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Maria 1d
She doesn't wear vanilla dresses,
Ethereal shoes and a mint beret.
She doesn't accept gluey embraces
And kisses, where the truth is away.

She doesn't like stuffy speeches
About the Moon and stars at her feet.
She doesn't need a fiery chatter,
If there is a hollow behind it.

No use to disturb the Sun in vain
And lead it to shine only for her.
In fact all your cries are trait falsehood.
No need to be so low-lived amateur.

The sea throws a foam right at her feet.
Sea waves are noisy and bold.
Her ear's softly caressed by seagulls.
These birds are the peerless sea gold.

Her clothes are surely relaxed fitting,
And so it has always been.
The wind in her face, unfastened hair,
And he's nearby - it's the ultimate thing.
Perhaps it's her mistake, and vanilla dresses guarantee success. But alas. She doesn't know any other way. The other way isn't her. Her undeniable values are freedom, the truth, the wind in her face. And of course him! The one and only him!
One more story of true love. Thank you for reading! ๐Ÿ’–
Man Jun 2023
What an email,
Can reveal!
Embedded within the message,
What simple words unravel;
From where, and whom, they have traveled!
How much one can extrapolate
From mere more than chatter,
It would be astounding if not frightening
That you can tap out so much
From just dry lightning.
Jennifer DeLong Jan 2021
Its my year
Chinese animal
Year of the oxen
Strange to even include
Chinese but , I am
deeply devoted to what
shaped my life my spiritual soul
So grabbing the bull by the horns..
Good bye 2020
Not touching this year
Time to be ******* happy
Be adventurous
Live like today is all you got
cause it could be
Say I love you after every conversation
Be kind help a stranger or a neighbor
Laugh and do what you makes you happy
Thats it ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’–2021
๐Ÿฆ Jennifer Rhinomom๐Ÿฆ
Chris Chaffin Jan 2021
Cicadas gather on the grapevine,
a mass of wings and vibrating abdomens.
Males call out to females
but it is the grey squirrels who answer,
chattering loudly as they feast on insect flesh.

I sip cold wine and tap my fingers
on thin glass, watching and waiting.
My phone buzzes next to me;
you, calling, again.
I ignore it and turn my gaze back to the feast.
Strung Apr 2020
I creak in this cold.
Calm, china-doll-like purple hands
Icy veins
Fingers Frozen
To my zipper,
Of my teeth reminding me
Of my callow views
My doll-like skew
On everything.
โ€” if I broke, i'd shatter,
And I could glue myself back together
Full of cracks.
EP Robles Mar 2020
the mouthOFnoise eats the silence;
everywhere NOise!)turns my insides(
out/-of Tears i said to the mother
holding empty children's shoes

EyesofSorrow drowns her sight:
only to eternally see all horror
with sightless eyes that diligently
cry-/i once had a great Love that died

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  the Ghosts of
Antikythera's Cell Machines burn
the sharp edge of decaying reality;laboriously
the longest Legs of Time march forth as it
steps over my shortest Thoughts within the

:: 03.26.2020 ::
Bhill Sep 2019
My mind is drifting in and out of reality
It's happening so fast that I feel a sort of mortality
Is it wrong to enjoy the drifting
Is it wrong to expect the mortality to last
Is it wrong to want to share my drifted mind with others

Who would want to know that minds can break out
Should I be afraid
Should I prevail in the mindless chatter of mortality

It's distracting....

Brian Hill - # 233
Does your mind go for walks?
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Your devious gossip purely insecure driven. Whats worse is people actually listen.

Your mouth spews forth a relentless chatter. Friend or foe, Iโ€™m quite certain the latter.

You believe that your inside my head. But Iโ€™ve faced the monsters under my bed.

You know Iโ€™ve dealt with your kind before. Iโ€™ll scrape you off and leave your **** at the door.

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