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EmperorOfMine Jul 2019
I went on a journey
Jumping from one memory to the next
And then I forgot what I was doing
Backward, I went, looking for that answer
Where was I going
Why was I going
Grabbing and pulling for that special answer
It's gone
But it will find me
And when it does
I hope I'm not too late.
EmperorOfMine Jul 2019
Just a moment ago I was smiling from ear to ear
Casually wondering what I could do to make it better
Wanting to share it with everyone, and you
Just to see it wither like life always does
So beautiful
and then

Unable to place the pieces into a clear picture
Incapable of understanding the message
You've sent me on a quest for a heart
that didn't exist...
And then blamed me for going.

When will you see that you were trusted
You were given real trust
Given a heart with real magic
A vessel with real actions
Just to deny it as real.

I'm discombobulated.
EmperorOfMine Jul 2019
I may spin and spin
Casting shadows of energy
Twirling here, and then there
For everyone that can see
And I may sing what I can bring
Sell a hell of a show
But it always ends up pointless
Maybe I'm otiose.

I can do it for myself
But my heart had selfless wings
No, it wasn't perfect
But I never solo when I sing
Yet a ghost is a ghost and sadly that's me
Maybe i'm otiose.
Otiose = Have no real purpose
Traveler Mar 2014
Life, it seems a question
That’s answered only in death
A light that leaves your body
As you grasp for your last breath

What comes next
Nobody can know
You came like a dream
And now I’m alone

The tears that I bleed
Are hidden by lies
My love is spread thin
For those I would die

Her eyes gave me access
To see through her soul
Now I've gone blind
How could she let go

If death holds the answer
And love holds the key
Then somewhere beyond
She’s waiting for me
Traveler Tim
Over 20 years
I still can't let you go
TheSilentScream Jul 2019
I wonder why I feel this thick weight sinking my joy into a sea of fear.
Pending destruction is near, creeping behind my calmed motion.
I fear

that if i love, it'll be stripped away
Left to decay.

I don't think I can feel that again...

So maybe that's why I feel so anxious.

Love too hard and it breaks the foundation, love too soft and it floats away...

I can't take this, is what I want to say...but I know I might not ever get my way.

I love hard, crush hard, feel hard emotions...a battle in my head filled with so much commotion.

A battle, a war between 100 of me, how...

I wonder why I feel so sick when I talk to him now.

The ship is strong, but the sailer is scared of waves

Be still my beating heart, for I need you to behave.
Desire Jul 2019
Love isnt perfect meeting perfect.
Its a covenant taken in hand: promising
to push through floods and flaws
despite our own imperfections...
We're all human, knowing
darkness and what its like to be broken.
Let love be your light, mending your
broken p i e c e s...
I'm an imperfect man,
but I'm a man to say the least,
and I will continue to push so that
love may continue to increase‼️
TheSilentScream Jun 2019
Don't take my heart's voice and make it your Starbucks review.
It may not be pretty, perfect, and cookie cutter constructed.
But I still feel something, and i'm sure you do too.
I'm not a dog and pony show.
I wish I felt it were true.

What's a poet to a writer?
Why are some valid and others not?
No reaction is a reaction after all.
But even alone, I must be a fighter.

I'm not a dog and pony show.
But I wonder if you'd ever know.
Because you choose our voices like you choose your candy.
You prefer what's sweet, and discard the sour.

My voice is a sweetart, what comes with it tingles.
Listen and react for it's story, not the speaker,
and you'll feel it deep inside your heart.
TheSilentScream Jun 2019
I'm naked.
No dead laughs.
No dry smiles.
No more forced inspiration or optimism.

It's just me.
With my flaws.
With my beauty marks.

And If I am nothing without my clothes.
I was never something when I pretended I wasn't underneath them.

so ive taken away the mask
ive pulled of that heavy coat and thick skin
ive washed my heart and washed it clean

Here i am;
im naked.
Am i still worthy?
EmperorOfMine Jun 2019
There is a caterpillar inching his wee body across a leaf that fell, somewhere.

Gently existing, almost alone.

The winds could **** him.
The rain could **** him.
The dirt full of other bugs could **** him.

So many things, all around his wee little existence...
So very vulnerable, and nearly alone in a world full of life...

But that caterpillar inches his way through the leaf, eating and inching his way through his path.

Because his path will lead to a cacoon.
And a cacoon, though even more vulnerable, leads to transformation.

And when that caterpillar cracks through that cacoon, the shell that, although made him weak and easy to ****, stuck, and seemingly obsolete, it also caused him to shock the world.

He will become a butterfly.
And some will see him as unworthy, still.
Most, honestly.

But haven't you ever heard...
A butterfly can flap their fragile little, beautiful, wings and create a hurricane big enough to change thousands or millions of lives somewhere.

Setting in motion events that may not have happened if he weren't there. And in all events, something important is revealed; which ultimately makes him just as important.

So in conclusion, he may be small, weak, unappealing, vulnerable, boring, easy to ****, break, or bury...but he also has a transformation.

He is delicately dangerous, a gentle healer, and a permanent inspiration in many lives.

He was important as a caterpillar.
He is important as a butterfly.
I've written in anger
And sorted myself out
I've written on drugs
And found new meanings
I've written in sadness
And found that I am beautiful
I've written before bed
And never let my head hit the pillow
I've written about my skin
And no one knows what I am
I've written about what it means to be human
And I still have no answers
I've written while in love
And have had many lovers
I've written in art
And hid the words within the blank spaces
I've written rambles
And each one more absurd then the last
I have written about my adventures
And returned filthy and alive
I've written stolen words from the wise
And spread the knowledge far and wide
I've written to you
And you have read
I've written
And have kept writing.
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