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Sebastian VL May 2020
Got designer belt it’s black Ferragamo
And I’m still reminiscin from the time I said “la amo”
And everytime they come around me I am sayin “Vamos"
I Glowed up and I showed up while skrrting in a lambo

Fake friends they pull up and I still callem fammo
97 cents a sale profits going down low
Player with a victim mindset they wanna know mo
Actin like a guru played the shordy feeling down low

Played the game got brain and I prayed holy Trinity
Muhfucas denying my only abilities
Start a business then, deny its feasibility
Turn 18 then, deny my credibility

My life like the stocks, detached from reality
Meet me seem blessed look closer insanity
A young dude who cares, only bout his vanity
Wanna blow up no boom just raise my personality

Date one just to leave one and hop to another
A lot of hearts gon break this whole **** summer
Feeling tired like I just got out of a slumber
Leave em in their feelings while they askin for my number

Wanna make money while biking down the humber
Wanna get a time machine to make my life funner
Wanna lose my weight, but I am not a runner
Can't trust nobody these days so money is my lover
Andrew Rueter Apr 2020
For a company, an economy, our species to succeed
everyone must work together
but not literally everyone
just enough to perpetuate sustainability
so some feel free to burn bridges to clear their own road.
Professional wrestlers use the phrase
“Going into business for themself”
when someone has to get all their **** in to display their move set
or no-sells their opponent’s moves to make themselves look tough
like in improv comedy
when one of the performers doesn’t go along with any of the jokes
it can be very funny, just not in a collectively beneficial manner
the audience laughs recognizing the performer as the standout
while the performer steps on their colleagues’ jokes
going into business for themself.
Capitalism indoctrinates us
to go into business for ourselves
like Bill Gates
driving companies out of business through economic hostility
then buying back his soul through economic charity
a tribute to those fallen—it’s a fractional penance
the apex predator keeps the lion’s share
adhering to the jungle mentality ingrained in us
telling us to go into business for ourselves.
Gates and boards and reels of wire
Garbage by the gates
Driveway overgrown with grass
The factory is a state

Security checks once an hour
To make sure all's still locked
Another business shut it's door
the economy was rocked

Another workplace bites the dust
Another one shuts down
To find the business district here
You've got to leave the town

They're closing up 'bout one a month
Jobs are leaving by the score
When you leave, turn out the lights
And please folks, lock the door

Work is leaving faster than
It has ever in the past
There's more folks on assistance
How long will this all last?

Fifty years a hundred ten
Factories closing shop
There's more buildings that are vacant
Our growth came to a stop

It doesn't matter where you go
It's that **** covid one nine
If you are not essential
Out goes the "CLOSING" sign

It all comes down to profit
You're a number not a name
It doesn't matter where you go
Plant closure is the game

Another workplace bites the dust
Another one shuts down
To find the business district here
You've got to leave the town

They're closing up 'bout one a month
Jobs are leaving by the score
When you leave, turn out the lights
And please folks, lock the door
Bullet Mar 2020
5’s , 10’s , 20’s all belonging to the air        
Moving alive, green presidents
Moving alive, pushing brown caskets
The ground isn’t sliding, but the heat is hitting
Providing the leak printing keeps it clean
Draw it, light it so the copiers’ drain sink doesn’t sit with it in
The inner me has a beam of destiny in pink sour mix ink
Watching the lemonade pour out sweet ****
Declining markets are on the line with the paid growing cuz the business is moving the lemons into lime trees
Bushes be on fire **** that’s where the horse leads b
VKBoy Mar 2020
O, plebs and gentlefolks
Open your eyes to art
Finger your ears to tune
And lend your hearts to life
For she is on the way
To rock you every way
And rid you of cliche
With her feminal sway.
Have a gander at this wonder
But beware the hunger
O, busy humanity
As you hear my plea of spirity
Through the mandolin of clarity
So you salvage your sanity
Whip your vanity
And let go of mundanity
For hopeful cords are her hairs
Cyanic berries are her eyes
Blushing cherries are her lips
And so good is her smile
The next thing you know
Romance is on the rise.
A song by Yohann Rosenthal, a character of Shambala Sect.
neth jones Mar 2020
flush with a cool bloodstream
     i approach a new enemy
my nerves gutted
     and bunged over one shoulder i appear
i present an unsure character
     i seem to forget the handshake
     and then feign shamed note of my mistake
a cold observer inside me takes jots
     of my disarmed opponent
his fences vanish
     as i am hesitant in word
     and fumble action
i check his ticks and physical language
     and i don't make any eye contact
     that isn't timid

he'll leave this misinformed
     and poorly fed
upon our next meeting
     i shall be a prepared
     and efficient villain
Katrina Mar 2020
The fire is ours
We keep it locked away
Afraid anyone is gonna see
That you are more than what you show
That you are someone speciel
You keep the fire locked away
Cause its yours
No one elses business but yours
If you keep your fire away
No one can put it out
The fire is ours
But is it ours to keep?
Big Virge Oct 2017
Ya Know ....    
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!  
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A ..... BETTER WAY ... !!!!!    
Than How We're Living Nowadays .... !!!    
NO Forgiving ... Minds Displaced ...    
Thinking Things That Lead To HATE ... !?!    
Drug Induced Cos' That's The  JUICE ...    
That New Age Crews Are Now Into ... !!!      
OTHERS Too Now Think It's COOL ... ?    
To Live Their Lives HIGH ON ... DENIAL ... ?!?    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER Way ... !!!    
To Nurture Seeds Inside Our Brains ...    
MORE Depth of Mind WITHOUT The Lines ...    
May Help You MORE ... I Think You'll Find ... !?!    
LESS Thought of War MORE Thoughts of Peace ...    
MORE Thoughts of Warmth Less Coldness PLEASE ... !!!  
Turn Down Fallacies So That We Can SPEAK ...    
About The Things We All ... Believe ...    
Less Dividing And Colliding ... !!!    
MORE Combining ...    
Those Who STAND For MORE Than Grands  ...    
So That We Can Build SOLID Plans ...    
That PROTECT Our Lands From HARMFUL Hands ... !!!!!    
UNITE Humans From DIFFERENT Strands ...    
The Game's To PLAY ... NOT Desecrate ... !!!!!      
It's NOT OKAY To HATE A Race ...    
Because They Move DIFFERENTLY To YOU ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY ... !!!    
Come On ... It's TRUE ... !!!!!    
Just ... THINK It Through ...    
Less Fights .................... In Sight .......    
Would Be .... ALRIGHT .... !!! ? !!!    
And May HELP You Feel SAFE At Night ... !?!    
Unless You're COOL With Life These Days ...    
If You Are ... OKAY ... !!!    
But Let's Get Things STRAIGHT ... !!!    
Things Are NOT ... Okay Today ... !!!!!!!!!    
RISING Hate Cos' Life's A STRAIN ... !!!    
Less Youthful Veins Than ... WEBSITE NAMES ... !?!    
MORE LIES Than Faith ...  
MORE Killers Today Than DINNERS On Plates ... !!!    
MORE Laws Than ... " States " ...    
MORE ****** Than ... " Babes " ...    
MORE Silicone Bits Than ... BIG OL' ***** ... !!!!    
SEE These Are Things That Make Me THINK ...  !?!    
There HAS TO BE ...    
BETTER WAYS To ... LIVE ... !!!    
And YES Okay A .... BETTER WAY ... !!!    
It's Just Wordplay ... At The End of The Day ...    
But ... THINK About The Things I Say ...    
And Things Now FOUND To Be DISPLAYED ...    
By People BOUND By What They FACE In Todays NEW AGE ...    
A World WITHOUT Millions of Pounds ...    
EXCEPT For Those Who Gave Them Roles ...    
That Fed False Hope And Ropes For DOPES ... !!!!!    
On Which To ... CHOKE ... !!!!!!    
Okay THAT Quote May ROCK  Some Boats ...    
But NOT In Ways That ... Systems SHAKE ... !!!    
Systems Built To CONTROL Wills  ...    
And LOCK THEM Down Like MANY Now ... !!!    
MANY MORE Than ... Years Before ... !!!    
So Now The HOARDS ... APPLAUD The Cause ...    
But Really AREN'T SURE What They're Clapping For ... !?!    
Because They Choose To ... AIR The View That ......    
"Everything's cool, but i'm feeling you !"  
"If you're feeling me ?    
Do something dude, and face what's true !    
Then maybe we can see less bleed,    
and more succeed in finding peace !"
LESS Room For Greed And FALLACIES ... !!!    
MORE SPACE For Plates And ... EQUALITY ... !!!    
So That ONE DAY ...    
We ALL Can Feed OUR FAMILY ...    
..... HUMANITY ..... !!!    
I Speak Sometimes ...    
Within My Rhymes ...    
About ... UNITY ...    
But Right Now It's EQUALITY I'm Trying To GET ... !!!    
Cos' It Seems To Me ...    
If I've Got ONE And ... You've Got ONE ...    
What We Fighting For We're Both Still POOR ... !!!    
Did That Line .... STUN ... !?!    
Were You Thinking ... GUN ... ?!?    
See That's The Thing ....    
It's Our Thinking That NEEDS TO Equate ...    
So That Balance Is DISPLAYED In ALL OUR WAYS ... !!!  
Now That's PRETTY DEEP ...    
EVEN For ... ME ... !!!!!    
"Whoa, now i'm SCARED !"    
So I Think That's Where ...    
I'll Let My Pen Now Find The End ...    
MORE TIME For Patience .........    
LESS Spent On ... Ignorance ... !!!!!    
MORE Upliftment ... !!!
LESS Time For ... DESPAIR ... !!!!!    
MORE Commitment ...  
LESS ... " I Don't Care ! " ...    
LESS Thoughts of HATE ...    
And Division of ... RACE ... !!!!!    
LESS ... LUST For FAME ...    
And A BLINGED' Out Range ... !!!!!    
What More Can I Say ... ?    
Well ... LESS GUN PLAY ... !!!    
Cos' There ... HAS TO  BE ...    
........ " A BETTER WAY " ........ !!!
Just viewing the world as we progress, I felt I had to express my view on how things could be improved ....
the annual gift-giving hectivities
in advent time
       when we are


      expecting the birth of our savior
defy traditional ideas
    of quiet meditation
drowning the sense of wonder
with relentless jingles for super discount sales
of things neither we
        nor anybody else
        really needs
even though they suggest we
        and whoever we give those goodies to
would be beyond  the moon

       in spite of all this
gets born
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