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mark john junor Oct 2021
It isn't the quality of the words that measure truth
it's the men we all see with such clear eyes
Two brothers trapped in a pitched battle
echoes of their roots displayed in a contest of wills
two brothers follow the same dream
two brothers dance the same songs
We can never stop being who we are
we can grow thriving under a perfect sun
but our roots forever spread from the single source
our birthplace and home
Two brothers trapped in a pitched battle
find peace at last in each others truth
we are the same inside the dream
we are fellow travelers
whose nature it is to find hope and love
in the cloudiest of days
Valya Sep 2021
Can I fall with grace
Can I admit defeat like that instead
I want to flail my arms
Kick my legs
Do anything to fight back against this
But I don't think this battle
Is one for me to win
So can I end with grace
I don't think I have a chance with him again and even though I want to try so so hard I just don't think it's possible so can I just end it off in the prettiest way possible as compensation for my torn heart
Thy mere soul and thy paint.
Forced to relentlessly battle.
Yet, not quite sure when; nor where to strike;  regardless of such, thou need not bow beneath thy sworn enemy like a coward in the night.  
Thy must remember that with time thy vessel shall grow to be rather faint.
Tis upon the beginning of the end, that thy brittle bones shalt rattle...
Whilst sorrowful eyes lose sight.
Now blind, beaten, and battered.
Hopelessly lost between what once was and all that has yet to come.
There be not a **** thing more mournful than thee, thy own soul withering away like a departing flower in may.
Thy trudged onward despite thy heart being shattered as well as scattered.
'Twas in that dreadful hour that thy feelings perished and thy had begun to grow numb.
What a remarkable day is to be rotting to the core like a corpse left to decay.
Mark Wanless Aug 2021
how many men die
before the final battle
more than are needed
inspired by something somewhen
WickedHope Jul 2021
All is fair in love and war
Was full of it

Because how can something that burns so quickly and leaves charred corpses in it's wake be fair
How can something that uproots the lives of many while leaving the lives of those adjacent fine
It is wholly unfair fall victim merely for being in the wrong place or time

Battlefields consume souls
No matter their varied geography
The path is always the same
Destruction can not be avoided nor cheated
Like Sister Death, both lie in wait
Lurking and prowling to devour the unfortunate ones
Praying for fairness that doesn't exist
i am poised,
ready to fight
hands clenched
straightened spine
i've been through this
a thousand times
everyone knows
my battle cry
it's the sound of a woman
trying to break free
it's the sound of liberation
a song called victory
i am ready for war
i am ready to fight
i will reclaim my power
i will take back what is mine
i will take back what is mine
Samir Mohammed Jul 2021
There will be no heroes
In our dance of death
So take my hand
And take your last breath

Keep your eyes on me
In this macabre masquerade
And stay light on your feet
Or you'll be the first to break
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