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 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
She gazed longingly after the wandering boy
Who seemed to notice everything
But her
Am I invisible
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
As I stare into the mirror
Her face scrunched up
Is she disgusted
Does she know that I am
Waiting for happiness too
Does she know that I am
Trying to hide as well
I try to relate as I am
Reaching forward to comfort her
My hand
Meeting glass
My eyes
As I stare into
the mirror
I look into the mirror
(reversible poem)
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
It was nothing more
Than the ways your eyes lit up
When you saw the snow falling
That made me realize
How much I wanted it to be cold enough
To freeze time
Let's freeze time for a moment
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
i was a match
just waiting for someone
to light up my world
i never thought
you would leave me
to burn
Why did you light the match
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
She was everything
She was cool nights and sweaters
Mint leaves and tea
She was the softest shade of a morning flower
And when she laughed
The leaves shuddered against the simple chime
Her long soft hair was the color of maple pancakes and coffee in the morning
And also smelled like so
The wind would twirl it around its fingers
And sing against her peach skin
Her lashes, so long, would shine against the stars
And when she looked down
They seemed to reach to her toes
Lady bugs would crawl along the soft hairs and daze off into sleep
She never seemed to mind
Her full pink lips
Were soft and pure
Her tongue never spoke a trick
Even though she could
Her smile could freeze the entire world
And turn it to winter in a second
Though she preferred the flowers
Her eyes were so big with wonder
They were the color of water and sky
And seemed to flow like a running stream
Her body was so light and delicate
That the trees held her against their branches
Afraid that if they let go she would evaporate like the dew on a cherry blossom
She was so beautiful and pure that she seemed too good to be true
She could cure the world’s problems with a single sentence
And turn hate into a blissful state
She was everything
She was the crisp air on an April morning
The soft fuzz on a lavender stem
She was lace bras and chapped lips
And she was a sight to see
I'm not a lesbian i swear lol
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
i am sorry
that when you broke
i didn't help you back together
but started checking your pieces
to see if any of them could serve
to fill my missing ones
im okay
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
The word you knew all too well
The thing I lost along the way
The lie that fell between your lips
The feeling I thought was mutual
The person I no longer need
The art of lying to yourself
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
the last thing I tasted
was chocolate chip cookies
as you pulled away
and leaving my lips
I miss her already
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
i watch the ink run down my arm
the pen, writing the feelings
i could never explain with words;
sitting on my bathroom floor
never led to anything
but unwanted art
pain isn't worth unwanted art
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
The End
 May 2019 Rylie Lucas
I was waiting for a happy ending
But now I'm just waiting for the end
hopelessness is a dark place
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