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5.2k · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
i do not know whether you are handsome
or whether i am beautiful
i do not know whether you love me
or whether i hate you
i do not know what i want to hear first
your heartbeat or your whisper
i do not know what should matter
or what matters now
i do not know whether you live by emotions
or whether i live by anything at all
4.1k · Mar 2015
sheeba balan kpp Mar 2015
So much bile
so much poison
I wonder how
you are alive
with these proportions
One can only be a thorn
or a shard
a shard your are
that I can validate
a piercing one at that
3.4k · Feb 2015
i am illusion
sheeba balan kpp Feb 2015
I am hope
I am a illusion
a blinking blue white spot
a phone call
it opens up channels of hope
don't give hope a hope.
2.3k · Mar 2015
sheeba balan kpp Mar 2015
Sleep evades
Tomorrow excites
swollen red capillaries
Hurt my eyes
I do not wish to speak
My love is immense
And I fear that immensity most
1.9k · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
Pain is stagnant
It never evolves
Or flows
It never evaporates
Or rains
It stays always
Crystal clear
always reflecting hate
1.9k · Dec 2014
sheeba balan kpp Dec 2014
We all pick shards of glass
worn out
of pride
of dignity
bruises at every broad unending road
Lined with enthralling
bright yellow mustard blooms
A minute
and you forget the path you treaded
And you take old paths
Confused ?
It doesn't make sense
Which path to take ?
Doesn't matter now, which path you take now
the path changes with the self
1.8k · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
Eucalyptus filled air
Sheets of warm and cold air
Early tasmac drinkers
Weary eyed dads
Bye bye -ing mommies
Dung splattering cows
whipped pedigree dogs
Scared insects
Proud birds
Flowers with an attitude
The pig
A hero
Swarmed stinking
Dirtiest of them all
And a early morning feast
Charming brown eyed street dogs
Question marked trees
Washed pavements
Drooling men
Betel chewing glaring women
Girls in floral blouses sweeping
Sh -sh -sh -sh -sh
Autos rrrrrr
Shock absorbing nike shoes krr krr krrr krr
A cigarette ****
A sad memory
Pushed aside
By the brush of a hand
pushed to a remote corner
another memory
a recent one
with a scaredy cat
Which i want to share and party with
Was vivid

Ornamented ladies
lighting lamps to a dead god
Guarded by vain priests
and giving life
for people
Lost in hope and fear
A parallel existence

Corporates blaring into phones
Fit men playing tennis
Small sturdy grass
Petite flowers
Swaying and dancing
Everlasting ?
Is it a will or maybe or a should be ?
early morning walks in new upcoming areas like hsr and marathahalli which were until recently villages and are now turning into small IT towns
1.7k · Feb 2015
sheeba balan kpp Feb 2015
When past comes knocking
I am most aware
to decision taking
and ghosts reappearing
past is always
pink and gold glitter powder
best untouched and
messy in open envelopes
1.3k · Mar 2015
sheeba balan kpp Mar 2015
Now more reasons to be fearless
your wretched statements
there is no love in anything
just ****** ***
all the more reasons to be a woman
all the more reasons to flaunt my fat **** thighs
my ****** dresses
coquettish smiles
until you are hanged by the government of India
Until then and more
I am nirbhaya
nirbhaya woman
1.3k · Dec 2014
edapally junction
sheeba balan kpp Dec 2014
It is good to get lost at Edapally junction
in that sea of people in the bus bay in front of emmanaul silks
to be exact, I could get lost in any part of kerala
it is the same to me ,kozhikode, thrissur or cochin
I am a foreigner
And i have adapted.
why ?
Why ,you may ask
why this indifference to one's own mother
simply because you cannot abandon your mother though you grew up in an orphanage
So goes for these places
I did not choose my mother
nor did I choose my native land
and I cannot orphan them
can I ?
I am familiar with some places now
As new memories are made
I remember places now
I remember fort kochi for the lanes sloshed in whisky and dreams
i remember vypin for small truths
I remember vytilla for heartbreak and pain
I remember wellington for incessant talk and friends
I remember calicut for numerous crossroads and junctions and restrooms
I remember thrissur for art and molestation
i do remember places now for each memory made
it was not like this for the place I grew
I know the temple and the paddy field
and the people in each house
like the woman on Google maps announcing each turn and curve
I would say this where I smashed the neatly piled red bricks with my lady bird bicycle
or take a turn in that alley and say this where I buy coloured glass bangles
Or take a left here ,this is where I light lamps filled with ghee fasting and in obeisance to devi
It is all vivid ,perfect with no doubts
and everything is doubtful in my own land
And then ,I decided to get lost at Edapally
sorry if I am geographically wrong

I stopped my car at the highway
Amongst the water logged fields
Overgrown with white lilies
my driver looked displeased
how could one waste travel and money
until then I had counted minutes and seconds
Of anticipated moments of security boarding and baggage
and now I stopped here at angamali  a nowhere
and watched my flight overhead
What now he looked anxiously
let's take a detour
I said
and yelled at the plane
"I don't care "
I want to get lost
And switched off all accountability

He dropped me at Edapally junction
And i stood still in that movement
a flood of people
fear engulfed me
the airconditioned air filled my mind
a fake cherry tree with cotton and red  glitter paper stood staring
People moved in with money and came out with loads
sweat, dreams, monotony, laughter expectations ,new hopes and hopes  dangling in the bus bay
some comfort now ,I stood hugging my Adidas coat
I did not know where to look and was whirling around in small circles
when I felt being pulled
Your lanky arm
I was here trying to get lost
And here you were pulling me back
I walked with big steps trying to dodge you and hoping to disapper
And then it started to pour
I did not know which was louder
the rain or your anger
your knuckles white
is this why they call white with fury
even the rain seemed white
the cotton hung wet and the cherry Tree seemed drained
but language seemed fine
you drove
I walked
and it rained
it was perfect to get lost
1.2k · Mar 2015
it is a curse
sheeba balan kpp Mar 2015
It is a curse
This perfect sunshine
This perfect day
This sparkling wine
This cheese
These crisp green grapes
It is a curse !
These lovely poppies and geraniums
And the flattering peonies
When I remember all the time I lost .
Curse loss
1.1k · Mar 2015
sheeba balan kpp Mar 2015
everything is a curse
this sunlight
this perfect day
this wine
the cheese
the crisp green grapes
the poppies ,geraniums
and the flattering peony
everything is a curse
when I think of love
when I think of your kiss
1.0k · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
It lasted just two minutes
A minute for asking a phone number
And a minute for saying i love you
And then everything became stagnant
Love needs to evolve
And evolution takes time
so said Darwin
1.0k · Dec 2014
sheeba balan kpp Dec 2014
I like being egoistic
I like extremes
I think in extremes
I also answer in extremes
I like people who are extremes too.
874 · Jan 2015
an extremist dialogue
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
I maintain silence
I prefer better questions
I sleep I eat
I drink
I *** I ****
you do that too anyways
We could talk better
Some art curating
Or an evolving idea
I wish no wastage of words
no more energy waste
all that is done
All that has been done
Talk is for birth
for new borns
and for infestations
854 · Feb 2015
sheeba balan kpp Feb 2015
Why women don't want divorce
because they want lapdogs
Well kept lousy lies
husbands may find in freedom.
827 · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
My bed strewn with books
I shrink to a side
My thigh on the computer
pressing innumerable keys all at once
I search for the phone
with a dreamy hand
reminiscences of a dream
Still in my eyes
Searching for messages

Life too is like a scattered dream
Can't make sense
but everything seems to be there
don't know how to connect
a jigsaw puzzle

The bed is crazy
A khushwant here
copies of writing there
Some ink
An unpacked box

The wind lifts the dark screen
And i open my eyes a little more
Dreams oozing
light filtering
my throat dry
Wishing for some sweet tea
I search for more messages
And still more tangled dreams
620 · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
You say i am angry
And then say don't share your love
you say don't love me
And do everything that i love
contradictions to what you say
Don't stop your babble
This confused state of yours
is a pleasure to my spirit and being
517 · Sep 2014
Would you have ?
sheeba balan kpp Sep 2014
Would you have loved if the road was clear
And the end was near
Would you have loved me if not for my flaws and arrogance
Wyould you have loved me if not for my angry jumping pupils
Would you loved me if not for everything i say
Even in my nonsense years
Would you have me flawless and perfect
It is my flaws that drives you mad
And keeps me sane
In love
474 · Feb 2015
sheeba balan kpp Feb 2015
I want to get hurt
I want to cry
I want to get hurt again
and again
and again
and I want to cry
I want to cry just because I allowed myself to get hurt
I want to sin, fully knowingly
and I never want to be frozen
or numb
Numb hurt
457 · Jan 2015
sheeba balan kpp Jan 2015
It is good to be among tibetian masters
And to learn the ways of the living
And the dead
How to live
And how to give away this life

— The End —