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Deeee Jul 2018
Sometimes I'm jealous of the poor
The financially poor
The ones that live in houses so close they're all like roommates
No, it isn't hypocrisy
This is the saying
They were born in the wild,
Learned to adapt early.
They fight for their share
And they're fair, about their share
Because we're all just trying to make it

Sometimes I'm jealous of the rich
The truly rich
The ones whose brothers don't have to share a name
The ones whose women they protect as their own
As their sisters, as their mothers
This is family
This is community
They respect from the old to the young
And protect those of their kind
But they give everyone a fair shot,
Because we're all just trying to make
Benji James Jul 2018
Hey bro, I got your back
Through thick and thin
Won't let any harm come to him
No matter what weapons they bring
The hate can never break the bond we have
We got a connection nobody else has
Same blood flows through our veins
Same creative forces in our brains
Never give up
Strive to be your best
You have a talent you're willing to share
You've got a knack for showing you care
Even with this sibling rivalry
Nothing can change the knowledge I've gained
From watching you grow into who you are today
And we may pick fights,
It's just brotherhood gets a little rough sometimes
But I know you will achieve great things
And I can't wait to see you living your dreams
All this faith in you I have
You've inspired me to be better
I need to set examples for my younger Brother
Need to get out and try and reach these dreams
Show him if you work hard enough for it
You can make it anywhere you want
Dedication can take you beyond the stars
A little blood, sweat and tears, can take you so far
No matter where it is we are
You’ll be always shining from afar
No matter what happens I got your back
Just hope you always remember that.

©2018 Written By Benji James
So I recently uploaded a brand new video to my youtube channel featuring my little brother doing a voiceover in the clip, if you want to...feel free to check it out.
You can also follow me on social media if you so desire.

Social Media: BenjiJamesTV
Way Rest Jun 2018
We were friends
You and I
Kindred spirits
Thick as thieves
It's hard to believe
Now that you're gone

Sometimes I see your smile
I used to see it more often
I see it on your profile now
It looks better in real life

I no longer hear your voice
The voice that made me happy
The voice that annoyed me
I yearned to stuff your mouth with pie
Now, I yearn for that voice
That, I would never hear again
No matter how much I try

Since you left me
I have changed
No doubt
You have too
But you'll always be my best friend
That much is true
SangAndTranen Mar 2018
Hiding, running,
What’s the difference?
I’m still avoiding the danger.

Missing the “thrill”
Of death’s hand
On my shoulder.

Missing the weight
Of impulsive decisions
On my head.

Facing the music is overrated
When there is a mute button
At hand.

Leave me alone.
Stop injecting me with your fire,
Turning my heart into a thunderstorm.

I don’t like rain,
I don’t run into the snow.
Let me sit in the sun.

Blood or none,
Stay far away.
You are nothing
But trouble to me.

You’re shadowed by toil,
Stop telling me I’ll love the pain.
I’m not going to take your hand,
And walk into the chaos.

I think with my head,
Not my sword.
So I’ll count the days until someone tells me,
You got yourself killed.
Bit weird, as usual.
SangAndTranen Mar 2018
I am the Silver Boy
On a lonely road.
You are with me now,
But soon will be alone.

One day our paths will differ,
Part your hand from mine.
Don’t cry for me brother,
Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

I was so lost,
And Heaven took me in.
It gave me a purpose,
It taught me how to live.

No more do I swing
From rafters high.
I fly through skies blue,
Where the birds do fly.

I was the Silver Boy,
With the silver eyes.
Now I am a Golden Child,
The one that never cries.

I’ll take the reins from you,
I’ll be the strong one now.
I’ll hold you up as you held me…
For brother, we are found.
Just a poem/song thing I wrote to do with a character of mine.
Tyler Matthew Feb 2018
Countless fired and flaming rows
of foot-worn streets I walked,
watching faces grow and become the things
of the evils that they talked.

I shot a sidelong sharpened glance
at these foes whose names are lost,
only to fall in line with them,
standing crooked, callow, crossed.

I donned a suit and played the part.
I spoke their words and sneered
at lonely men with drooping hearts
as mine did disappear.

I lived like this for centuries,
at least that’s how it seemed,
all the while grasping at air
and forgetting what I’d dreamed.

Until one day I heard a voice
come wafting through my door.
It said "Temptation is a ghost,
you’re meant for something more."

Stricken by this phantom noise,
I thought that I’d been called
upon by gods or angels then,
and so to them I crawled.

I crawled, I crawled, I lived like dust,
blowing this way and that,
atoning for what I had become,
and on my face fell flat.

I must have died a thousand times
if only in my thoughts.
My head grew weary, sight grew dim,
my heart ******* in knots,

When out of darkness came a hand
reaching out to mine,
and pulled me up. I stood again,
though much more straight this time.
Quick write
Merry Feb 2018
Assorted sins and vices
Whiskey, gin, brandy:
Whatever tastes good
Tastes alive in my mouth; like a cemetery

The prismatic shadows
Of the moon
Through stained glass
Stained like tears on our cheeks

Hey there, my love,
How did we come to this place?
And this time?
You are trying to understand
I told you
Something grave

Death of a brother
Death of a bond
And the responsibility
Lies in my lie

I hadn’t meant to hurt you
Much like alcohol
Numbs the mind
I wanted to
Numb your heart
not based on true events
Timmy Shanti Nov 2017
Don’t shed your tears when it’s all over,
Don’t let the hurt take root in you.
Instead, rejoice you’re moving on now,
To something promising and true.

You’ll find yourself in dreamland, treasure…
There, every rose is deftly prim,
There, love and peace and –  for good measure –
Joy everlasting reign supreme.

Free rein and grace is all that matters…
Come join bluebirds in their flight.
You’ll have your doubters – let ‘em chatter.
Just say the words: “bring on the night!”

Let’s slip away into the darkness…
To be reborn, replete with light.
Let’s go astray, enjoy the silence…
To find indomitable might.

…You needn’t offer, needn’t suffer –
Not for a single day again!
You’re home now: every man your brother,
And not a thing is preordained.

The hourglass, forever broken…
Who needs the time? You’re so alive!
Forget the rules, writ and unspoken –
Your oneness into overdrive.

They’ll see you flitting 'round the rafters,
A bluegrass garland in your bill.
So, dry your tears and share the laughter:
New life is just around the hill.
Felt so good writing this.
25-26 xi 2017
MP Martinez Sep 2017
Tell me, little brother of mine
How can I repay you?
All the things I stole
I can’t give it back at all

How can I make you forgive?
All the sins I made
Didn’t just cause you grief
But also wasted your breath

How could I make amend?
When everything's will never fall into place
What costed was your dear life
No matter what I couldn't return back

Tell me, what should I do?
Mother’s death cursed us two
And in vain I also drag you
I'm sorry your brother is a fool

Oh dearest mother so sweet
When you're gone we'd been incomplete
Back to the years we are one
Now we're divided and nothing can be done

Don't cry my big brother
Neither you nor I were innocent
Shed in blood our past is
Both of us are to be blamed

Clinging to that desire
Both of us took that crooked path
And fell to the hell we made
Since that day we are dead

That sin of yours is a sin of mine
We can't erase the things we did
But the future, we can still change
Isn't it right brother?

Oh dearest mother so sweet
When you're gone we'd been incomplete
Back to the years we are one
Now we're divided and nothing can be done

To where will we go?
When there's no place we belong to
Walking to the thorny path
Our shoulders feels so heavy

Blinded by that old dream
What was lost is forever gone
Can we ever go back to those times?
Mother we're sorry

We may not be whole
But two is always better than one
So let's start to forget and forgive
Even the past couldn't be fixed
All we had to do is to live
I'm just starting reading Fullmetal Alchemist manga and god I could cry a river for the Elric brothers. This is also inspired from one of the OST.
Yannick Plante Jul 2017
Sitting on a giant broken tree
Overlooking a vast
shallow sea

In his eyes still
lies this memory
Childhood tasted so good
We fought waves, we were so brave
Little soldiers against the breeze of change

As we swam into the tides, further
Teenage years weren’t clear
We sought caves, it’s still so vague
Family is always easy to evade

Now, what lies in your eyes, brother?
Except reflections of images
Framing you into a screen
Silent wavelengths I speak

I’m fighting waves again
Only got water up to my knees
Come on in, you won’t feel the breeze
When we’re in real deep

Into this vast
shallow sea
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