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God* came to me in a rain
and He spoke of Truth you could only seek in His Word
and He sang of songs unheard
of a promise only to His people
God's people

And as He spoke I turned my head,
for fear someone might see me praising the rain like the dead
And the lightening struck in disappointment
and it was then I fully understood
How God created man for the greater good
how sin has taken over the land He created to be pure
how He has created people like me to preach the cure

You see
I let the water hit my palm
and trickle up my arm
and I cupped enough in my palms to cleanse my head
Thanked God for *His
water and bread
and cleansed my soul in the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit
and I thanked Him from the depths of my heart
and I know that He will hear it

So I will carry out what God has asked me to do
He has given me the gift of words
to write what is real
to write what is true
to pour all of the meaningful promise
right into you

Let the Heavens open up and take a look deep inside
See what God has promised you!
The God of Abraham
The God of Israel
The Father of  Christ
and you thank Him
and you seek Him for all direction
For He will provide you protection

Because God is not in selfish churches tarnished by man
He  is  the water
He  is  the land
He  is  right with you
Right in your hand
Oh ye of little faith...
Do you not understand?
It is  God  I say!
It is  God!
It is  God  who will give us the riches of life

**Stop putting your faith into man!
(C) Maxwell 2014
Longing to be in Your Presence
aching to be in Your light
for when You suffered
for when You died
You saved my life
You paid the ultimate price
and as I fall upon my knees
unworthy of Your grace and glory
The love of God is placed before me
and you kiss my eyes
and I am born again
I am forgiven
And my God be to glory
I am saved from sin
(C) Maxwell 2014
My heart is open, speak Your truth
I’m waiting for Your word
For I know that You’re the only one
Who can heal my every hurt.

My eyes are open, show Your face
I’m waiting for Your love
For I know that You’re the only one
Who can fix my heart up.

Open me, I’m asking You:
Take and break these chains;
Flood my heart with mercy
And blind my eyes with grace.

My hands are open, take Your glory
I was stealing it all for me
But I know that You’re the only one
Who deserves my bended knee.

My mouth is open, take Your praise
I’m tired of praising my own name
For I know that You’re the only one
Who can make that claim.

Open me, I’m asking You:
Take and break these chains;
Flood my heart with mercy
And blind my eyes with grace.
Open me, I know it’s You
Who holds a hurting heart
Drown my soul in Your love
And heal my every scar.
The weight was too much:
I despaired until I saw
I was meant to fail.
For when I try carrying,
I cannot lift as You can.
There never seems
To be enough
Seconds in a minute
Minutes in an hour
Hours in a day
When it comes to this journey called "life."
There always seems to be
Somewhere to go
Someone to see.
If it's not here, then it's there.
If it's not her, then it's them.
I frantically rush from one hour
To the next
Until there is nothing left but
Me and a hundred of thoughts,
A myriad of worries,
And a pyramid of plans.

But it's then that I take a breathe.
I take a breath
& remember You-
The Great Beginning
And the End.
For even but a moment
It is just the Father and I-
A father and his daughter.
I rest at the feet of Jesus
Like Mary once did.
There is no agenda
No rush
No need to be anywhere but here.
I am humbled by His presence for
He radiates
All that I am not.

I tell Him of my day
And the fears that have taken root:
The fear of failing,
The fear of disappointment,
The fear of not being good enough.
"It's too much!"
I cry out.
"I can't do it!
There's too many things and not enough me."
But my Father,
He tells me to list.
He tells me of how He has a plan-
A plan of joy
Not worry;
A plan of peace,
Not distress;
A plan of victory,
Not defeat.
"Child, yes, you are small,
But I am big-
Bigger than your plans,
Bigger than your hopes,
Bigger than your fears.
So take comfort in Me
When life is not at rest.
Find solace during the story
While knowing that I calm the seas."
(And Reasons Why I Have It Pretty Good)*

2. Starving people in Africa who have nothing that even resembles a stable govermnent to keep them safe and fed and alive. 

3. Couples going through divorce or recovering from divorce, and their poor children. =\

4. Drug addicts living on the streets without a family or a hope. 

5. Women and children caught up in human trafficking and slavery who have no one to save them. 

6. Would-be-mothers who cannot have children. This is heartbreaking for many women. 

7. Children abused by their own parents who then have to go through foster care and withstand the constant reminder that they do not have parents that love and care for them. 

8. People who have no hope and who believe a bottle of pills is the only way to take away their pain. Life is never a curse, and it is not one's responsibility to take when it becomes unbearable. 

9. Fathers who can't find a job in our economy and who feel like a failure because they can't support their family's needs. 

10. People who sit in a church and believe they are being good enough to go to heaven, when they've never heard the true gospel spoken to them before. 

1. And most importantly...the great number of individuals who have not heard and those who have rejected the Good News of Jesus Christ. It's nothing that I have done that makes me any different than them, but only the grace of God that I took hold of. I won't stand by while my fellow man lives on less than I do every day. I am blessed with food, a better government than many in this world, and parents who love each other and the Lord. I have a life of hope that sustains me better than drugs, a life worth living, and the financial support that only God could supply. And I have a church that preaches the gospel each Sunday and reminds me of how much I need Him. 

Lord, never let me forget Your many blessings. Self-pity, worry, and depression keep me from my true potential as Your daughter and servant. Show me how to share my blessings with others, so that I can spread Your Word to everyone I meet.
the red paint upon my nails is fading, cracking, chipping away like my once ever-flowing spirit.

i need rest; a trickling stream in a dark and quiet wood.
i need magic, the kind that tingles the under side of the ribs.
i need peace, a light, a hot bubble bath to scrape away these sensations of exhaustion and ingrained filth, which seem sewn within my marrow, and underneath my eye lids.

but, your peace, i can take it.
i can **** it in through a straw of sunlight you decided to shine upon me.
i can absorb it through a smile,
interpret it through the way a small child plays in the sand.

you are my everlasting, never-wanting peace;
a body from which contentment is drawn, and beauty is mirrored.
you are silence, a dream within a dream, of which i know is real.
truth. the purity of which deserves eternal admiration, awe, and praise.

let it be that i drink of your spirit,
inhale your light,
eat of your manna.

you, a one who is so great,
you, and only you, are my heart's desire.
My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be Your name
Your Kingdom come
and Your will be done
and as I look to the sky
I see your promise written in gold
I see the mountains and valleys
and lakes in between
I see the mansions You have built;
just for me
I see the angels standing at the top of the staircase
welcoming home new souls at the gates only read about in the written word..

and who is this God that has allowed me to see such visions?
The Father of Christ of course
The God of Abraham
the only light which shineth so bright in the darkness that not even the dark itself can comprehend
Man on earth will call me foolish,
but man of God will know what I speak is the truth
and what I've seen is
the way
and what I tell you is
the life

My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
thy Kingdom come
Your will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven
And as I walk this earth my Lord,
help me follow the footsteps of Your son
and help those souls who do not believe
to see what you have shown me
just as I've seen it
until I touch every single one
Yeah, you read that right.. I saw Heaven. Everything I described in the beginning is exactly what I saw. I wish I could get in touch with a painter so that someone could put on an easel what was revealed to me. Words just do not do any justice to the Kingdom.

(C) Maxwell 2014
The highest place a man can be is in the word or on his knee..
For there the spirit of God dwells, and by your efforts you as well.
What a site it is to see when down on ground with bended knee.
Or in the word so bright and bold, seeing how your soul was sold.
Praying for your friends far lost or reading of who died on the cross.
Up on the words God wrote for you, Up on the prayers you say for true.
High on the rock of Calvary, there the highest heights man can be.
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