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Jun 2019 · 336
Freedom in a Cage
PM Jun 2019
She opened her eyes, shielding them from the sun.
The excited chirping of robins and the cool caress of the early morning breeze woke her up, signalling the day has begun.

The green carpet of the fields lay before her, the flowers of summer boasting their bold colours as they reached up to meet the sun.

She rose. A little too quickly. The world spun around her.
The kaleidoscopic swirling settled, but her sight was still a blur.

She reached out to the world but it pushed her back,
the cage she was in showing no slack.

Her face - flooded with tears - extinguished the fire in her eyes,
as she sat back down in her cage of fears.

The sky seemed a luxury, not a limit,
for she had wings, but no clear vision of the summit.
Dec 2018 · 319
The Fifth Element
PM Dec 2018
We all know of wind, earth, water and fire,
but there is an other.


It courses in our veins through the air we breathe,
singing its tune of magic, filling us with peace.

It rages a fire in our heart,
conjuring a deepening longing, everlasting courage -  and a will to never part.

At times it falls from the sky through rain,
creating a magic shield to enclose us in.
While at times it scatters from the eyes,
binding a promise to meet again after the goodbyes.

When we are all but dust in the earth,
we are reunited by the hope of meeting again.
Hope, in love, should never be in dearth.

It is a fortunate few that find their way in,
and it is only a fortunate few that can keep it within.
The title needs a bit more work :) Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Nov 2018 · 609
Writing on water.
PM Nov 2018
Writing on paper is easy - fast and visible.
But paper tears, paper is thrown away.

Writing on the soil is easy - fast and visible.
But it can be erased, by a simple flick of the wrist.

Writing on water is hard, invisible and impossible.
Or so it seems.
To write on water, you must submerge something into it. A couple pebbles or sticks will be fit.

Live your life to the depths, never let it to brought down to be torn or erased. Submerge yourself in it, and it will always bring you to the top,
Oct 2018 · 155
A Still Soul
PM Oct 2018
The water’s still, not a ripple in sight,
It is calm and serene – with any being, it hasn’t picked a fight.
You glance in and see yourself,
Clear and sharp – one with the water itself.


A pebble is thrown and the calm shatters,
The still water hurriedly scatters.
Heat rises and steam arises,
Blocking your view – pulling down visors.
No longer can you see yourself – clear or sharp,
Nor can you hear anything, an urgent trumpet or even a gentler harp.

Your calm was shattered by a single pebble,
There will follow more – none less feeble.
Anger is the pebble and the pebble is anger,
Let you control your anger and not it you,
To let the water within you always be – clear and reflective of a happy you.
PM Sep 2018
How long does it take for a heart to heal,
when it gets broken by childhood tantrums?
Probably, a minute or two, depending on how you feel.

How long does it take for a heart to heal,
when it gets broken on your first day of school?
Probably, an hour or two, depending on how you feel.

How long does it take for a heart to heal,
when it gets broken by a passing fiend?
Probably, a day or two, depending on how you feel.

How long does it take for a heart to heal,
when it gets dismantled by the person who started its beating in the first place?
Probably, never.
Aug 2018 · 255
A split second
PM Aug 2018
A split second is all it takes,
to end life and its happiness -
however much it makes.

Be careful on the road,
for every road does not take you to your destination.

Speed is an enemy,
as much as it is a friend.
At times an angel,
at times a fiend.

Make sure you don't fall off the track earlier than you have too.

Ensure your life flashes with happiness - not in a split second before your eyes.
Be careful on the road, your life is tied with many others...
Aug 2018 · 289
PM Aug 2018
I'm surprised at the way,
that people can drink bitter coffee,
to nourish their body,
but can't swallow a bitter truth,
and nourish their soul.
Jul 2018 · 464
Unseen, Unheard
PM Jul 2018
Unseen, unheard, invisible.
Sad, alone, miserable.
Too late I have realised - these are just words.
It is time I break my bounds,
step into shoes that fit,
Thank you to those my world who have lit.
No more scared or scarred,
ready for a new dawn, my positivity unbarred.
My 50th poem here on Hello Poetry! Coming back after long, ready for a new dawn...
May 2018 · 433
Our own secret code
PM May 2018
We all have secret codes,
a double tap or double ring,
to gets our heads turning and eyes frantically searching.
Double taps are my favourite,
what's yours?
Just a lil one, inspired by a book... I'm always surprised by how some people talk with their eyes and never have to say a word....
May 2018 · 232
Do you remember?
PM May 2018
You sit on top of the empty fireplace,
an old smile lighting up your face.
I remember the day we took that picture,
We were at the beach as the sun was shining – smiling together and at each other.

You sit on top of the window seat,
Reading a book and putting up your feet.
I remember how we fought over who got to sit,
And then the attempts to see if we would both fit!

You are in the kitchen cooking up a mess,
Getting confused between mint and cress.
I remember eating your concoctions,
Hiding my disgust and trying not to laugh – then again, what were my options?

You stand in front of the mirror,
Smoothing your hair for the hundredth time – you never tire.
I remember how your hair fell across your face in the wind,
And as I smoothed it away from your face, our eyes each other would find.

I see you standing, sitting and laughing everywhere,
I blink my eyes and I see you nowhere.
That’s when I worry if you really existed, I remember everything – but with a fear,
Have you forgotten this “unbreakable” pair?
Special thanks to Mary-Elizabeth Cotton and Micrography-Mike D for helping me figure out the *Italics*!
May 2018 · 367
Sunrise and Sunset
PM May 2018
As the sun rises up behind the mountains,
touching the flowers and raising their sleepy heads,
I tilt my face towards its warmth, storing it for the day ahead.

As the sun goes back down,
the flowers bow their heads again, dull petals shielding the core,
I sit as I sat before,
and say goodbye till another day as the moon comes out,
leaving a yearning for more.
For me, the hardest part is the title - naming my poem... Well, I guess you would have worked that out by now :) A first of a trilogy I'm writing based on the sun and the moon.
May 2018 · 213
Shoot the messenger?
PM May 2018
Every day at twilight,
you arrive at my window, against the harsh winds you fight,
you drop the letter into my hands - making sure I've held it tight.
I do not know if this is childish, wrong or right,
but my jealousy for you has reached a new height.
Don't shoot the messenger they used to site,
but how can I only feel gratitude in return for this rite,
when all I want is to fly like you, underneath as the city glows bright,
fly till I reach where everyday you come from in the night,
and instead of you, it is me that he holds tight.
Just a lil one. How marvellous would it be if we could all fly and reach the person we want. As fun as carrier pigeons may be, they aren't the face you're yearning for!
May 2018 · 1.8k
PM May 2018
The number of trees in the world equal the number of rivers,
as one cannot live without the other without dying in a quiver.

The number of stars in the sky equal the number of gazers,
as the beauty of the them lies in the eyes of their admirers.

The number of creators equal the number of oppressors,
you see - every man has predecessors.

You see, the point I'm trying to make,
is that equality lies all around us in - in nature, in life.
Years ago when some tried to Mother's importance take,
they destroyed the balance of our future, leaving the ****** prints of oppression and inequality in their wake.

Open your eyes and look around,
in every place, there is the presence of patriarchy and absence of equality clearly found.

Stop this, you must,
If you cannot, carry your shoulders to someone you trust.
Although equality has been widely recognised, some places still class people as "inferior" or other such baseless allegations. Please make every effort to stop this, if nothing else, poetry and the arts are a great way to bring reform...
Apr 2018 · 237
Will they ever be cured?
PM Apr 2018
You don't stay out in the sun to cure sun burn,
You don't blast loud music to clear a head ache,
When you're ill, you don't eat anything out of turn.
And no, when you're sleepy, coffee is not what you take!

You know what to avoid when you're body's ill,
but then when it comes to matters of "heart",  your resistance is nil.
Why stay and give someone's undeserved power, a regular fill?
PM Apr 2018
Every day we utter an array of words,
"Thank you", "Sorry", "You're Welcome" or "Be careful"
But how many of these words do we actually mean
in the way that people understand them?

"Thank you" for a thousand things.
"You're welcome" for a million things.
"Sorry" for a trillion things.
"Be careful" of everything.

The next time we utter these words to somebody,
let's specify what we mean and specially specify our love in them,
because this is what they have left,
when death knocks on our doors and gets away with theft.
Inspired by a book. "I See You" by Clare Mackintosh. Funny how the inspiration for the thing I love most in the world comes from another which is second best to none. Reading is the inhale and writing - the exhale.
Apr 2018 · 223
My days...
PM Apr 2018
I can spend my days laughing and living - distracted by life's demands.

I can spend my evenings gazing into the flickering candles, letting pen touch paper and transporting myself to far away lands.

But night. Night comes uninvited, an intruder which forces me to think and drapes me with a blanket of loneliness and sadness.

Maybe I can spend my nights, but only when I'm holding your hands.
Apr 2018 · 337
The fear of losing myself
PM Apr 2018
I always felt that I belonged in the motherly embrace of words,
twisting and toying with them, until a poem forms - of sorts.

But today. Today I felt a certain sense of fear.
If I'm no longer recognised for my skill with words - my identity which I worked so hard to build,
it will be more than I can bear.
Because it's the only thing keeping me from vanishing into thin air....
I know this is ridiculous after one minor setback - but the fear was certainly there....
Apr 2018 · 329
PM Apr 2018
Taking advantage of one who is silent,
is like fighting a weaponless soldier, who is in other fields most salient.

Some may see it as 'fun',
or getting the job done,
but ultimately - just lose their self-respect in return.

So the next time your ego needs fueling,
be careful, because when angered, it's the mind not the heart that's ruling.
Apr 2018 · 377
PM Apr 2018
A cat has nine lives is something we all know,
but the number of lives a reader lives increases each time they curl up with a book and a cappuccino.

From containing the recipe to feeding your stomach with drink or grain
to containing wonders to feed your brain,
to telling you how to drive a train,
or teaching you how to avoid strain,
a book is a well of knowledge which from many things you gain.

So the next time you dream of having the wonders of the world unfurled,
you can do do it with your eyes wide open, sitting on your armchair - with a book in hand - legs curled.
I love reading, and I hope I have successfully transferred this onto the page!
PM Apr 2018
I'm stuck in this box where no one can hear me beg, scream or shout,
please, please can someone let me out?
Too short I know, but I guess my pen and my hand don't know that, all they're concerned about is capturing the feeling quickly before it evaporates and before my brain has a chance to forget.... :)
Apr 2018 · 273
Why did you change?
PM Apr 2018
Before, each time you looked at me, your face lit up with a smile.
Now, you can't seem to talk to me without breaking into a frown after a little while.

Before, you were ready to put the world at my feet to see me happy.
Now, the same you, keeps hurting my world again and again and you don't even realise that we're unhappy.

Before, we never ran out of things to talk about.
Now, it seems the only conversations that you like are the ones where we're silent and you shout.

Before, I used to think the world of you.
Now, the things I admire about you are so few.

After, when you realise my plight and want to your old self restore,
just cast your thoughts back to how you were before.
(: or :).................
Apr 2018 · 180
What they said...
PM Apr 2018
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going" they said.
Well that's not true, cause some left even before the going got tough, and took a different path from the thorn-filled one I limpingly led.

"Never look a gift horse in the mouth" they admonished.
This, was also a false tale. I only realised the mistake,
when I lay on the ground, reeling from its kick, alone and astonished.

Because, you see, as I was trying to explain to 'them' by shouting myself hoarse,
there is such a thing as a Trojan horse.
Apr 2018 · 184
Who you may be....
PM Apr 2018
I'm getting tired of guessing who you may be,
craning my neck in every crowd, hoping it is you that I see,
so could you do me a favour - as soon as I count one, two, three,
come out of my dreams and into my view, when you're free?
Apr 2018 · 184
Bare out your soul
PM Apr 2018
We sat there facing each other,
as the sun rays fell across the room in slits through the blinds.     
We were connected by a mysterious tether,
a smile playing on our lips and tranquility tresspassing in our minds.

Too shy to speak and too afraid to break the melodious silence,
we sat there, wringing our hands and stealing the odd glance.
Then, an idea shined together on both of us and broke the trance.

We picked up our pens and began to write,
Cause that was the only way we knew,
to open up and 'bare our soul' - so to cite...
A bit different from what I usually write, but when inspirations strikes - you must yield to the will of the pen and the page! :)
Apr 2018 · 172
PM Apr 2018
Does someone exist, in that big and endless universe,
who can complete my incomplete poems - every line, every verse?
PM Apr 2018
The day that I stumbled upon the wishing well,
The sun was out and the fresh spring flowers had a great smell.

The day that my life was about to change,
I was happy and looking forward to the day ahead - nothing strange.

The day I learned a great life lesson,
I believed my confidence and happiness were things no one could lessen.

The day I stumbled upon the wishing well,
I realised trust was very delicate indeed - encased in a fragile shell.

The day after I stumbled upon the wishing well,
The sun hid and the flowers fell,
And where my trust in people went.Well, No one could tell...

So you see, that day I learnt that no one does anything for free.
Wishes and the people that 'grant' them, provide only a temporary glee.
Apr 2018 · 665
An accolade:
PM Apr 2018
Your one smile drives my worries away,
a constant companion when I was little, I miss you every day.

Your voice - kind and soothing, - flows like a river of gold,
and hearing you sing never gets old!

I don't know if I've ever told you how much you mean to me,
how, even the mere thought of seeing you fills me with glee.

This, is an accolade,
an accolade to the best sister the universe has ever made.
To the best big sis in the world..

From your baby sis :) xxxxxxxx
Apr 2018 · 176
PM Apr 2018
They come in all shapes and sizes.
Just an idea or a thought - brought about by experiences or advises.

Some - like me - do not have an endless supply of ideas or a muse.
After all, we don't all have someone to look in the eye, glance into their soul and pick out something that into our poem we could infuse.
Just played around with the famous saying: "The eyes are the windows to the soul"
Apr 2018 · 199
The Never Ending Mountain
PM Apr 2018
I set off at the base of the mountain.
Knowing, that it would be no easy feat - not with all this gear on my shoulders to mount in.

But as I continued my climb, something strange began to occur.
The peak which was so clear a moment ago, now began to blur.

I halted. And I lost track.
Oh how I wish - standing alone and stranded on this mountain - that there was someone to bring me back.
Mar 2018 · 332
To aim or not to aim
PM Mar 2018
My whole life, "Aim for the stars" was what they all said.
Every other dream I had, I was told to "block it".
But when I turned around, I found that no one was ready to give away their space rocket,
so please do tell, on what path should I now tread?
At crossroads.
Mar 2018 · 193
Day of Wishes
PM Mar 2018
I don't know what miracles you have spun,
but my heart again you have won.

You've granted a wish today, and you have come none too soon,
Thank you so much to the brightest in the sky - o beautiful full moon!
A full moon night never fails to inspire!
Mar 2018 · 221
Has anyone seen my heart?
PM Mar 2018
It was here a while ago,
beating in my chest and making me glow
so then, where did it go?

I looked everywhere I could possibly think of,
under the flowerpot, in the cupboards and even behind my Mona Lisa (oh what a beautiful laugh!).

But I guess that's what happens when charming dreams you weave
and wear your heart upon your sleeve.
Mar 2018 · 231
PM Mar 2018
There was once a little bird,
who built a cage around herself,
hoping to keep safe from the cruelty brewing outside.
Little did she know, however, that what keeps things out
also keeps things in.

Then one day,
she died.

Suffocated. By all the doubts and worries which were circling in the cage,
her story ended, before it had even reached the last page.
Mar 2018 · 177
One word
PM Mar 2018
A couplet, an acrostic or a sonnet,
golden words we treasure in our hearts or in a golden locket.

Filled with praises of beauty, brain - or sometimes both,
they get hearts racing and make separation a thing to loathe.

So then, what is it about you,
that even one simple glance or word, makes my heart quicken and renders me speechless... What is this mystery, if you know the answer, can you tell me too?
Fictional. Not inspired by real events....yet. :)
Mar 2018 · 237
Small Rays of Happiness
PM Mar 2018
Always, always smile at the quiet person
standing at the back of the room.
That one smile won't be wasted -
they'll cherish it, cherish the idea that they're not invisible and not alone in their gloom...
Mar 2018 · 170
PM Mar 2018
I used to be afraid of the dark,
of monsters under my bed, teeth as big as a shark.

But now I welcome it and the dreams.
Dreams, of you. Making me smile and dividing my heart and mind into two different teams...

Oh how I wish my sleep had slowed down its pace,
so my heart could have finished unmasking your face...
Mar 2018 · 582
Why oh Why?
PM Mar 2018
It was, after all, a book
but it had kept me on an unyielding hook.

Perhaps that is why, when you died Livvy,
I found myself crying out, my heart aching and hoping that you will be happy.
Just finished reading the second book in the 'Dark Artifices' series by Cassandra Clare. Couldn't resist penning down my feelings, and anyway, Livvy deserves this and much more....
Mar 2018 · 232
A laugh...
PM Mar 2018
I never really understood,
why a laugh is adored by poets - painted as tinkling, lingering, alluring and much more.
Hope the day is near when I see somebody laughing and think, "that's the one" , "that's the laugh I adore..."
Mar 2018 · 663
PM Mar 2018
I guess I was a bit different,
lost in the realm of books and words.
Everyone else was flowing on a different current
while I was swept away by tales of brave heroes and mystical new worlds.

But, lately - in both senses of the word - I realized that,
I'm not different after all - never was at any stage.
I do belong. Belong, to the encompassing and motherly embrace of the solace i receive, when I put pen to paper and pour my heart out on to the page.
Mar 2018 · 279
PM Mar 2018
Am I really happy, independent and free,
If I'm constantly living in a world of, "maybe?"
Mar 2018 · 266
PM Mar 2018
Everything I feel proud of possessing :
my openness,
my honesty,
my discipline,
my kindness and
my skill with words - delving deep into them to find the solace I need - only seems to be improving with age.

The one thing that I deeply want and need, however, seems to be decreasing as each second ticks by - a little bit of courage.
Mar 2018 · 2.0k
PM Mar 2018
"When does a person die" a person asked another,
"When they stop breathing of course" added the other.
But I knew better.

You don't die when you stop breathing or break the "physical tether"- as it were.
You die when you're no longer able to cope,
utterly, utterly lost - in the absence of hope.
Mar 2018 · 270
A breath of fresh air
PM Mar 2018
It was suffocating in the room,
filled with people, yet still making me feel lonely and subdued with gloom.

Then, suddenly, I felt a breath of fresh air,
when I looked up, you were standing there...
Mar 2018 · 174
Three magical words
PM Mar 2018
When you saw the title, what did you think of,
standing under a star filled sky, being whispered the three magical words of love?

It's a natural reaction after all,
but my three words were different - out of the ordinary you may call.

You see, as an amateur writer and poet, I'm always vexed
about the quality of my poems,stories, and so on - until that is, someone utters the three magical words, "What happens next?"
Mar 2018 · 245
PM Mar 2018
Sweet, funny, loving, caring, patient, an epitome of motherly magnificence.
The English language may eventually run short of adjectives to describe you,
but i'm not worried - after all, what use are words when you can make out my thoughts - even from my deepest silence...
Mar 2018 · 282
PM Mar 2018
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Just loved seeing,
your smile so true!
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