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Javaria Waseem Oct 2014
I saw her daily, getting dressed up for the battle as she wore her armour and polished her swords.
She'd look at a warrior in the mirror and smile, despite all the battle scars which had become her identity.
The white flag had not danced with the wind yet she had already won.

Her name now shines bright in the pages of history.
This is dedicated to all the beautiful women out there who are fighting breast cancer.
Remember, you are not alone. We all are standing with you, to support you in this battle.
You all are warriors and inspiration for others. No matter what, you have already won this battle against cancer.
Stay strong ladies.

(Inspired by my mother. I am a proud daughter, mom.)
Ellis Currer Oct 2014
I do not know how long this summertime will last
or for how long these roses will bloom.
I do not know for how long we
can put off the winter of our lives.
I do not know the answers to any of these questions.
All I know is that with you by my side
I will weather through these withering winds
and travel down the path of demise.

How long can we battle the darkness of winter?
With my soul strengthened by yours,
forever my Darling. I will fight
and fight the recessing sun  
and still kiss every wrinkle  
and curve of this wilting rose.
As our blood turns to ice,
I will fight and toil.
I will face winter and its wrath
to keep you here with me.
As summertime morphs into winter
I will fight so our souls will combine and
transcend this material world,
so that when winter comes
I face it with you.
KZ Oct 2014
What was once a battlefield,
Was now a plain field,
Where the bodies remained buried,
And where life had varied,
It was society that had become wearied.**
Eh...not feeling this!
Please give feedback...much needed
Chesca R Oct 2014
I need to be the controller of the game.
I cannot let the game control me.
There are no restarts.
There are no second lives.
If love was the game we played,
I've already died.
Babygirl Oct 2014
She isn't perfect, and she knows that.
She has heard all the things he has said, all the times he called her fat.
She takes and drags the blade over her wrist, she has battle scars.
She longs to disappear and become one with the angels and stars.
There is something about her, something she holds tightly to.
She is lost in the sea of emotions, no idea what to do.

She is a warrior in this world of endless battles; she is on the losing end.
To many injuries all at once to make them mend.
She is winning the battles with scars, but losing the war.
She has been tryin so hard, but what is left to fight for?..
She is on the verge of sayin goodbye to all and giving into the battle scars.
She finds her sanctuary to be hidden in the stars.

This is it, she knows what to do.
She will no longer be around, no one will wonder except one or two.
She takes her razor and she draws a map to the stars.
No one has ever seen her battle scars.
This is the end of hiding behind a smile, when all she wanna do is cry.
She has been dealing with the battles for too long, she longs to die.

She loses the war before anyone even realizes she was fighting one.
They always wonder, why? Why had she did what she done?
Well, here is why..
No one noticed the pain, no one seen her cry.
No one cared enough to ask her if she was okay, so she faked a smile.
No one even went an extra mile.

She took away what you have no right to claim.
She doesn't want you to take the blame..
The choice is what she made, and she will forever lay in the ground.  
She never told you about her battle scars, she never even made a sound.
She longed, no, pleaded, with you, begged you to see.
But you couldn't even look close enough to see, that girl was me...
liz Oct 2014
I pushed you away because of what you did to me.
It wasn't your personal acts that ****** me of,
it was what the voices in my head would say whenever you were around.
A darker version of me erupted like lava in a volcano, intruding it's way out.
It took everything within me to keep it down whenever you were around.
You were always high and it did nefarious things to you and the people around.
It ruined your life, as it did mine.
Lethal weapons in a battle of your own.

So for four months I stayed away, remaining to myself. Keeping the wounds at a distance for as long as I could. I painted. I drew sketches. I wrote three chapters to my novel. I watched an animated movie that actually made me laugh.
I was stitching myself back together.

Then one night you came to me with promises in your words and wonders with your eyes. For a while there, I thought I saw hope.  Like stars in a cloudless sky.

You said you changed, but I knew that was a lie- you can only grow. You said that you haven't smoked- that you felt better and loved life just a little more.
I didn't want to believe that you were full of it- your ambition was floating in the air like pixie dust on a chilly summers night.

But of course you did.
You lied.
Just like before I left you and just like now.
You still speak to me as if I'm lower than you and you continue to paint cracked black paint on your face whenever you feel the slightest bit upset.
I try to help you, you push me away.

You broke your promises. You lie through your teeth. Its a been a long time since anything was actually good.

Looking back at it now, I pushed you away because of what you did to me.
It was the voices in my head.
The ones you put there.
Nena Twedell Oct 2014
Fearless Warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless warrior dawn your armor
Be prepared for all things-Good and bad
Fearless Warrior hold your head up high
Don't get discouraged
This battle will only be for a little while
Fearless warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless Warrior dawn your armor
Hold true to your heart's desires
Fearless Warrior
Don't forget to look around you
Don't forget you have backup
Fearless Warrior stand your ground
Prepare for battle
Fearless Warrior remember
you don't always have to be fearless
Hunter K Oct 2014
War has begun,
And only the leaders son,
Knows what his father has done.
He tries to protect,
The one he loves and respects,
But he knows what to expect,
That blood already trickled down her neck.
She died in battle,
Since she talked prattle.
Not knowing he was coming,
Not knowing what she was becoming.
Styles Oct 2014
You seeing me rapping will never happen
Before that I’ll start cappin
Walk off like nothing happened
Since I’ve mastered this art of war
I tend to take things too far
Don’t give a **** who you think you are
Your rap handle doesn’t exist anymore
My rhythms galore, your rhythms manure
Best left in a bag
On your steps
At your front door
Hottest your rap crap will ever get
I’m so polished this is a blemish not a scrimmage
I treat you little *******
Like a teacher’s pet
Up against a Vietnam war vet
Giving you your first shoots
Flipping the script
Double barrel twelve gauge extended clip
Special grip pressed against your lip
Having a hard time talking ****
A pistol whip left your tooth chipped
Fake rappers rapping hard
No street creed; they ain’t legit
This wack imitation ****
Got me *******
Don’t get me started
you rip offs should get lost at all cost
dealing with a real boss I can handle a loss
Testing me lyrically, you must be previously *******
Now you are dearly departed
I’m styling on you I’m wilding
Bloodline of Goliath  
So go ahead start a riot
With my mic on autopilot
You can get chewed like trident
Eating wack MC’s
essential part of my diet
this ain’t even a battle verse
it’s a gift and a curse
running its course
on my high horse
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