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Lilly frost Jun 2015
Death and
Life challenges us
To face
That in which
Lay behind and ahead
Crimsyy Mar 2017
My Melancholy,

I cannot welcome you anymore,
I can't run towards you
with open arms.
You make me think of the moment when Cinderella's  only hope
was reduced to shreds;
You tasted just as hopeless,
just as irreversible,
unleashing this desire in me
to turn my back on you.

**A/N: Looking forwards to happier days ahead  (: what did you think of this one? Please comment... thankyou for reading! ^.^
Aly Dec 2016
then, you're empty
now, start again
placidly open your eyes
look back to see the narrow road
remember how it started
look at the bloodstained pavements
the scar that it left, does it hurt the same?
but they still remind you of those deep cuts
abrasions, they heal
thirsts, they can be quenched
hungers, they are satiable
trees, they bear fruits
reds, they go green
*******, they are reached
dreams, they can be fulfilled
slashes--the flesh, they stitch together
to be
you bring them ahead
and ahead, a narrow road
don't stop the pace
abandon everything
abandon everything--but the scars
and don't stop the pace,
no, not yet
You only know what's there in past, not what's going to be great ahead.
John Niederbuhl Sep 2016
Chicken Soup

A bowl of chicken soup hot and steamy,
The clear chicken broth, not white and creamy,
With noodles and chunks of chicken afloat
Its good for a cold and for a sore throat.
Companion in age and childhood friend
Its lunch time and we're together again.
Once I had soup with sandwich baloney
Now, its with unsalted crackers only.
Doc tells me I have to watch what I eat,
So from salt and fat I have to retreat.
But let me impart this one, little scoop:
I'll never relinquish my chicken soup.
aniket nikhade Aug 2016
Some things that sometimes happen in life are some of those things that are waiting to happen,
however when they happen,
as and when,
whenever they happen,
change the course of each and everything along with the present moment in time.

Better be a part of the present moment in time,
move ahead along with the same in mind.
Much better when rest of the things going on in heart are put at the back of mind while moving ahead along with the present moment in time.

Situation can be differ,
changing from one moment to next,
odd will remain the same unless and until,
if not handled or even tackled properly.

So be wise, remember all you have got is the present moment in time
Better act now rather than depending on an uncertain future

Emotions can be trusted upon when used in the right spirit,
in the right way,
instead of depending on the same in the form of giving an excuse.

Better to be a part of the present moment in time
Better to concentrate on the odd that is there along the line of what is going on in the present,
however in doing so also remember everything needs to be defined with regards to an uncertain future.

Action speaks louder than words also because even when words have got meaning and substance still they can fall on deaf ears, which in turn can ruin everything.

So be what you are
Do what you want
In doing so always remember you, yourself are responsible for everything that is being getting done along the present moment in time.

Trust when proved to be of use can definitely strengthen the process of getting things done within a stipulated period of time
Trust can definitely built bridges between two ends that are away and apart from each other
Confidence and faith can serve as the base of the pillars, which will hold the two ends of the bridges together,
however even then never forget that odds will still come along the way.

So be what you are
Do what you want
In doing so always remember you, yourself are responsible for everything that is being getting done along the present moment in time
Definitely along with time comes experience,
since experience is achieved over a period of time and then it comes to mind, undoubtedly action speaks louder than words.
Definitely two ways about the same that action speaks louder than words.
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
The vast sea knows what it knows,
As the man with a shadow knows it too

And it's the same with the soul
That I found there
In the dark of the ineffable
Which is ahead of you -
Away from home
I stand upon a vessel
Guided by the rivers of romance and light
To seek the histories of distant lands
And the fates that made me
Merge to a new destiny

I watch the waters
Guide the vessel through the historic sights
A sight meant for all foreign eyes to partake
Yet I find myself alone
The famed tower of France spins its light
It sparkles brighter than I remember
As the spotlight seeks a divine host
That appears from its beam
And soars upon wings of white
To land in front of me

The wings carry a familiar friend
One I felt I needed to see closer
Before my latest voyage
Dawned in a bright blue dress
With a white pearl necklace helping frame her gorgeous eyes
Within the locks of sparking brown hair
That light the sky above and sea below
Danced with every little glimmer of light
In a sight I cannot shake

Through in the moments that followed
My eyes fogged with tears of admiration
In the sight of a figure of both strength and beauty
As our arms reached for each other
And embraced our heartbeats
As they coached our feet to the rhyme
Of a phantom song that played
To still the spinning world
To freeze that moment in time
Forever in the dreams from Paris
And forever locked upon my eye
When I see the being in reality without her wings
She doesn't realize are there
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Have faith in yourself
Don’t wait for things to happen.

Move ahead along with the present moment in time
Move ahead with what you are supposed to do in the present
Move ahead with what you have in your mind
Move ahead along with the same.

Definitely everything will not happen according to what was thought, planned, designed and desired.
A few things will fall in place while the rest will take time.

Move ahead along with the present moment in time
Move ahead with all that you have got in your mind
Move ahead with what you have got with yourself in the present.

Keep in mind something will come along the way
If not an opportunity,
then definitely something similar to that,
if not better.

Till then, move ahead with what you have got to do at the present moment in time
A moment in time will come when you will realize that it was better that I continued with what I had in my mind,
better that I did not give up then,
at least as of now I know the things that need to be done.

Probability, possibility, priority, positive nature can shape and enhance the scope of future,
however in doing so always it’s better to keep in mind never give up against the odds at the present moment in time.

Never keep everything on hold,
never give up at the same moment in time.

No one knows when the right moment in time will come
Exactly when will it happen,
for as and when,
whenever it happens,
it will change everything then with regards to the future.
Till then don’t wait for that for that moment in time to come and happen in your life.

Continue with what you have
Better to continue with the same
Definitely a moment in time will come when everything will change and that will be the right moment in time
A moment in time which will change everything in the present with regards to all that needs to be done and ascertained with respect to the future.
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Uzzi, did you fade away
or did you go somewhere to pray?
Some thought that your heart is a playground for fools
until you shut its door and wiped it clean of stulls.
Demons tortured you from within
because of thine hidden sin;
angels carried you on their wings
so that you can eat with kings.
Even in the darkness you shine as light,
although, it is difficult overcoming the fight.
No glory for the shadowman
except he accepts a better clan.
The future isn't far,
it isn't a journey of a car.
Your life became new
when you got rid of the former crew.
The past is past, ahead is ahead,
make merry and enjoy thine daily bread.
This i wrote about myself 6 years ago when i was getting out of chronic depression.
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