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The Queen Jul 2018
Glass of wine, my tears are dripping from my wing's. I can fly but I can't move. What am I? Something is middle of everything and nothing. I can't hold any more. I'm so lonely. I'm in pain. All I want is love. Be loved. I have so much love to give. But no one's want it. My soul is suffer from the pain. All I wish is love for everyone
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Heavenly beings.

Eternal in Heaven.
The day is warm, but the air is cool,
As I sit here watching an angel, who is sat upon a toadstool.
She plays the harp and whispers a song
And all around, children and their families are sat listening in silence.
They are loved; each and every one.

She is beauty in this place of peace;
Her blonde hair gently blows in the breeze.
Blue butterflies hover all around her.
The sun is shining on us all as she plays her harp
And softly she sings her words into the air.

Tiny gnomes march past and the children glance up and smile,
At the unicorn that accompanies the gnomes, as they walk on by.
They are heading off to see God and the angels inside;
While we sit here on the outside, in the morning light.

I decide to go with them and leave the music behind;
I have a job to do, so I must do it, but I can do it in my own time.
You see, I am a poet and this allows me to be free,
Of those things which hold other people trapped;
Those things like obligations and duty.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

I’ve got a heart that is made from crystal;
I find diamonds behind your eyes
And if there is no way that I am losing you,
Then I guess I’ll be doing alright.

You wear a black tiara upon your head
And you have Cupids arrow stuck inside your mind.
I hope he sent you here to comfort me,
Because I need you to kiss me tonight.

If there is nothing left to lose, then give me hope or something;
All I ask of you is that you send me a sign.
If we lose all we have and I never get to see you again,
I know the angels will be cursing our luck, because of our plight.

Up there in Heaven they decided to put us together
And only you can tear this love heart apart.
If only we could make love last until the end of time,
We could be so happy with each other under these stars.

When I rise, I want to rise with you already up there;
If you’re still here, then I will never want to leave.
But if you’re waiting for me in Heaven with your loving care,
I will accept my fate and live while I can; but this life I will not grieve.

You are a golden heart in a land without colour;
You’re a morning sun in a land without light.
I know in my heart I could be with no other,
Because you are the purest love and my reason to rise.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Uta Jul 2018
And she visited heaven many times,

but they never let her in,

she saw a golden river,

of restless souls,

she cried and grieved so hard,

seeing angels fall,

her broken heart,

was destroyed,

into thousands of pieces,

because of what she saw

in front of heavenly gates.
Comment and tell me what you think!

What did this girl, saw in front of the heavenly gates?
Bexis Jul 2018
Everyday seemed darker than the one before.
Encasing me and shutting away everything I knew.
I tried reaching my hand out and didn't have anything to hold on to.
Just when I was about to be swallowed in, I saw a crack of light.
I started hammering at it.

With each pound of my fist, the walls seemed to start disappearing.
I did it again, again, again until my fists bled.
Finally a doorway opened with bright light shining.

I walked through and I saw everything with fresh eyes.
Everything I had held on to for so long started letting go.
Barriers one after another coming down.

Every little thing exposed, with nothing to hide.
All my fears presented.
An angel came down.
Scooped me up and saved me.
The light shone like a beacon.
I held the light to protect it from the darkness.
The light protects me to this day.
Mena Mulugeta Jul 2018
It’s deeper than that.
It’s deeper than the ocean.
It’s this feeling I can’t bare.
My heart thumping so quick

Adrenaline rush when I heard the
Words that you were gone.
Altitude is so high I can’t even cry.
12 Empire State buildings tall, and
I still really couldn’t reach my soul.
My emotions overpowering many things
Wishing you were here,
wishing there was a golden stairway to heaven.
I would climb milestones
just to hear your voice.
I wish I could come up home,
and sit down just to see your reflection.

You’re shining brightly
with flashes of light.
Looking like an Angel
I feel your presence.
  Things are unreal
  time is not ours,and
Forever you will be in my heart.
Rest In Peace to you beautiful souls.
May all you beautiful souls Rest In Peace Beruk
“The words just won't come, but the feelings are all here
Misunderstood mind-monsters whispers and that's all I hear
My tears are on hold; it refuses to be shed,
The silence turns into pandemonium as soon as I lay down my head

Some elusive words are hidden within my tainted heart,
Drenched in blood; a beautiful art
The thought of ever uttering those words suffocates me,
Thus the mind-monsters echo the words repeatedly

Every day I wish to escape these memories,
But seems like all that escapes me is my sanity
I was forced to acknowledge the muse in my miseries,
The mind-monsters said it would be one less frailty

Now as you walk this staircase to my mind;
Seek my angels to convince these mind-monsters to be kind” ~ Demi.M Potts
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
My nameless love

I could fall deeper and deeper into your eyes for a lifetime.
As I stare into you, I feel truly alive.
With each passing moment,
We are each only wasting such precious time.
We should be together, we exchange glances,
We dance around each other’s feelings, acting like we are alright…

…but all is still wrong, if I have never spoken those words;
I must confess my soul speaks volumes, never seen, never heard
And inside all my thoughts I keep finding your image.
Allow me to love you and I will forever see your love as a privilege.

Let love’s choir raise the roof!  
The two of us could have found somebody to be true to.
But with love there are no definite answers,
Until your hand has been shown;
Has your heart already been enraptured?

With breathless words, I try to speak.
With forgotten gestures, I remain so weak.
With distant wishes, it is always you that I seek,
But still I am this geek; blessed are the meek.
Please share with me what it is you foresee.

Can you picture me holding your hand,
As the world moves all around us, a loss to all plans?
A break in the code,
A glitch in the system.
Lovers swear an oath which has no need to be written.
These promises are to be made, for love never truly fades.
Is this real love or not?  Are we lips to the grave?
We could become all we each could ever need.
My maiden, oh so fair.  Do you too need to be saved?

Let us each shout!  “I want you bad!”
Give me the gift of true love, the likes of which I have never had.
A love that lasts; an unbroken pact.
An oath or bond never broken;
Cure me of my sad.

Light up my heart with your star, set fire to my passion.
I am burning for you, my theatrical attraction.
My muse, my actress, my play on words…
My nameless love.
Let Aa be the bee to your bird.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aaron LaLux Jun 2018
Gorgeous Ghost

Hauntingly beautiful,
a most lively ghost,
a unification of The Dualities,
is what best describes you,

time to make a choice,
fame or the family life,
put it all into my artistic endeavors,
or put it all into making a boy and raising him right,

what does it take to make a life,
what does it take to take one away,
better get out there and live your life,
because we both know tomorrow isn’t promised today,

is anyone out there,
anyone at all,

I’m feeling possessed,
like a house that’s haunted,
and that haunter is you in this moment,
but only when you’re being brutally honest,

I know I’ve got talent,
and yeah I know that I waste it,
reality bites I bit the apple,
bit my tongue drew blood and can taste it,

Martyr me now,
or forever hold your peace,
US Embassy moved to Jerusalem today,
I’m still shouting “Peace in the Middle East”,

May 13th 2018,

see they say the Devil’s in the details,
I say Satan knows me well,
but I’m here in God’s honor so what does it all mean,
I don’t know but when I do I’ll send you the email,

or send it to you in a way that’s ethereal,
like a seance when a Medium’s in a trance,
kinda like Poltergeist or better yet Ghost,
because it’s less of a horror film and more of a romance,

hauntingly beautiful,
a most lively ghost,
a unification of The Dualities,
is what best describes you…

∆ Aaron LaLux ∆
Glenn Currier Jun 2018
I am grateful for these hours of sleep
but four or five are just not enough
so here I am awake
having left in bed
the sweet muddled foggy chamber
where some mysterious mystical mighty force
knits together the disparate broken seams
through which my saneness fell
the previous day.

I believe in being awake
to the richness hiding in every day.
I know how easy it is to miss
in the banging clattering hiss
the inexpressible gift
of now.

But I also know
what a full night’s sleep can do
to chase away the blues
and recapture the few joys
and surprises nestled
and stashed
in the mystic cache
of each day.

So I beg whatever angels
guard that muddled foggy chamber
to again admit me
grant me gladness
and the saving gift
of a full night’s sleep.
Written at 4:30am 6-26-18
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