about not wanting us to be overwhelmed with tennis shoes)
And that, perhaps, was the moment that started everything.
We could no longer trip on loose laces as we ran our races,
Our parents couldn't see our disappointed faces as we fumbled getting ready for school.
It was the perfect contribution to the flawed illusion that the human institution should be prevented from failing.
Oh, yes.
In my lifetime, cordless telephones were placed in every house because we did not want to untangle our own messes anymore.
Failure doesn't hurt as much when it is invisible.
We wanted wireless, no-strings-attached luxuries with no side effects.
But there were effects that couldn't be seen
(how could they until we were older than teens)
Because the end effect was this:
a generation that shirks responsibility
we have anxiety
because our parents didn't let us face our fears when we were young
we are jobless, loveless, purposeless
because we still haven't realized that everything has its opposite
love - lust
success - failure
happiness - sadness
peace - anger and commotion
you see?
there are full-grown adults living in the basements of their parents
watching **** from an illuminated screen
a no-strings-attached commitment to a video that will never require a vow or a promise;
so many see the term "settling down" as "kicking up dust" of a dull life "confined to a four-inch screen."

we've seen our own parents cut the ties
now living separate lives
better that way, but millennials can't fight
for love or for kids or for dreams
because their caretakers' examples couldn't teach
the right way to do a marriage
the right way to commit
we are shirking responsibility--

because we don't want to fail.

still as afraid of tying knots
as we were in kindergarten.
Rae Harrison Jul 2015
I only ever learned one song and two chords on guitar.
I try to keep my garden alive but the plants keep withering because I can't seem to keep a schedule for it.
The story I wrote a year ago still has no ending.
One song verse has been stuck in my head for ages; they're the only lyrics that I gave a melody.
New routines turn to inbetweens.
I say I want to follow through, but I can never commit to committing.
All these broken vows, and I still run after you relentlessly.
I cant finish anything because I've only just started chasing you
Don't get me wrong, darling
Because that's exactly, I do not know how to say
However, what goes out of the home
Rivers, Mountains, Sea
Or beyond the horizon, Any call

You don't make a mistake
I'll be back to whom
So, for a moment, don't misunderstand me
That exotic flute, distant Kans grasses
Even from far away:
From the seashore, I have heard the echoes of another time

So don't misunderstand me, darling
They have relationships with, and you are like me
They are not devoid of love
I give you, borrow from them

For a moment, don't misunderstand me
I bring your pearl beneath the sea,
From the mountains the ancient forms,
The original earthy flavour,
A chunk of drifted white clouds from the autumn sky as a little boat

So, you don't misunderstand me
Where 'll I come back
Where 'll sing their song
Where to lose my soul,
Or will not come
@Musfiq us shaleheen
Nicole Jun 2015
I think I belong to someone,
someone who was everything for me,
someone who made my world spin,
because of a commitment I once did to him
and I keep with the thought that I should honor it.

But sometimes,
things aren't how I expect them to be,
he's no longer in my life,
and everything is changing.

The truth is,
I should move on,
I have to move on.

Being stuck with those thoughts
isn't going to help,
isn't going to make things how they were
isn't going to give me any answer.

I know I did a commitment to you,
about being only yours and that stuff,
but now everything is different
and my only priority is to be happy,
even if you are gone
and I have to do it by my own.
As the time goes on, new things and people are going to arrive and will make me feel the way I once did. Meanwhile, what's better that honor myself by being happy and reach everything I want, with or without that specific person?
Natasha May 2015
I try and feel highly of myself
to believe every word you say
but I've been taught that
thoughts like this
only come bathed in vain.

You have to know my dear that
I try and believe when
you tell me I'm perfect, that
I'm worth it

but the chemicals in my brain
put me to shame
gently whispering
"you're worthless"

love, has always been a
losing game
yet here we are both winning
and I have no idea how to play

how to believe that
you're all mine
I could let my worrisome conscious
be free

if only I'd know I'd never
have to say
please- don't leave.
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